Simplest Python K-Way Merging Sort|最简单的Python k路归并排序

想做这个好长时间了,因为有一篇Dreamworks的论文《Coherent Out-of-Core Point-Based Global Illumination》提到了这个,一直没时间做,于是今天抽了十几分钟搞了一下,基于Python的,非常简单。由于基于点云的GI已经毫无疑问的不会使用了,所以Weta Digital的PantaRay和Dreamworks的这些方法都会直接宣布作废,权当一个过渡阶段(从REYES到纯RT)的折中方法了。


 1 import heapq
 2 import random
 3 import threading
 5 # k threads
 6 k = 4
 8 # Generate n numbers for each thread to process.
 9 n = 10
11 def GenerateNumbers(a, b):
12     numbers = []
13     for i in xrange(n):
14         numbers.append(random.randint(a, b))
15     return numbers
17 class SortingThread(threading.Thread):
18     def __init__(self):
19         super(SortingThread, self).__init__()
20         self.numbers = GenerateNumbers(1, 100)
22     def run(self):
23         self.numbers.sort()
25 if __name__ == '__main__':
26     # Parallel sort with multiple threads.
27     #
28     sortingThreads = []
29     for i in xrange(k):
30         sortingThreads.append(SortingThread())
31     for i in xrange(k):
32         sortingThreads[i].start()
33     for i in xrange(k):
34         sortingThreads[i].join()
35         print i , sortingThreads[i].numbers
37     # Use heap to output the final sorted list.
38     # We fill the heap with several numbers firstly
39     #
40     theHeap = []
41     for i in xrange(1):
42         for t in xrange(len(sortingThreads)):
43             number = sortingThreads[t].numbers[i]
44             heapq.heappush(theHeap, number)
46     sortedNumbers = []
48     # In the while loop, people may replace the code by reading file routines.
49     # Since IO is always the bottleneck, so single thread should be enough.
50     p = 1
51     while (len(theHeap) > 0):
52         if p < len(sortingThreads[t].numbers):
53             for t in xrange(len(sortingThreads)):
54                 number = sortingThreads[t].numbers[p]
55                 heapq.heappush(theHeap, number)
56             p += 1
57         sortedNumbers.append(heapq.heappop(theHeap))
59     # Done
60     print sortedNumbers


posted on 2013-11-07 16:33  Bo Schwarzstein  阅读(1695)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报