ANSI color codes


int main() {
printf("Hello, World!\n");
printf("Hello, World2!\n");
return 0;

Pueblo/UE supports a wide range of ANSI color codes. This is a list of those codes currently supported by Pueblo/UE, together with which client version they were introduced in. If the version is shown as "--", then it was introduced in version 2.01 or earlier (exact information is not available).


An ANSI code is sent by the world by sending an escape character (ESC, ASCII value 27) followed by the appropriate code sequence:




reset; clears all colors and styles (to white on black)



bold on (see below)



italics on



underline on



inverse on; reverses foreground & background colors



strikethrough on



bold off (see below)



italics off



underline off



inverse off



strikethrough off



set foreground color to black



set foreground color to red



set foreground color to green



set foreground color to yellow



set foreground color to blue



set foreground color to magenta (purple)



set foreground color to cyan



set foreground color to white



set foreground color to default (white)



set background color to black



set background color to red



set background color to green



set background color to yellow



set background color to blue



set background color to magenta (purple)



set background color to cyan



set background color to white



set background color to default (black)

posted @ 2021-11-19 15:20  zJanly  阅读(101)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报