SQL 05: 查询语句


1.  最简单的查询, 查询所有字段

select * from student;

2.   查询特定的字段

select name,number from student

3.  查询符合特定条件的字段

select * from student where id = 4;

select * from student where age > 10;

select * from student where age > 10 and age <= 18;

4.  查询不连续的数据

select * from student where age=10 or age=18;

select * from student where age in (10,15,18);   选出10,15,18岁的学生

select * from student where age not in (10,15,18);  选出不是10,15,18岁的学生

5.  查询范围

select * from student where age between 10 and 18;  等于

select * from student where age >= 10 and age <= 18;


select * from student where age not between 10 and 18;

6.  like - 模糊查询

select * from student where name like '小明';  找出小明

select * from student where name like '小%';   找出小X,  小XX, 小XXX ...

select * from student where name like '小_';    找出小X 

select * from student where name like '%unity%';  找出包含unity的结果, 相反地

select * from student where name not like '%unity%';

7.  is null - 查询null

select * from student where number is null;  查询学号为null的同学 

8.  去重查询

select distinct gender from student;  结果: gender  男  女

select distinct age from student;     结果: age  12  18  15  10

9.  排序查询

selcet  * from student order by age;  按照年龄从小到大排序

selcet  * from student order by age desc;  按照年龄倒序排序

10.  gruop by - 分组查询

select gruop_concat(name) from gruop by class_id;  按照class_id 来分组, 根据name进行组拼





select class_id, gruop_concat(name) from student gruop by class_id;  按照class_id 来分组, 根据name进行组拼, 并显示class_id



 select count(id) from student gruop by class_id;  按照class_id 来分组,  通过遍历(count)学生的id, 统计每班的人数



select sum(age) from student gruop by class_id;  分别求得各班级年龄和 


 (3班的人的年龄没有输入, 因此没有被统计)

  having - 添加更多的限制条件

  select count(id) from student gruop by class_id having count(id)>=2;  只显示班级人数>=2的班级



11.  分页查询

select * from student limit 0,1;  从索引0开始, 查1个数据 

显示第pageNo页的数据, 显示pageSize个.  公式:
select * from student limit (pageNo-1)*pageSize, pageSize;


select * from student limit (2-1)*2, 2;  查询第二页的数据, 第二页显示两条数据


select * from student limit 2, 2;



posted @ 2020-08-06 18:19  Jasper2003  阅读(172)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报