


The Razor pipeline is:

  1. First, Razor evaluates, if present, _ViewStart.cshtml that contains only Razor statements (C# or VB) for assign Layout or other initialization, it should never have html tags inside.

  2. Then, it parse and evaluates the "View" cshtml file.

  3. Then, it parse and evaluates, if present, the Layout, and when evaluates the @RenderBody method of the cshtml layout file, replaces it with the html script resulting from evaluation of "View" cshtml file.

  4. Finally, it builds the html control graph objects of layout and view html files.

<img id="imgcode" src="@Url.Action("SecurityCode", "Agent")" />

//HTML加载完成后, Razor会先从上到下渲染变量(图片处留空),最后进入图片src的路径
            $('#imgcode').mousedown(function () {

                this.src = this.src + '?';//刷新图片

            $('#imgcode').mouseup(function () {
                $.get('@Url.Action("SecurityCode", "Agent")')
                    .done(function (data) {
                        code = data.sessioncode;
                    .fail(function (data) {
                        alert('Ajax code request fail');

public ActionResult SecurityCode()
            if (!Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                string code = CreateRandomCode(4); 
                Session["SecurityCode"] = code; return File(CreateValidateGraphic(code), "image/Jpeg");
                var CodeObject = new { sessioncode = Session["SecurityCode"] as String };
                return Json(CodeObject, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);


posted @ 2018-06-22 15:47  Jayesslee  阅读(201)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报