MIT 6.5830 simpleDB Lab1

Exercise 1


  • src/java/simpledb/storage/
  • src/java/simpledb/storage/




import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;

 * Tuple maintains information about the contents of a tuple. Tuples have a
 * specified schema specified by a TupleDesc object and contain Field objects
 * with the data for each field.
public class Tuple implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    TupleDesc td;   // TupleDesc describes the schema of a tuple.
    RecordId rid;   // RecordId is a reference to a specific tuple on a specific page of a specific table.
    CopyOnWriteArrayList<Field> fields; // Field objects with the data for each field.

     * Create a new tuple with the specified schema (type).
     * @param td the schema of this tuple. It must be a valid TupleDesc
     *           instance with at least one field.
    public Tuple(TupleDesc td) {
        // TODO: some code goes here = td;
        this.fields = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();

     * @return The TupleDesc representing the schema of this tuple.
    public TupleDesc getTupleDesc() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        return td;

     * @return The RecordId representing the location of this tuple on disk. May
     *         be null.
    public RecordId getRecordId() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        return rid;

     * Set the RecordId information for this tuple.
     * @param rid the new RecordId for this tuple.
    public void setRecordId(RecordId rid) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        this.rid = rid;

     * Change the value of the ith field of this tuple.
     * @param i index of the field to change. It must be a valid index.
     * @param f new value for the field.
    public void setField(int i, Field f) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        if (i >= 0 && i < fields.size()) {
            fields.set(i, f);
        } else if (i == fields.size()) {
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid field index");

     * @param i field index to return. Must be a valid index.
     * @return the value of the ith field, or null if it has not been set.
    public Field getField(int i) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        if (fields == null || i < 0 || i >= fields.size())
            return null;
        return fields.get(i);

     * Returns the contents of this Tuple as a string. Note that to pass the
     * system tests, the format needs to be as follows:
     * <p>
     * column1\tcolumn2\tcolumn3\t...\tcolumnN
     * <p>
     * where \t is any whitespace (except a newline)
    public String toString() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        Iterator<TupleDesc.TDItem> it = td.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            if (it.hasNext()) {
        return sb.toString();

     * @return An iterator which iterates over all the fields of this tuple
    public Iterator<Field> fields() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        return fields.iterator();

     * reset the TupleDesc of this tuple (only affecting the TupleDesc)
    public void resetTupleDesc(TupleDesc td) {
        // TODO: some code goes here = td;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) return true;
        if (!(o instanceof Tuple)) return false;
        Tuple tuple = (Tuple) o;
        return td.equals( &&
                rid.equals(tuple.rid) &&




import simpledb.common.Type;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;

 * TupleDesc describes the schema of a tuple.
public class TupleDesc implements Serializable {

    CopyOnWriteArrayList<TDItem> tdItems;

     * A help class to facilitate organizing the information of each field
    public static class TDItem implements Serializable {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

         * The type of the field
        public final Type fieldType;

         * The name of the field
        public final String fieldName;

        public TDItem(Type t, String n) {
            this.fieldName = n;
            this.fieldType = t;

        public String toString() {
            return fieldName + "(" + fieldType + ")";

     * @return An iterator which iterates over all the field TDItems
     *         that are included in this TupleDesc
    public Iterator<TDItem> iterator() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        if (tdItems != null)
            return tdItems.iterator();
        return null;

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

     * Create a new TupleDesc with typeAr.length fields with fields of the
     * specified types, with associated named fields.
     * @param typeAr  array specifying the number of and types of fields in this
     *                TupleDesc. It must contain at least one entry.
     * @param fieldAr array specifying the names of the fields. Note that names may
     *                be null.
    public TupleDesc(Type[] typeAr, String[] fieldAr) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        tdItems = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < typeAr.length; i++) {
            tdItems.add(new TDItem(typeAr[i], fieldAr[i]));

     * Constructor. Create a new tuple desc with typeAr.length fields with
     * fields of the specified types, with anonymous (unnamed) fields.
     * @param typeAr array specifying the number of and types of fields in this
     *               TupleDesc. It must contain at least one entry.
    public TupleDesc(Type[] typeAr) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        tdItems = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < typeAr.length; i++) {
            tdItems.add(new TDItem(typeAr[i], null));

    public TupleDesc() {
        tdItems = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();

     * @return the number of fields in this TupleDesc
    public int numFields() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        return tdItems.size();

     * Gets the (possibly null) field name of the ith field of this TupleDesc.
     * @param i index of the field name to return. It must be a valid index.
     * @return the name of the ith field
     * @throws NoSuchElementException if i is not a valid field reference.
    public String getFieldName(int i) throws NoSuchElementException {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        return tdItems.get(i).fieldName;

     * Gets the type of the ith field of this TupleDesc.
     * @param i The index of the field to get the type of. It must be a valid
     *          index.
     * @return the type of the ith field
     * @throws NoSuchElementException if i is not a valid field reference.
    public Type getFieldType(int i) throws NoSuchElementException {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        return tdItems.get(i).fieldType;

     * Find the index of the field with a given name.
     * @param name name of the field.
     * @return the index of the field that is first to have the given name.
     * @throws NoSuchElementException if no field with a matching name is found.
    public int indexForFieldName(String name) throws NoSuchElementException {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        if (name == null) {
            throw new NoSuchElementException("No filed with a matching name");

