
随笔分类 -  12. 技术尝鲜

Gadget,又见Gadget - 浅尝Windows Live Contacts Gadget

2006-10-08 16:43 by Jeffrey Zhao, 3128 阅读, 收藏, 编辑
摘要: 近日在Windows Live Dev里发现了一个新的Feature(其实已经出现一个多月了):Windows Live Contacts Gadget (Beta),一试之下,颇为有趣。Windows Live Contacts Gadget可能是一个创举,它能够将Windows Live Account上的联系人信息提供给任意第三方使用。任意第三方的产品可以轻易地结合这些联系人信息进行开发(后面将会看到它与Windows Live Local结合的范例)。 阅读全文

Book List Gadget for Windows Live Spaces - Usage Instructions

2006-10-08 16:30 by Jeffrey Zhao, 1229 阅读, 收藏, 编辑
摘要: An advanced book list for Windows Live Spaces. 1. The text to show can be given by the owner or from Amazon if ISBNs are provided. 2. All the texts will link to some place - if you need them to do so. 3. The format of texts can be defined by the ower by 'template'. 4. The owner can give a title to the book list. 5. The owner can set the position of images - left or right. 6. The details can be show/close by a switch for each book. 阅读全文