GRE vocabulary: Abysmal - Oust

1.     Abysmal

The condition of these buildings is abysmal.

(extremely poor or bad)


2.     Impecunious

The impecunious man is forced to eat food from the trash.

(having little or no money)


3.     Encomium

I was happy to receive the encomium of my colleagues for a job well done.

(a formal expression of praise)


4.     Fiasco

My cooking is a complete fiasco.

(a complete failure or disaster)


5.     Plod

Bill plods slowly along the path under the weight of his heavy pack.

(to walk slowly and usually heavily)


6.     Crease

There are many crease on the sheet.

(a line, mark, or ridge made by folding a substance)


7.     Abase

The wolf abase himself before the lion king.

(to behave in a way that makes you seem lower or less deserving of respect)


8.     Agog

He is all agog to eat the pizza.

(full of interest or excitement because of something)


9.     Atrophy

Alzheimer can result in brain atrophy.

(the condition of losing flesh, muscle, strength, etc. in a part of the body because it does not have enough blood)


10.  Prudish

The prudish man can’t even bear to watch people kissing on the video.

(exaggeratedly proper)


11.  Vendor

The vendor sells fruits and vegetable by the side of the street.

(a business that sells a particular type of product)


12.  Oust

The traitor was ousted from the group.


posted @ 2021-05-31 09:27  Jasper2003  阅读(49)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报