随笔分类 - 英语积累
摘要:In September 1789, the government of the United States was only a few months old. George Washington was president – the nation's first. Congress was new, too. Some of the early lawmakers came to the president with a question: Would he call for a national Thanksgiving? 1789年9月,美国政府才成立几个月。乔治·华盛顿是美国第一任总统。国会也新成立不久。有些早期的议员给总统提出了一个问题:你会主张一个全国性的感恩节吗?
摘要:The United Nations weather agency says the past 10 years were likely the hottest decade since scientists began keeping records.(联合国气象机构表示,过去十年可能是自科学家开始记录以来最热的十年。)In a new report, the World Meteorological Organization, or WMO, blames the rising temperatures mainly on greenhouse gases produced by human activities.(世界气象组织在一份新报告中将气温上升主要归咎于人类活动产生的温室气体。)
摘要:收录阅读《经济学人》2009年11月26日一篇题为Suspended Animation(冬眠)的文章。这是一篇现象介绍型文章,从2008年Damien Hirst的作品拍卖大获成功的事例入手,阐述了世界艺术品市场随后由盛转衰的情况,作者最后做出评论,虽然艺术品市场陷入低迷,但需求仍在,好的艺术品有望使其复苏。