        String altName = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
        for (int i = 0; i < tdItems.size(); ++i) {
            if (name.equals(getFieldName(i)) || altName.equals(getFieldName(i))) {
                return i;
        throw new NoSuchElementException("No filed with a matching name");

     * @return The size (in bytes) of tuples corresponding to this TupleDesc.
     *         Note that tuples from a given TupleDesc are of a fixed size.
    public int getSize() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        int size = 0;
        for (TDItem it : tdItems) {
            size += it.fieldType.getLen();
        return size;

     * Merge two TupleDescs into one, with td1.numFields + td2.numFields fields,
     * with the first td1.numFields coming from td1 and the remaining from td2.
     * @param td1 The TupleDesc with the first fields of the new TupleDesc
     * @param td2 The TupleDesc with the last fields of the TupleDesc
     * @return the new TupleDesc
    public static TupleDesc merge(TupleDesc td1, TupleDesc td2) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        if (td1 == null) {
            return td2;

        if (td2 == null) {
            return td1;

        TupleDesc tupleDesc = new TupleDesc();
        for (int i = 0; i < td1.numFields(); ++i) {
        for (int i = 0; i < td2.numFields(); ++i) {
        return tupleDesc;

     * Compares the specified object with this TupleDesc for equality. Two
     * TupleDescs are considered equal if they have the same number of items
     * and if the i-th type in this TupleDesc is equal to the i-th type in o
     * for every i.
     * @param o the Object to be compared for equality with this TupleDesc.
     * @return true if the object is equal to this TupleDesc.

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        if (o == null || !(o instanceof TupleDesc)) {
            return false;

        TupleDesc tupleDesc = (TupleDesc) o;
        if (tupleDesc.numFields() != numFields() || tupleDesc.getSize() != getSize()) {
            return false;

        for (int i = 0; i < numFields(); ++i) {
            if (!tupleDesc.getFieldType(i).equals(getFieldType(i))) {
                return false;
        return true;

    public int hashCode() {
        // If you want to use TupleDesc as keys for HashMap, implement this so
        // that equal objects have equals hashCode() results
        int res = 0;
        for (TDItem it : tdItems) {
            res += it.toString().hashCode() * 41;
        return res;

     * Returns a String describing this descriptor. It should be of the form
     * "fieldType[0](fieldName[0]), ..., fieldType[M](fieldName[M])", although
     * the exact format does not matter.
     * @return String describing this descriptor.
    public String toString() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < tdItems.size(); i++) {
            TDItem it = tdItems.get(i);
            sb.append(it.fieldType.toString()).append("(").append(it.fieldName).append("), ");
        sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 2);
        return sb.toString();

对Exercise 1执行单元测试:

ant runtest -Dtest=TupleTest
ant runtest -Dtest=TupleDescTest


Exercise 2


  • src/java/simpledb/common/



package simpledb.common;


import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

 * The Catalog keeps track of all available tables in the database and their
 * associated schemas.
 * For now, this is a stub catalog that must be populated with tables by a
 * user program before it can be used -- eventually, this should be converted
 * to a catalog that reads a catalog table from disk.
 * @Threadsafe
public class Catalog {

    ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Table> tableIdToTable;
    ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer> tableNameToTableId;

     * Constructor.
     * Creates a new, empty catalog.
    public Catalog() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        tableIdToTable = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
        tableNameToTableId = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

     * Add a new table to the catalog.
     * This table's contents are stored in the specified DbFile.
     * @param file      the contents of the table to add;  file.getId() is the identfier of
     *                  this file/tupledesc param for the calls getTupleDesc and getFile
     * @param name      the name of the table -- may be an empty string.  May not be null.  If a name
     *                  conflict exists, use the last table to be added as the table for a given name.
     * @param pkeyField the name of the primary key field
    public void addTable(DbFile file, String name, String pkeyField) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        tableIdToTable.put(file.getId(), new Table(file, name, pkeyField));
        tableNameToTableId.put(name, file.getId());

    public void addTable(DbFile file, String name) {
        addTable(file, name, "");

     * Add a new table to the catalog.
     * This table has tuples formatted using the specified TupleDesc and its
     * contents are stored in the specified DbFile.
     * @param file the contents of the table to add;  file.getId() is the identfier of
     *             this file/tupledesc param for the calls getTupleDesc and getFile
    public void addTable(DbFile file) {
        addTable(file, (UUID.randomUUID()).toString());

     * Return the id of the table with a specified name,
     * @throws NoSuchElementException if the table doesn't exist
    public int getTableId(String name) throws NoSuchElementException {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        if (name != null && tableNameToTableId.containsKey(name)) {
            return tableNameToTableId.get(name);
        throw new NoSuchElementException("Table doesn't exist"); 

     * Returns the tuple descriptor (schema) of the specified table
     * @param tableid The id of the table, as specified by the DbFile.getId()
     *                function passed to addTable
     * @throws NoSuchElementException if the table doesn't exist
    public TupleDesc getTupleDesc(int tableid) throws NoSuchElementException {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        if (tableIdToTable.containsKey(tableid)) {
            return tableIdToTable.get(tableid).getFile().getTupleDesc();
        throw new NoSuchElementException("Table doesn't exist");

