VisualStudio 2013 快捷键



Ctrl+Q Quick Info
Ctrl+W Extend Selection
Ctrl+E Recent Files
Ctrl+U Base Methods
Ctrl+I/F Find
Ctrl+O Open File
Ctrl+D Duplicate Text
Ctrl+G Goto Line
Ctrl+H Replace
Ctrl+J Insert Live
Ctrl+L Remove Current Line
Ctrl+B Goto Declaration
Ctrl+N Goto Everything
Ctrl+M+M Collapse Code
Ctrl+`(1-0) Goto Bookmarks
Ctrl+- Goto Last Cursor Location
Ctrl++ Select From This Cursor Location To Last Cursor Location
Ctrl+[ Goto Containing Declaration
Ctrl+; Focus In Search Solution Explorer
Ctrl+' Team Explore
Ctrl+/ Comment Current Line
Ctrl+F1 Search Online Helper
Ctrl+F3 Replace
Ctrl+F5 Start Without Debugging
Ctrl+F11 File Structure Explorer
Ctrl+F12 Goto Member of Current File
Ctrl+Del Remove Words After
Ctrl+Home/End Goto Page Home/End
Ctrl+PageUp/PageDown Goto Current Screen Home/End
Ctrl+↑/↓ Move Screent Up/Down



Ctrl+Alt+Q Show MetaData In New Window
Ctrl+Alt+E Exception Window
Ctrl+Alt+R Unit Test Session Window
Ctrl+Alt+Y Analyzer References Window
Ctrl+Alt+I Immediate Window
Ctrl+Alt+P Introduce Parameter
Ctrl+Alt+A Command Window
Ctrl+Alt+S Server Explorer
Ctrl+Alt+D Introduce Filed
Ctrl+Alt+F Code CleanUp
Ctrl+Alt+H Subtypes
Ctrl+Alt+J Surround With
Ctrl+Alt+K Call Hierarchy Window
Ctrl+Alt+L Solution Explorer
Ctrl+Alt+X Toolbox Window
Ctrl+Alt+V To 'var'
Ctrl+Alt+B Derive/Overriding Method
Ctrl+Alt+N Inline Method
Ctrl+Alt+Backspace Load Last Unclose Session
Ctrl+Alt+, Inspection Results Window
Ctrl+Alt+. Todo Explorer
Ctrl+Alt+↑/↓ Goto Prev/Next Undo
Ctrl+Alt+Insert Create File From Template
Ctrl+Alt+F1 Help Viewer
Ctrl+Alt+F12 Find Symbol Results



Ctrl+Shift+E Stack Trace Explorer
Ctrl+Shift+R Refactor This
Ctrl+Shift+T Goto Return Value's Declartion
Ctrl+Shift+U Upper The Next Charator
Ctrl+Shift+I Find
Ctrl+Shift+O Open Solution File
Ctrl+Shift+A Add New Item
Ctrl+Shift+D Document
Ctrl+Shift+F Find In Files
Ctrl+Shift+G Navigate To
Ctrl+Shift+H Replace In Files
Ctrl+Shift+L Remove Current Line
Ctrl+Shift+Z ReDo
Ctrl+Shift+C Class View
Ctrl+Shift+V Select Text To Paste
Ctrl+Shift+B Build Solution
Ctrl+Shift+N Goto File Or Folder
Ctrl+Shift+Backspace Goto Last Cursor Location
Ctrl+Shift+[/] Select More
Ctrl+Shift+,/. ZoomIn/ZoomOut
Ctrl+Shift+/ Comment Select Setion
Ctrl+Shift+Home/End Select Page Above/Below
Ctrl+Shift+PageUp/PageDown Select Screen Above/Below
Ctrl+Shift+.(Del) Delete AfterCharators
Ctrl+Shift+7(Home)/1(End) Goto Page Home/End
Ctrl+Shift+9(PgUp)/3(PgDn) Goto Screent Home/End
Ctrl+Shift+1-0 Toggle Bookmarks
Ctrl+Shift+Tab Goto Active Window
Ctrl+Shift+Space Find Similar Method
Ctrl+Shift+Enter NewLine
Ctrl+Shift+F1 Shortkey Window
Ctrl+Shift+F3 Replace In Current File
Ctrl+Shift+F7 Highlight Founds



Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T File Structure
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I Attach To IIS
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A Inspect This
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Backspace Recent Edits
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+B Goto Declaration
posted @ 2015-01-16 14:34  JefferyZh  阅读(628)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报