Dinornis – Rendering your Model in Mudbox by RenderMan Directly !

从PD(Program Designer)的角度来说,我的这些工具纯粹的是为自己公司的工具找茬的——用户不需要买那么多其他产品了。可是对于CG生产流程来说,我觉得我做的还是比较有意义的。

“蒂诺尼斯”是一个渲染器连接器,主要为RenderMan流程设计。长久以来,displaced subdivision mesh渲染后是啥样一直是个比较头疼的问题。无论如何艺术家当然希望自己在Mudbox中雕刻的模型和最终渲染出来的结果相差不离,保证了基本的生产素质。可是还要来回倒腾Maya,着实麻烦。为了方便预览闲暇之余写了这个插件。一开始后台选择的是Aqsis,不过当尝试了Pixie后发现后者的速度比前者快的多多,相信官方的RPS会更加让人惊喜,可惜那个是要$8k的东西。其实这也相当于引入了Pixie进入了流程,跟Sony Pictures Imageworks一样哟。未来版本将会引入基于光线跟踪的高素质Ambient Occlusion预览与简单的Relighting。

From the aspect of Program Designer, my tools causes trouble to our Autodesk products that users do not need to buy more license. But to CG workflow, I think that my tool makes sense.

“Dinornis” is a renderer connector for RenderMan workflow. That’s a critical trouble that to make sure what artist sculped is what the renderer could give. Whatever we artist want the offline renderer will give us the similar result as they worked in sculped software. To  simplify the operation I made this plugin for Mudbox and found that Pixie has a better performance than Aqsis, we could also use offical RenderManProServer but that’s a commercial software costs $8k per license. In fact, I think this is just like Sony Picture Imageworks who involved Pixie into workflow. It will own raytracing based AO and relighting.


Source could be founded at here. For Mudbox 2010 and I am internally using 2011 :)


posted on 2010-03-28 11:13  Bo Schwarzstein  阅读(828)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报