     * Returns the DbFile that can be used to read the contents of the
     * specified table.
     * @param tableid The id of the table, as specified by the DbFile.getId()
     *                function passed to addTable
    public DbFile getDatabaseFile(int tableid) throws NoSuchElementException {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        if (tableIdToTable.containsKey(tableid)) {
            return tableIdToTable.get(tableid).getFile();
        throw new NoSuchElementException("Table doesn't exist");

    public String getPrimaryKey(int tableid) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        if (tableIdToTable.containsKey(tableid)) {
            return tableIdToTable.get(tableid).getPkeyField();
        throw new NoSuchElementException("Table doesn't exist");

    public Iterator<Integer> tableIdIterator() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        return tableIdToTable.keySet().iterator();

    public String getTableName(int id) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        if (tableIdToTable.containsKey(id)) {
            return tableIdToTable.get(id).getName();
        throw new NoSuchElementException("Table doesn't exist");

     * Delete all tables from the catalog
    public void clear() {
        // TODO: some code goes here

     * Reads the schema from a file and creates the appropriate tables in the database.
     * @param catalogFile
    public void loadSchema(String catalogFile) {
        String line = "";
        String baseFolder = new File(new File(catalogFile).getAbsolutePath()).getParent();
        try {
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(catalogFile));

            while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
                //assume line is of the format name (field type, field type, ...)
                String name = line.substring(0, line.indexOf("(")).trim();
                //System.out.println("TABLE NAME: " + name);
                String fields = line.substring(line.indexOf("(") + 1, line.indexOf(")")).trim();
                String[] els = fields.split(",");
                List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
                List<Type> types = new ArrayList<>();
                String primaryKey = "";
                for (String e : els) {
                    String[] els2 = e.trim().split(" ");
                    if (els2[1].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("int"))
                    else if (els2[1].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("string"))
                    else {
                        System.out.println("Unknown type " + els2[1]);
                    if (els2.length == 3) {
                        if (els2[2].trim().equals("pk"))
                            primaryKey = els2[0].trim();
                        else {
                            System.out.println("Unknown annotation " + els2[2]);
                Type[] typeAr = types.toArray(new Type[0]);
                String[] namesAr = names.toArray(new String[0]);
                TupleDesc t = new TupleDesc(typeAr, namesAr);
                HeapFile tabHf = new HeapFile(new File(baseFolder + "/" + name + ".dat"), t);
                addTable(tabHf, name, primaryKey);
                System.out.println("Added table : " + name + " with schema " + t);
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            System.out.println("Invalid catalog entry : " + line);

class Table {
    private DbFile file;
    private String name;
    private String pkeyField;

    public Table(DbFile file, String name, String pkeyField) {
        this.file = file; = name;
        this.pkeyField = pkeyField;

    public Table(DbFile file, String name) {
        this(file, name, "");

    public DbFile getFile() {
        return file;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public String getPkeyField() {
        return pkeyField;



对Exercise 2执行单元测试:

ant runtest -Dtest=CatalogTest


Exercise 3


  • src/java/simpledb/storage/




import simpledb.common.Database;
import simpledb.common.DbException;
import simpledb.common.DeadlockException;
import simpledb.common.Permissions;
import simpledb.transaction.TransactionAbortedException;
import simpledb.transaction.TransactionId;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;

 * BufferPool manages the reading and writing of pages into memory from
 * disk. Access methods call into it to retrieve pages, and it fetches
 * pages from the appropriate location.
 * <p>
 * The BufferPool is also responsible for locking;  when a transaction fetches
 * a page, BufferPool checks that the transaction has the appropriate
 * locks to read/write the page.
 * @Threadsafe, all fields are final
public class BufferPool {
     * Bytes per page, including header.
    private static final int DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 4096;

    private static int pageSize = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;

     * Default number of pages passed to the constructor. This is used by
     * other classes. BufferPool should use the numPages argument to the
     * constructor instead.
    public static final int DEFAULT_PAGES = 50;

    private final int numPages;
    private final Map<PageId, Page> bufferPool = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

     * Creates a BufferPool that caches up to numPages pages.
     * @param numPages maximum number of pages in this buffer pool.
    public BufferPool(int numPages) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        this.numPages = numPages;

    public static int getPageSize() {
        return pageSize;

    public static void setPageSize(int pageSize) {
        BufferPool.pageSize = pageSize;

    public static void resetPageSize() {
        BufferPool.pageSize = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;

     * Retrieve the specified page with the associated permissions.
     * Will acquire a lock and may block if that lock is held by another
     * transaction.
     * <p>
     * The retrieved page should be looked up in the buffer pool.  If it
     * is present, it should be returned.  If it is not present, it should
     * be added to the buffer pool and returned.  If there is insufficient
     * space in the buffer pool, a page should be evicted and the new page
     * should be added in its place.
     * @param tid  the ID of the transaction requesting the page
     * @param pid  the ID of the requested page
     * @param perm the requested permissions on the page
    public Page getPage(TransactionId tid, PageId pid, Permissions perm)
            throws TransactionAbortedException, DbException {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        if (!bufferPool.containsKey(pid)) {
            DbFile dbFile = Database.getCatalog().getDatabaseFile(pid.getTableId());
            Page page = dbFile.readPage(pid);
            bufferPool.put(pid, page);
        return bufferPool.get(pid);

