Signal Shading Theory?

  我们都知道图形可以Shading,利用物理几何知识去构建一个足够真实的场景;我们也有音频Shading技术,最为基础的莫过于EQ了,还有各种各样的音频效果器、润色器,让声音更加的好听。退一步来说,视觉与听觉是人接受信息的主要渠道,可是它们归根结底还是转化为神经电讯号。是不是只要是广义上的信号数据都可以被Shading呢?所以我猜想未来可能有专门的Signal Shading理论出现,从信号模式处理中分出来,专门探讨诸如视觉、听觉、嗅觉、触觉等方面的理论研究。

  再看一下Xerox Palo Alto实验室的Evolvedmachines计划

We are actively looking for brilliant researchers who want to join us in developing a new generation of neural machines capable of performing real world olfaction, visual object recognition, and sensorimotor control.   Doctoral-level academic research in for example evolutionary robotics, neuroscience, virtual reality computation, or electrical engineering are all appropriate, but the absolute requirement is that the study of synthetic neural circuitry and its application to devices is what you would do if you did not have to work.

All positions combine software development of neural simulations with participation in prototype device development.  

Active projects with team-member positions presently available:
•The simulated growth of neural circuitry
•The synthesis of a real-world neural olfactory system prototype
•The synthesis of a neural visual system for object and scene recognition
•GPU Computing



posted on 2007-06-16 15:51  Bo Schwarzstein  阅读(520)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报