Jason Shen

Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand. ---Martin Fowler

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在计算机软件领域,Layer与Tier都有”层”的意思,翻译为中文,也都是” 层”。但根据MSDN上的文章所述,这两个词的具体所指还是有
一般认为,Layer指逻辑层,如我们通常据说的”三层架构”:UI(or Presentation) Layer, Business Logic Layer,Data Access Layer。

下面是摘自Developer's Guide to EnterpriseLibrary 5 RC文档中第75页的一段话:
For simplicity, this example shows the principles of exception shielding at the level of the UI view.

The business functionality it uses may be in the same layer, in a separate business layer, or even on

a separate physical tier. Remember that you should design and implement an exception handling

strategy for individual layers or tiers in order to shield exceptions on the layer or service



下面是摘自EntLib50-combined(chm格式)文档中What Does the Exception Handling Application Block Do?

This pattern ensures that your application does not leak sensitive information, no matter what run-time or system event may
occur to interrupt normal operation. And on a more granular level, it can prevent your assets from being revealed across layer,
tier, process, or service boundaries.

posted on 2010-11-30 14:42  Jason Shen  阅读(2565)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报