Use utl-file to operate file in Oracle

The below is about utl_file operation:

First, you should make a directory at the path that you wish:

[jeffreyxu@rat167 ~]$ mkdir test_dir

If you want anyone has the privileges read, write and execute, you can use the command to add these privileges to this directory.

[jeffreyxu@rat167 ~]$ chmod 777 test_dir 


Use sys account log in oracle, and the next commands are entered by sys

[jeffreyxu@rat167 ~]$ rlwrap sqlplus sys/111111@localhost:1522/xe as sysdba;

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Dec 7 14:35:22 2015

Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

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Oracle Database 11g Express Edition Release - 64bit Production

  Make a alias for the directory you have found

SQL> create or replace directory BLOBDIR as '/sandbox/test_dir';

Directory created.


   Add read and write privileges to the directory above on your account

 SQL> grant read,write on directory BLOBDIR to GDB;

Grant succeeded.

  Check is there this directory:

SQL> select * from ALL_DIRECTORIES;

OWNER                   DIRECTORY_NAME
------------------------------ ------------------------------
SYS                   TEST_DIR

SYS                   XMLDIR

SYS                   DATA_PUMP_DIR

OWNER                   DIRECTORY_NAME
------------------------------ ------------------------------
SYS                   BLOBDIR

  Add execute privilege to utl_file on useraccount

SQL> grant execute on utl_file to GDB;

Grant succeeded.


posted @ 2015-12-09 17:48  MorePrograms  阅读(311)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报