# "Tw" is the total time in milliseconds spent waiting in the various queues
# "Tc" is the total time in milliseconds spent waiting for the connection to establish to the final server, including retries
# "Tt" is the total time in milliseconds elapsed between the accept and the last close
# "Tr" is the total time in milliseconds spent waiting for the server to send a full HTTP response, not counting data
# "Ta" is the time the request remained active in HAProxy, It covers all possible processing except the handshake (see Th) and idle time (see Ti)
%ac | actconn | numeric
%fc | feconn (frontend concurrent connections) | numeric
%bc | beconn (backend concurrent connections) | numeric
%sc | srv_conn (server concurrent connections) | numeric
%rc | retries | numeric 重试次数
%sq | srv_queue | numeric
%bq | backend_queue | numeric
%ci | client_ip (accepted address) | IP
%cp | client_port (accepted address) | numeric
%tw “Tw”是在各种队列中等待的总时间,以毫秒为单位
%B | bytes_read (from server to client) | numeric
%ST | status_code | numeric
%r | http_request | string
%ts | termination_state | string