

1.move constructor(移动构造函数)

2.move assignment(移动赋值)


Rule of three现在变成了Rule of five(多了上面说的两个东东)

class rule_of_five
    char* cstring; // raw pointer used as a handle to a dynamically-allocated memory block
    rule_of_five(const char* arg)
    : cstring(new char[std::strlen(arg)+1]) // allocate
        std::strcpy(cstring, arg); // populate
        delete[] cstring;  // deallocate
    rule_of_five(const rule_of_five& other) // copy constructor
        cstring = new char[std::strlen(other.cstring) + 1];
        std::strcpy(cstring, other.cstring);
    rule_of_five(rule_of_five&& other) : cstring(other.cstring) // move constructor
        other.cstring = nullptr;
    rule_of_five& operator=(const rule_of_five& other) // copy assignment
        char* tmp_cstring = new char[std::strlen(other.cstring) + 1];
        std::strcpy(tmp_cstring, other.cstring);
        delete[] cstring;
        cstring = tmp_cstring;
        return *this;
    rule_of_five& operator=(rule_of_five&& other) // move assignment
        delete[] cstring;
        cstring = other.cstring;
        other.cstring = nullptr;
        return *this;



#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
int main()
    std::string str = "Hello";
    std::vector<std::string> v;
    // uses the push_back(const T&) overload, which means 
    // we'll incur the cost of copying str
    std::cout << "After copy, str is \"" << str << "\"\n";
    // uses the rvalue reference push_back(T&&) overload, 
    // which means no strings will copied; instead, the contents
    // of str will be moved into the vector.  This is less
    // expensive, but also means str might now be empty.
    std::cout << "After move, str is \"" << str << "\"\n";
    std::cout << "The contents of the vector are \"" << v[0]
                                         << "\", \"" << v[1] << "\"\n";


After copy, str is "Hello"
After move, str is ""
The contents of the vector are "Hello", "Hello"


posted @ 2016-02-15 15:56  Jensen抹茶喵  阅读(1075)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报