Q & A category in Prism forums, with some answers and samples of mine.

Recently, I walk around the Prism forum in CodePlex. Up to now, I find there are many valueable Q & A and admin's answer are also active, although sometimes the feedback is a little simple.
To make convenient to the fiiends all over the world, to find his interested questions, I sort all the question(over 700) and take them into 10+ categories, and with some answers and samples of mine.




      3.SL special Features

      4.RegionManager and RegionViewRegistry

      5.Module Load

      6.Weak reference

      7.Communicate with others, like WCF, RIA, 3rd party componments





      12.MVP patterns

posted @ 2009-08-03 02:20  包建强  Views(1234)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报