     * Releases the lock on a page.
     * Calling this is very risky, and may result in wrong behavior. Think hard
     * about who needs to call this and why, and why they can run the risk of
     * calling it.
     * @param tid the ID of the transaction requesting the unlock
     * @param pid the ID of the page to unlock
    public void unsafeReleasePage(TransactionId tid, PageId pid) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        // not necessary for lab1|lab2

     * Release all locks associated with a given transaction.
     * @param tid the ID of the transaction requesting the unlock
    public void transactionComplete(TransactionId tid) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        // not necessary for lab1|lab2

     * Return true if the specified transaction has a lock on the specified page
    public boolean holdsLock(TransactionId tid, PageId p) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        // not necessary for lab1|lab2
        return false;

     * Commit or abort a given transaction; release all locks associated to
     * the transaction.
     * @param tid    the ID of the transaction requesting the unlock
     * @param commit a flag indicating whether we should commit or abort
    public void transactionComplete(TransactionId tid, boolean commit) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        // not necessary for lab1|lab2

     * Add a tuple to the specified table on behalf of transaction tid.  Will
     * acquire a write lock on the page the tuple is added to and any other
     * pages that are updated (Lock acquisition is not needed for lab2).
     * May block if the lock(s) cannot be acquired.
     * <p>
     * Marks any pages that were dirtied by the operation as dirty by calling
     * their markDirty bit, and adds versions of any pages that have
     * been dirtied to the cache (replacing any existing versions of those pages) so
     * that future requests see up-to-date pages.
     * @param tid     the transaction adding the tuple
     * @param tableId the table to add the tuple to
     * @param t       the tuple to add
    public void insertTuple(TransactionId tid, int tableId, Tuple t)
            throws DbException, IOException, TransactionAbortedException {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        // not necessary for lab1

     * Remove the specified tuple from the buffer pool.
     * Will acquire a write lock on the page the tuple is removed from and any
     * other pages that are updated. May block if the lock(s) cannot be acquired.
     * <p>
     * Marks any pages that were dirtied by the operation as dirty by calling
     * their markDirty bit, and adds versions of any pages that have
     * been dirtied to the cache (replacing any existing versions of those pages) so
     * that future requests see up-to-date pages.
     * @param tid the transaction deleting the tuple.
     * @param t   the tuple to delete
    public void deleteTuple(TransactionId tid, Tuple t)
            throws DbException, IOException, TransactionAbortedException {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        // not necessary for lab1

     * Flush all dirty pages to disk.
     * NB: Be careful using this routine -- it writes dirty data to disk so will
     * break simpledb if running in NO STEAL mode.
    public synchronized void flushAllPages() throws IOException {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        // not necessary for lab1


     * Remove the specific page id from the buffer pool.
     * Needed by the recovery manager to ensure that the
     * buffer pool doesn't keep a rolled back page in its
     * cache.
     * <p>
     * Also used by B+ tree files to ensure that deleted pages
     * are removed from the cache so they can be reused safely
    public synchronized void removePage(PageId pid) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        // not necessary for lab1

     * Flushes a certain page to disk
     * @param pid an ID indicating the page to flush
    private synchronized void flushPage(PageId pid) throws IOException {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        // not necessary for lab1

     * Write all pages of the specified transaction to disk.
    public synchronized void flushPages(TransactionId tid) throws IOException {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        // not necessary for lab1|lab2

     * Discards a page from the buffer pool.
     * Flushes the page to disk to ensure dirty pages are updated on disk.
    private synchronized void evictPage() throws DbException {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        // not necessary for lab1



Exercise 4


  • src/java/simpledb/storage/
  • src/java/simpledb/storage/
  • src/java/simpledb/storage/

数据库常见的访问方式有Heap filesB-treessimpleDB使用了Heap files

HeapPage 是数据库中表的数据页,通常用于存储表中的多个记录(或称为行)。它是数据在磁盘上的物理存储单位之一,负责管理表中的数据。每个 HeapPage 包含了一定数量的记录,以及一些元数据用于管理和访问这些记录。

HeapPageId 是用于唯一标识一个 HeapPage 的标识符。它通常包含两个部分:表的标识符(TableId)和页的序号(pageNumber)。通过 HeapPageId,我们可以准确定位到数据库中的某个特定的数据页。

RecordId 则是用于唯一标识一个记录(或行)的标识符。它包含了一个 HeapPageId,用于指示记录所在的数据页,以及记录在该数据页中的偏移量(tupleNo)。通过 RecordId,我们可以唯一地标识和定位数据库中的某个记录。

每个表有一个HeapFile,一个HeapFile包含一组HeapPage,每个HeapPageBufferPool.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE个字节组成,并被划分为一组槽位,每个槽位可以放一个元组。此外,每个HeapPage还会包含一个位图作为头,每一位标识每个槽位,为1则元组有效,否则为0(例如不存在或者被删除)。page存储在buffer pool中,但是由HeapFile来读写。

因此,假设每个元组的大小为tuple size个字节,那么加上位图中的一位,在page中就需要tuple size * 8 + 1的空间。因此每个page中的元组数量为(floor向下取整):

tuples per page = floor((page size * 8) / (tuple size * 8 + 1))


header bytes = ceiling(tuples per page / 8)





import java.util.Objects;

 * Unique identifier for HeapPage objects.
public class HeapPageId implements PageId {

    private int tableId;
    private int pgNo;

