python 使用 paramiko 和 threading 模块 在本地windows上实现同时与多个远程Linux机子连接操作cmd命令和上传(下载)单个文件或者整个目录


  paramiko 模块, stat模块,os模块

  threading 模块 --> 实现同时与多个远程上传和下载单个文件或者整个目录

  paramiko 模块 --> 实现链接远程,传输数据

  stat中的  stat.S_ISDIR(remote_path_mode)  -->  判断远程是目录还是文件

  os中的 os.walk(path)   --> 提取本地目录中的所有文件和子目录


定义一个基础类Connection,继承 threading.Thread

 1 import paramiko, datetime, os, threading, re, stat
 4 class Connection(threading.Thread):
 6     def __init__(self, hostname=None, port=None, password=None, username=None):
 7         super(Connection, self).__init__()
 8         self.hostname = hostname
 9         self.port = port
10         self.password = password
11         self.username = username
12         self.str_host = '%s:%s' % (self.hostname, self.port)
14     def run(self):
15         pass


定义一个cmd执行类CMDThread,继承Connection. CMDThread类实例化后会处理cmd相关命令

 1 class CMDThread(Connection):
 3     def __init__(self, hostname=None, port=None, password=None, username=None, echo_cmd=None):
 4         super(CMDThread, self).__init__(hostname, port, password, username,)
 5         self.echo_cmd = echo_cmd
 7     def run(self):
 8         paramiko.util.log_to_file('MyFabric.log')
 9         ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
10         ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
11         try:
12             ssh.connect(hostname=self.hostname, port=self.port, username=self.username, password=self.password)
13             stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(self.echo_cmd)
14             res, err =,
15             result = res if res else err
16             print(, '-'))
17             print(result.decode())
18             ssh.close()
19         except Exception as e:
20             print(e)


定义一个上传文件的类PutThread,继承Connection,PutThread实例化, 先判断本地要上传的是单个文件还是整个目录,然后链接远程上传至远程指定位置.

 1 class PutThread(Connection):
 3     def __init__(self, hostname=None, password=None, username=None, port=None, local_path=None, remote_path=None):
 4         super(PutThread, self).__init__(hostname, password, username, port)
 5         self.local_path = local_path
 6         self.remote_path = remote_path
 8     def run(self):
 9         paramiko.util.log_to_file('MyFabric.log')
10         t = paramiko.Transport((self.hostname, self.port))
11         t.connect(username=self.username, password=self.password)
12         sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(t)
13         if os.path.isfile(self.local_path):
14             filename = os.path.split(self.local_path)[-1]
15             remote_file = os.path.join(self.remote_path, filename).replace('\\', '/')
16             try:
17                 sftp.put(self.local_path, remote_file)
18                 print('[*] Put dir %s success %s --%s' % (filename,, self.str_host))
19                 t.close()
20             except Exception as e:
21                 print('[*] Put file %s failed %s Err:%s --%s' % (filename,, e, self.str_host))
22         elif os.path.isdir(self.local_path):
23             local_dir_root = os.path.split(self.local_path)[0].replace('\\', '/')
24             dir_name = os.path.split(self.local_path)[-1]
25             remote_dir_root = self.remote_path
26             remote_files_path = os.path.join(remote_dir_root, dir_name).replace('\\', '/')
27             try:
28                 try:
29                     sftp.stat(remote_files_path)
30                 except IOError:
31                     print('mkdir remote dir [%s]' % remote_files_path)
32                     sftp.mkdir(remote_files_path)
33                 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.local_path):
34                     if local_dir_root:          # 这里判断输入的self.local_path是不是abspath, 然后做相应的路径字符串拼接
35                         remote_root = re.sub(local_dir_root, remote_dir_root, root.replace('\\', '/'))
36                     else:
37                         remote_root = os.path.join(remote_dir_root, root).replace('\\', '/')
38                     if dirs:
39                         for name in dirs:
40                             mk_remote_path = os.path.join(remote_root, name).replace('\\', '/') 
41                             sftp.mkdir(mk_remote_path)
42                     if files:
43                         for filename in files:
44                             local_file = os.path.join(root, filename)
45                             remote_file = os.path.join(remote_root, filename).replace('\\', '/')
46                             sftp.put(local_file, remote_file)
47                 print('[*] Put dir %s success %s --%s' % (dir_name,, self.str_host))
48                 t.close()
49             except Exception as e:
50                 print('[*] Put dir %s failed  %s Err:%s --%s' % (dir_name,, e, self.str_host))


