
似乎离新的.NET Framework还很远

2007-02-09 03:15  Jeffrey Zhao  阅读(4158)  评论(6编辑  收藏  举报


Just come off the phone chatting to Richard Costall, who besides his real job, runs the rather splendid Next Generation User Group. He mentioned he had posted up a very recent interview with Scott Guthrie that touched on Orcas, Atlas (now ASP.NET AJAX) and WPF Everywhere. In the spirit of "that would make a nice change" approach to a work day I read the transcript. The bit that stuck out for me (and arguable I should know this stuff - but I don't!) was:


"The great thing is all these cool features now, you can use Visual Studio now are target 2.0. In the previous versions of VS you had to upgrade both your framework and your tool, with Orcas, you can upgrade the tool without having to upgrade the framework and so you will be able to use a lot of these features, like the Javascript intellisence, the HTML designer, nested master pages, just using ASP.NET 2.0 today which means that developers can really start taking advantage of it immediately."

This is great news - so many early adopters we worked with on Visual Studio 2005 asked us for this capability - great to see we listened.

从上面的内容来看,很明显.NET Framework的基础(最典型的就是CLR)还是目前的2.0,离所谓的.NET Framework 4.0还比较远,不过听在ATC的朋友说,4.0也已经在筹备之中了(这可能只是谣传,不足为信,仅供参考)?所谓的ASP.NET 3.0还不见踪影,不知道这会事怎么样。倒是C#3.0和ADO.NET 3.0的消息不断,但这基本上还是会以组件的形式提供给开发者。CLR不变,其实变化都不会太大。呵呵,有时候也还是不要升级的太快为好。.NET Framework 3.0的几个组件我还没有搞清楚呢。:)