     * Constructor. Create a page id structure for a specific page of a
     * specific table.
     * @param tableId The table that is being referenced
     * @param pgNo    The page number in that table.
    public HeapPageId(int tableId, int pgNo) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        this.tableId = tableId;
        this.pgNo = pgNo;

     * @return the table associated with this PageId
    public int getTableId() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        return tableId;

     * @return the page number in the table getTableId() associated with
     *         this PageId
    public int getPageNumber() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        return pgNo;

     * @return a hash code for this page, represented by a combination of
     *         the table number and the page number (needed if a PageId is used as a
     *         key in a hash table in the BufferPool, for example.)
     * @see BufferPool
    public int hashCode() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        return Objects.hash(getPageNumber(), getTableId());

     * Compares one PageId to another.
     * @param o The object to compare against (must be a PageId)
     * @return true if the objects are equal (e.g., page numbers and table
     *         ids are the same)
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        if (!(o instanceof HeapPageId))
            return false;
        HeapPageId other = (HeapPageId) o;
        if (this.getPageNumber() == other.getPageNumber() && this.getTableId() == other.getTableId())
            return true;
        return false;

     * Return a representation of this object as an array of
     * integers, for writing to disk.  Size of returned array must contain
     * number of integers that corresponds to number of args to one of the
     * constructors.
    public int[] serialize() {
        int[] data = new int[2];

        data[0] = getTableId();
        data[1] = getPageNumber();

        return data;





import simpledb.common.Catalog;
import simpledb.common.Database;
import simpledb.common.DbException;
import simpledb.common.Debug;
import simpledb.transaction.TransactionId;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

 * Each instance of HeapPage stores data for one page of HeapFiles and
 * implements the Page interface that is used by BufferPool.
 * @see HeapFile
 * @see BufferPool
public class HeapPage implements Page {

    final HeapPageId pid;
    final TupleDesc td;
    final byte[] header;
    final Tuple[] tuples;
    final int numSlots;

    byte[] oldData;
    private final Byte oldDataLock = (byte) 0;

     * Create a HeapPage from a set of bytes of data read from disk.
     * The format of a HeapPage is a set of header bytes indicating
     * the slots of the page that are in use, some number of tuple slots.
     * Specifically, the number of tuples is equal to: <p>
     * floor((BufferPool.getPageSize()*8) / (tuple size * 8 + 1))
     * <p> where tuple size is the size of tuples in this
     * database table, which can be determined via {@link Catalog#getTupleDesc}.
     * The number of 8-bit header words is equal to:
     * <p>
     * ceiling(no. tuple slots / 8)
     * <p>
     * @see Database#getCatalog
     * @see Catalog#getTupleDesc
     * @see BufferPool#getPageSize()
    public HeapPage(HeapPageId id, byte[] data) throws IOException { = id; = Database.getCatalog().getTupleDesc(id.getTableId());
        this.numSlots = getNumTuples();
        DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data));

        // allocate and read the header slots of this page
        header = new byte[getHeaderSize()];
        for (int i = 0; i < header.length; i++)
            header[i] = dis.readByte();

        tuples = new Tuple[numSlots];
        try {
            // allocate and read the actual records of this page
            for (int i = 0; i < tuples.length; i++)
                tuples[i] = readNextTuple(dis, i);
        } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {


     * Retrieve the number of tuples on this page.
     * @return the number of tuples on this page
    private int getNumTuples() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        return (BufferPool.getPageSize() * 8) / (td.getSize() * 8 + 1);


     * Computes the number of bytes in the header of a page in a HeapFile with each tuple occupying tupleSize bytes
     * @return the number of bytes in the header of a page in a HeapFile with each tuple occupying tupleSize bytes
    private int getHeaderSize() {

        // TODO: some code goes here
        return (int) Math.ceil((double) getNumTuples() / 8);


     * Return a view of this page before it was modified
     * -- used by recovery
    public HeapPage getBeforeImage() {
        try {
            byte[] oldDataRef = null;
            synchronized (oldDataLock) {
                oldDataRef = oldData;
            return new HeapPage(pid, oldDataRef);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            //should never happen -- we parsed it OK before!
        return null;

    public void setBeforeImage() {
        synchronized (oldDataLock) {
            oldData = getPageData().clone();

     * @return the PageId associated with this page.
    public HeapPageId getId() {
        // TODO: some code goes here

     * Suck up tuples from the source file.
    private Tuple readNextTuple(DataInputStream dis, int slotId) throws NoSuchElementException {
        // if associated bit is not set, read forward to the next tuple, and
        // return null.
        if (!isSlotUsed(slotId)) {
            for (int i = 0; i < td.getSize(); i++) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new NoSuchElementException("error reading empty tuple");
            return null;

        // read fields in the tuple
        Tuple t = new Tuple(td);
        RecordId rid = new RecordId(pid, slotId);
        try {
            for (int j = 0; j < td.numFields(); j++) {
                Field f = td.getFieldType(j).parse(dis);
                t.setField(j, f);
        } catch (java.text.ParseException e) {
            throw new NoSuchElementException("parsing error!");

        return t;

