RTP affinity
2011-08-24 12:59 Jeff 阅读(635) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报
以下代码证明: RTP affinity inherits from the task that created it.
#include "taskLib.h" int main() { while(1){ taskDelay(1); } taskSuspend(taskIdSelf()); }创建一个VIP,在usrAppInit.c中调用myroot(). myroot函数定义在文件taskcreate.c中,具体代码如下方法:
#include#if defined(PRJ_BUILD) #include "prjParams.h" #endif /* defined PRJ_BUILD */ #include #include #include "taskLib.h" int task_parent; RTP_ID rtpdemoid; int entrycl(); char *argv1; int result; void myroot (void) { char * argv1[] = {"/romfs/demo_rtp.vxe","0",NULL}; cpuset_t affinity; printf("1"); task_parent = taskCreate("jeffchen",60,0,200,&entrycl,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); printf("2"); if (task_parent == NULL) return (ERROR); CPUSET_ZERO (affinity); CPUSET_SET (affinity, 2); printf("8"); if (taskCpuAffinitySet (task_parent, affinity) == ERROR) { printf("30"); return (ERROR); } printf("4"); result =taskActivate (task_parent); printf("%d", result); printf("5"); } int entrycl(){ char * argv1[] = {"/romfs/demo_rtp.vxe","0",NULL}; printf("6"); if((rtpdemoid=rtpSpawn(argv1[0], argv1, NULL, 96, 0x5000, 0, 0))== NULL){ }; printf("7"); while(1){ taskDelay(100); } return 0; }