
# 获取分组后取某字段最大一条记录
# 方法一:(效率最高)
select * from test as a 
where typeindex = (select max(b.typeindex) 
from test as b 
where a.type = b.type );

# 方法二:(效率次之)
a.* from test a,
(select type,max(typeindex) typeindex from test group by type) b 
where a.type = b.type and a.typeindex = b.typeindex order by a.type 

# 方法三:
select a.* from test a inner join (select type , max(typeindex) typeindex from test group by type) b on a.type = b.type and a.typeindex = b.typeindex order by a.type

# 方法四:(效率最低)
select * from
select *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY type ORDER BY typeindex DESC) as num
from test
) t
where t.num = 1



posted on 2020-01-07 16:17  JentZhang  阅读(7023)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报