     * Generates a byte array representing the contents of this page.
     * Used to serialize this page to disk.
     * <p>
     * The invariant here is that it should be possible to pass the byte
     * array generated by getPageData to the HeapPage constructor and
     * have it produce an identical HeapPage object.
     * @return A byte array correspond to the bytes of this page.
     * @see #HeapPage
    public byte[] getPageData() {
        int len = BufferPool.getPageSize();
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(len);
        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos);

        // create the header of the page
        for (byte b : header) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // this really shouldn't happen

        // create the tuples
        for (int i = 0; i < tuples.length; i++) {

            // empty slot
            if (!isSlotUsed(i)) {
                for (int j = 0; j < td.getSize(); j++) {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {


            // non-empty slot
            for (int j = 0; j < td.numFields(); j++) {
                Field f = tuples[i].getField(j);
                try {

                } catch (IOException e) {

        // padding
        int zerolen = BufferPool.getPageSize() - (header.length + td.getSize() * tuples.length); //- numSlots * td.getSize();
        byte[] zeroes = new byte[zerolen];
        try {
            dos.write(zeroes, 0, zerolen);
        } catch (IOException e) {

        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return baos.toByteArray();

     * Static method to generate a byte array corresponding to an empty
     * HeapPage.
     * Used to add new, empty pages to the file. Passing the results of
     * this method to the HeapPage constructor will create a HeapPage with
     * no valid tuples in it.
     * @return The returned ByteArray.
    public static byte[] createEmptyPageData() {
        int len = BufferPool.getPageSize();
        return new byte[len]; //all 0

     * Delete the specified tuple from the page; the corresponding header bit should be updated to reflect
     * that it is no longer stored on any page.
     * @param t The tuple to delete
     * @throws DbException if this tuple is not on this page, or tuple slot is
     *                     already empty.
    public void deleteTuple(Tuple t) throws DbException {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        // not necessary for lab1

     * Adds the specified tuple to the page;  the tuple should be updated to reflect
     * that it is now stored on this page.
     * @param t The tuple to add.
     * @throws DbException if the page is full (no empty slots) or tupledesc
     *                     is mismatch.
    public void insertTuple(Tuple t) throws DbException {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        // not necessary for lab1

     * Marks this page as dirty/not dirty and record that transaction
     * that did the dirtying
    public void markDirty(boolean dirty, TransactionId tid) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        // not necessary for lab1

     * Returns the tid of the transaction that last dirtied this page, or null if the page is not dirty
    public TransactionId isDirty() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        // Not necessary for lab1
        return null;      

     * Returns the number of unused (i.e., empty) slots on this page.
    public int getNumUnusedSlots() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        int cnt = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < numSlots; ++i) {
            if (!isSlotUsed(i)) {
        return cnt;

     * Returns true if associated slot on this page is filled.
    public boolean isSlotUsed(int i) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        int iTh = i / 8;
        int bitTh = i % 8;
        int onBit = (header[iTh] >> bitTh) & 1;
        return onBit == 1;

     * Abstraction to fill or clear a slot on this page.
    private void markSlotUsed(int i, boolean value) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        // not necessary for lab1

     * @return an iterator over all tuples on this page (calling remove on this iterator throws an UnsupportedOperationException)
     *         (note that this iterator shouldn't return tuples in empty slots!)
    public Iterator<Tuple> iterator() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        List<Tuple> tupleList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < numSlots; ++i) {
            if (isSlotUsed(i)) {
        return tupleList.iterator();






 * A RecordId is a reference to a specific tuple on a specific page of a
 * specific table.
public class RecordId implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private PageId pid;   // page id
    private int tupleNo;    // tuple number within the page.

     * Creates a new RecordId referring to the specified PageId and tuple
     * number.
     * @param pid     the pageid of the page on which the tuple resides
     * @param tupleno the tuple number within the page.
    public RecordId(PageId pid, int tupleno) {
        // TODO: some code goes here = pid;
        this.tupleNo = tupleno;

     * @return the tuple number this RecordId references.
    public int getTupleNumber() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        return tupleNo;

     * @return the page id this RecordId references.
    public PageId getPageId() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        return pid;

     * Two RecordId objects are considered equal if they represent the same
     * tuple.
     * @return True if this and o represent the same tuple
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        if (!(o instanceof RecordId)) {
            return false;
        RecordId other = (RecordId) o;
        return && this.tupleNo == other.getTupleNumber();

     * You should implement the hashCode() so that two equal RecordId instances
     * (with respect to equals()) have the same hashCode().
     * @return An int that is the same for equal RecordId objects.
    public int hashCode() {
        final int prime = 31;
        int result = 1;
        result = prime * result + pid.getTableId();
        result = prime * result + pid.getPageNumber();
        result = prime * result + tupleNo;
        return result;

对Exercise 4执行单元测试:

ant runtest -Dtest=HeapPageIdTest
ant runtest -Dtest=RecordIDTest
ant runtest -Dtest=HeapPageReadTest


Exercise 5


  • src/java/simpledb/storage/

HeapFile就是DbFile用堆结构的具体实现了,一个HeapFile属于一张表,包含多个页,会在使用时加载到buffer pool中。



import simpledb.common.Database;
import simpledb.common.DbException;
import simpledb.common.Debug;
import simpledb.common.Permissions;
import simpledb.transaction.TransactionAbortedException;
import simpledb.transaction.TransactionId;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