定义一个下载文件的类GetThread, 继承Connection.GetThread实例化后,会先链接远程,判断远程下载的是单个文件还是整个目录, 然后在本地指定位置建立一个以远程hostname命名的文件夹,来存放从该远程下载的文件或整个目录

 1 class GetThread(Connection):
 2     """
 3     'local_path' must be abspath
 4     """
 5     def __init__(self, hostname=None, password=None, username=None, port=None, local_path=None, remote_path=None):
 6         super(GetThread, self).__init__(hostname, password, username, port)
 7         self.local_path = local_path
 8         self.remote_path = remote_path
10     def run(self):
11         paramiko.util.log_to_file('MyFabric.log')
12         t = paramiko.Transport((self.hostname, self.port))
13         t.connect(username=self.username, password=self.password)
14         sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(t)
15         remote_path_mode = sftp.stat(self.remote_path).st_mode     # 获取远程文件的类型st_mode
16         if stat.S_ISDIR(remote_path_mode):                         # 使用stat模块的S_ISDIR方法判断远程文件的st_mode是否是目录类型
17             all_files = get_all_files(sftp, self.remote_path)      # get_all_files函数用来从远程目录提取该目录下所有文件的路径
18             try:
19                 for remote_file in all_files:
20                     local_root_path = self.local_path + '/' + self.hostname  # 这里做一个本地路径的字符串拼接,把远程hostname拼进去,为后面建立相应的文件夹做准备
21                     remote_root_path = os.path.split(self.remote_path)[0]
22                     local_file = re.sub(remote_root_path, local_root_path, remote_file)  # 拼接好文件的完整路径
23                     root = os.path.split(local_file)[0]                                  # 这个是该文件的根目录
24                     check_dirs(root)                    # check_dirs函数用来检查该文件的根目录root是否在本地存在,如果不存在就建立该目录
25                     sftp.get(remote_file, local_file)
26                 print('[*] Get dir %s success %s --%s' % (self.remote_path,
27                                                 ,
28                                                           self.str_host))
29             except Exception as e:
30                 print('[*] Get dir %s failed %s Err:%s --%s' % (self.remote_path,
31                                                       ,
32                                                                 e,
33                                                                 self.str_host))
34         else:
35             filename = os.path.split(self.remote_path)[-1]
36             local_root_path = self.local_path + '/' + self.hostname
37             local_file = local_root_path + '/' + filename
38             check_dirs(local_root_path)    # 同上检查目录是否存在,不存在就建立目录
39             try:
40                 sftp.get(self.remote_path, local_file)
41                 print('[*] Get file %s success %s --%s' % (filename,, self.str_host))
42             except Exception as e:
43                 print('[*] Get file %s failed %s Err:%s --%s' % (filename,, e, self.str_host))
44         t.close()



 1 def get_all_files(sftp, remote_dir):
 2     """
 3     get all abspath of files in remote dir
 4     :param sftp:
 5     :param remote_dir:
 6     :return:
 7     """
 8     all_files = []
 9     if remote_dir[-1] == '/':
10         remote_dir = remote_dir[0:-1]
11     files = sftp.listdir_attr(remote_dir)          # 获取目录下的所有文件和子目录stat信息
12     for i in files:
13         file_path = remote_dir + '/' + i.filename  # 拼接完整的文件路径
14         if stat.S_ISDIR(i.st_mode):                # 用stat模块的S_IDDIR方法判断文件是否是目录 
15             all_files.extend(get_all_files(sftp, file_path)) # 如果是子目录就递归处理此目录
16         else:
17             all_files.append(file_path)            # 如果不是子目录,就把文件路径加到all_files这个列表中
18     return all_files

注意: 其中列表操作extend和append的区别,extend()的参数只能是列表,append()的参数什么都可以,具体可自行百度.


