2011-08-25 14:04 Jeff 阅读(1004) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报
1. DKM
Use Downloadable Kernel Module projects to manage and build modules that will
exist in the kernel space.
Kernel-mode development is the traditional VxWorks method of development; all
the tasks you spawn run in an unprotected environment, and all have full access
to the hardware in the system.
A Downloadable Kernel Module that is linked into the kernel is a bootable
application that starts when the target is booted.
2.VxWorks Real-time Process Project
Use VxWorks Real-time Process projects to manage and build executables that will
exist outside the kernel space.
At run-time, the executable file is downloaded to a separate process address space
to run as an independent process. A Real-time Process binary can be stored on a
target-side file system such as ROMFS.
3. VxWorks Shared Library Project
Use VxWorks Shared Library projects for libraries that are dynamically linked to
VxWorks Real-time Process projects at run-time.
Like the Real-time Process project,
you will need to store the shared library on a target-side file system, which you can
create using a VxWorks ROMFS File System project.
4. VxWorks ROMFS File System Project
Use a VxWorks ROMFS File System project as a subproject of any other project type
that requires target-side file system functionality.
This project type is designed for bundling applications and other files, of any type,
with a VxWorks system image in a ROMFS file system.
5. VxWorks Image Project
Use a VxWorks Image project to configure (customize/scale) and build a VxWorks
kernel image to boot your target.
By adding a VxWorks ROMFS File System project
and kernel modules, applications, libraries, and data files, you can link a complete
system into a single image.
A new VxWorks Image project can be based either on an existing project of the
same type, or on a Board Support Package.
6. VxWorks Source Build Project
Use a VxWorks Source Build project to rebuild the default VxWorks libraries to
include support for products shipped with your Platform (for example,
networking products or security products).
This project is also the way to exclude
unneeded components to make the VxWorks kernel image smaller. Once you have
configured a VxWorks Source Build project to suit your needs, a VIP based on it
will include those customizations.
7. VxWorks Boot Loader/BSP Project
Use a VxWorks Boot Loader/BSP project to create a VxWorks boot loader (also
referred to as the VxWorks boot ROM) to boot load a target with the VxWorks
You can also use this type of project to copy sources for an existing BSP into
your project, then customize them without changing the VxWorks install tree.