 * HeapFile is an implementation of a DbFile that stores a collection of tuples
 * in no particular order. Tuples are stored on pages, each of which is a fixed
 * size, and the file is simply a collection of those pages. HeapFile works
 * closely with HeapPage. The format of HeapPages is described in the HeapPage
 * constructor.
 * @author Sam Madden
 * @see HeapPage#HeapPage
public class HeapFile implements DbFile {

    private final File file;
    private final TupleDesc tupleDesc;

    private static final class HeapFileIterator implements DbFileIterator {
        private final TransactionId tid;
        private final HeapFile heapFile;
        private Iterator<Tuple> tupleIterator;
        private int currentPageNo;

        public HeapFileIterator(TransactionId tid, HeapFile heapFile) {
            this.tid = tid;
            this.heapFile = heapFile;

        public void open() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {
            currentPageNo = 0;
            tupleIterator = getTupleIterator(currentPageNo);

        private Iterator<Tuple> getTupleIterator(int pageNo) throws TransactionAbortedException, DbException {
            if (pageNo >= 0 && pageNo < heapFile.numPages()) {
                HeapPageId pid = new HeapPageId(heapFile.getId(), pageNo);
                HeapPage page = (HeapPage) Database.getBufferPool().getPage(tid, pid, Permissions.READ_ONLY);
                return page.iterator();
            } else {
                throw new DbException(String.format("heapFile %d doesn't exist in page[%d]", pageNo, heapFile.getId()));

        public boolean hasNext() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {
            if (tupleIterator == null) {
                return false;
            if (tupleIterator.hasNext()) {
                return true;
            if (currentPageNo < heapFile.numPages() - 1) {
                tupleIterator = getTupleIterator(currentPageNo);
                return tupleIterator.hasNext();
            return false;

        public Tuple next() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {
            if (tupleIterator == null || !tupleIterator.hasNext()) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException();

        public void rewind() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {

        public void close() {
            tupleIterator = null;
            currentPageNo = 0;

     * Constructs a heap file backed by the specified file.
     * @param f the file that stores the on-disk backing store for this heap
     *          file.
    public HeapFile(File f, TupleDesc td) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        this.file = f;
        this.tupleDesc = td;

     * Returns the File backing this HeapFile on disk.
     * @return the File backing this HeapFile on disk.
    public File getFile() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        return file;

     * Returns an ID uniquely identifying this HeapFile. Implementation note:
     * you will need to generate this tableid somewhere to ensure that each
     * HeapFile has a "unique id," and that you always return the same value for
     * a particular HeapFile. We suggest hashing the absolute file name of the
     * file underlying the heapfile, i.e. f.getAbsoluteFile().hashCode().
     * @return an ID uniquely identifying this HeapFile.
    public int getId() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        return file.getAbsoluteFile().hashCode();

     * Returns the TupleDesc of the table stored in this DbFile.
     * @return TupleDesc of this DbFile.
    public TupleDesc getTupleDesc() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        return this.tupleDesc;

    // see for javadocs
    public Page readPage(PageId pid) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        int tableId = pid.getTableId();
        int pageNo = pid.getPageNumber();
        int offset = pageNo * BufferPool.getPageSize();
        RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile = null;

        try {
            randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");
            if ((long) (pageNo + 1) * BufferPool.getPageSize() > randomAccessFile.length()) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("pageNo is out of file length");
            byte[] data = new byte[BufferPool.getPageSize()];
            int read =, 0, BufferPool.getPageSize());
            if (read != BufferPool.getPageSize()) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("read page failed");
            HeapPageId id = new HeapPageId(pid.getTableId(), pid.getPageNumber());
            return new HeapPage(id, data);
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } finally {
            try {
                if (randomAccessFile != null) {
            } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("read page failed");

    // see for javadocs
    public void writePage(Page page) throws IOException {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        // not necessary for lab1

     * Returns the number of pages in this HeapFile.
    public int numPages() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        return (int) Math.floor(getFile().length() * 1.0 / BufferPool.getPageSize());

    // see for javadocs
    public List<Page> insertTuple(TransactionId tid, Tuple t)
            throws DbException, IOException, TransactionAbortedException {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        return null;
        // not necessary for lab1

    // see for javadocs
    public List<Page> deleteTuple(TransactionId tid, Tuple t) throws DbException,
            TransactionAbortedException {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        return null;
        // not necessary for lab1

    // see for javadocs
    public DbFileIterator iterator(TransactionId tid) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        return new HeapFileIterator(tid, this);



  • 封装性:内部类可以访问外部类的所有成员(包括私有成员)。这样,HeapFileIterator可以直接访问HeapFile的成员变量和方法,而无需通过getter或setter。这使得代码更简洁,更易于维护。
  • 增强代码的可读性和组织性:HeapFileIterator是专门为HeapFile服务的,将其定义为内部类可以更清楚地表明这种关系,并将相关的代码放在一起,提高代码的可读性和组织性。
  • 增加代码的灵活性:内部类可以独立于外部类而变化,这使得编写可维护的代码更为灵活。例如,如果只有HeapFileIterator需要改变,那么可以只修改这个内部类,而不会影响到HeapFile。


  • seek(long pos):将文件指针设置到文件的指定位置。
  • read(byte[] b):从当前文件指针位置开始读取数据到字节数组。
  • write(byte[] b):将字节数组的数据写入到当前文件指针位置。
  • length():返回文件的长度。
  • close():关闭这个随机访问文件流并释放任何系统资源与之关联。