其中check_dirs 函数是在本地windows上检查目录是否存在,不存在就创建目录

 1 def check_dirs(path):
 2     """
 3     Check the root of 'path'  and create the root without existing
 4     :param path:
 5     :return:
 6     """
 7     dirs = get_dirs_path(path)[::-1]   # get_dirs_path函数用来提取一个目录的所有层级根目录路径包括自己本身的路径
 8     for i in dirs:
 9         if not os.path.exists(i):
10             os.mkdir(i)

get_dirs_path(path)获取到的是类似这样的列表['c:/Desktop/test' , 'c:/Desktop', 'c:'],  [::-1]这个是把列表顺序反转, --->['c:', 'c:/Desktop', 'c:/Desktop/test']

其中 get_dirs_path函数用来提取一个目录的所有层级根目录路径包括自己本身的路径, 类似上面的列表

 1 def get_dirs_path(path):    # 这里的path必须是abspath
 2     """
 3     gets the root directory at all levels of path(including 'path')
 4     example: 'c:/Desktop/test/' --> ['c:/Desktop/test' , 'c:/Desktop', 'c:']
 5     'path' must be abspath on windows
 6     """
 7     dirs = []
 8     if path[-1] == '/':
 9         path = path[0:-1]
10     dirs.append(path)
11     lis = os.path.split(path)   # 把根目录路径和目录名字分开,然后一层一层扒开处理直到最后出现类似这样的列表['c:', '']这个就是最终扒开的不能再扒了,再扒就进入死循环了,所以下面要在出现这个情况的时候终止递归
12     path = lis[0]
13     if lis[-1]:
14         dirs.extend(get_dirs_path(path))    # 这里也是用递归方法处理一个路径
15     return dirs



 1 def cmd_handler():
 2     hosts = get_hosts()
 3     echo_cmd = input('Enter echo cmd:').strip()
 4     obj = []
 5     for host in hosts:
 6         t = CMDThread(host['hostname'], host['port'], host['password'], host['username'], echo_cmd)
 7         t.start()
 8         obj.append(t)
 9     for i in obj:
10         i.join()
11     print('end'.center(60, '-'))
14 def put_handler():
15     transport(tag='put')
18 def get_handler():
19     transport(tag='get')
22 def transport(tag=None):
23     hosts = get_hosts()
24     while True:
25         remote_path = input('remote path >>').strip().replace('\\', '/')
26         local_path = input('local path >>').strip().replace('\\', '/')
27         if local_path and remote_path:
28             break
29         if not local_path or not remote_path:
30             continue
31     obj = []
32     for host in hosts:
33         if tag == 'get':
34             t = GetThread(host['hostname'], host['port'], host['password'], host['username'], local_path, remote_path)
35         elif tag == 'put':
36             t = PutThread(host['hostname'], host['port'], host['password'], host['username'], local_path, remote_path)
37         t.start()
38         obj.append(t)
39     for i in obj:
40         i.join()
41     print('end'.center(60, '-'))
44 def get_hosts():
45     hosts = []
46     with open('hosts_setting', 'r') as f:
47         dic = {}
48         for line in f:
49             date = line.strip().split()
50             dic['hostname'] = date[0].split(':')[0]
51             dic['port'] = int(date[0].split(':')[-1])
52             dic['username'] = date[1]
53             dic['password'] = date[-1]
54             hosts.append(dic)
55             dic = {}
56     return hosts
58 if __name__ == '__main__':
59     while True:
60         print('''
61         menu:
62             1.cmd
63             2.put
64             3.get
65             4.quit
66         ''')
67         menu = {
68             '1': cmd_handler,
69             '2': put_handler,
70             '3': get_handler,
71             '4': exit
72         }
73         choice = input('Choice handler:').strip()
74         if choice in menu:
75             menu[choice]()


有个小问题就是, 如果遇到目录里面有空的子目录,  上传可以把空子目录结构一起复制到远程,  但下载不会把空的子目录结构也复制到本地, 有需要的亲,自己可以动手写,这里就不多说了.


posted on 2017-08-16 16:09  JayeHe  阅读(743)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