对Exercise 5执行单元测试:

ant runtest -Dtest=HeapFileReadTest 


Exercise 6


  • src/java/simpledb/execution/



package simpledb.execution;

import simpledb.common.Database;
import simpledb.common.DbException;
import simpledb.common.Type;
import simpledb.transaction.TransactionAbortedException;
import simpledb.transaction.TransactionId;

import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

 * SeqScan is an implementation of a sequential scan access method that reads
 * each tuple of a table in no particular order (e.g., as they are laid out on
 * disk).
public class SeqScan implements OpIterator {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private final TransactionId tid;
    private int tableId;
    private String tableAlias;
    private DbFileIterator iterator;

     * Creates a sequential scan over the specified table as a part of the
     * specified transaction.
     * @param tid        The transaction this scan is running as a part of.
     * @param tableid    the table to scan.
     * @param tableAlias the alias of this table (needed by the parser); the returned
     *                   tupleDesc should have fields with name tableAlias.fieldName
     *                   (note: this class is not responsible for handling a case where
     *                   tableAlias or fieldName are null. It shouldn't crash if they
     *                   are, but the resulting name can be null.fieldName,
     *                   tableAlias.null, or null.null).
    public SeqScan(TransactionId tid, int tableid, String tableAlias) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        this.tid = tid;
        this.tableId = tableid;
        this.tableAlias = tableAlias;

     * @return return the table name of the table the operator scans. This should
     *         be the actual name of the table in the catalog of the database
    public String getTableName() {
        return Database.getCatalog().getTableName(tableId);

     * @return Return the alias of the table this operator scans.
    public String getAlias() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        return this.tableAlias;

     * Reset the tableid, and tableAlias of this operator.
     * @param tableid    the table to scan.
     * @param tableAlias the alias of this table (needed by the parser); the returned
     *                   tupleDesc should have fields with name tableAlias.fieldName
     *                   (note: this class is not responsible for handling a case where
     *                   tableAlias or fieldName are null. It shouldn't crash if they
     *                   are, but the resulting name can be null.fieldName,
     *                   tableAlias.null, or null.null).
    public void reset(int tableid, String tableAlias) {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        this.tableId = tableid;
        this.tableAlias = tableAlias;

    public SeqScan(TransactionId tid, int tableId) {
        this(tid, tableId, Database.getCatalog().getTableName(tableId));

    public void open() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        iterator = Database.getCatalog().getDatabaseFile(tableId).iterator(tid);;

     * Returns the TupleDesc with field names from the underlying HeapFile,
     * prefixed with the tableAlias string from the constructor. This prefix
     * becomes useful when joining tables containing a field(s) with the same
     * name.  The alias and name should be separated with a "." character
     * (e.g., "alias.fieldName").
     * @return the TupleDesc with field names from the underlying HeapFile,
     *         prefixed with the tableAlias string from the constructor.
    public TupleDesc getTupleDesc() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        TupleDesc oldDesc = Database.getCatalog().getTupleDesc(tableId);
        String[] names = new String[oldDesc.numFields()];
        Type[] types = new Type[oldDesc.numFields()];
        for (int i = 0; i < oldDesc.numFields(); ++i) {
            names[i] = getAlias() + "." + oldDesc.getFieldName(i);
            types[i] = oldDesc.getFieldType(i);
        return new TupleDesc(types, names);

    public boolean hasNext() throws TransactionAbortedException, DbException {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        if (iterator != null) {
            return iterator.hasNext();
        return false;

    public Tuple next() throws NoSuchElementException,
            TransactionAbortedException, DbException {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        if (iterator == null) {
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        Tuple t =;
        if (t == null) {
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        return t;

    public void close() {
        // TODO: some code goes here
        iterator = null;

    public void rewind() throws DbException, NoSuchElementException,
            TransactionAbortedException {
        // TODO: some code goes here

对Exercise 6执行单元测试,注意是系统测试:

ant runsystest -Dtest=ScanTest


A simple test

src/java/simpledb/目录下新建test.java文件,功能相当于SELECT * FROM some_data_file,内容是实验手册给出的,需要添加一些import:

package simpledb;

import simpledb.common.Database;
import simpledb.common.Type;
import simpledb.execution.SeqScan;
import simpledb.transaction.TransactionId;

public class test {

    public static void main(String[] argv) {

        // construct a 3-column table schema
        Type types[] = new Type[]{ Type.INT_TYPE, Type.INT_TYPE, Type.INT_TYPE };
        String names[] = new String[]{ "field0", "field1", "field2" };
        TupleDesc descriptor = new TupleDesc(types, names);

        // create the table, associate it with some_data_file.dat
        // and tell the catalog about the schema of this table.
        HeapFile table1 = new HeapFile(new File("some_data_file.dat"), descriptor);
        Database.getCatalog().addTable(table1, "test");

        // construct the query: we use a simple SeqScan, which spoonfeeds
        // tuples via its iterator.
        TransactionId tid = new TransactionId();
        SeqScan f = new SeqScan(tid, table1.getId());

        try {
            // and run it
            while (f.hasNext()) {
                Tuple tup =;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println ("Exception : " + e);







java -jar dist/simpledb.jar convert some_data_file.txt 3


java -classpath dist/simpledb.jar simpledb.test


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