

gm 0015 

// RFC 3279, 2.3 Public Key Algorithms
// pkcs-1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::== { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840)
// rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1) 1 }
// rsaEncryption OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::== { pkcs1-1 1 }
// id-dsa OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::== { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840)
// x9-57(10040) x9cm(4) 1 }
// RFC 5480, 2.1.1 Unrestricted Algorithm Identifier and Parameters
// id-ecPublicKey OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
// iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) ansi-X9-62(10045) keyType(2) 1 }

oidPublicKeyRSA     = asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 1, 1}
oidPublicKeyDSA = asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 2, 840, 10040, 4, 1}
oidPublicKeyECDSA = asn1.ObjectIdentifier{1, 2, 840, 10045, 2, 1}

var attributeTypeNames = map[string]string{
"": "C",
"": "O",
"": "OU",
"": "CN",
"": "L",
"": "ST",
"": "STREET",

if len(t) == 4 && t[0] == 2 && t[1] == 5 && t[2] == 4 {
switch t[3] {
case 3:
n.CommonName = value
case 5:
n.SerialNumber = value
case 6:
n.Country = append(n.Country, value)
case 7:
n.Locality = append(n.Locality, value)
case 8:
n.Province = append(n.Province, value)
case 9:
n.StreetAddress = append(n.StreetAddress, value)
case 10:
n.Organization = append(n.Organization, value)
case 11:
n.OrganizationalUnit = append(n.OrganizationalUnit, value)
case 17:
n.PostalCode = append(n.PostalCode, value)

x509.ParseCertificate(cert.Certificate[0]) //Bytes
type certificate struct {
   Raw                asn1.RawContent
TBSCertificate tbsCertificate
SignatureAlgorithm pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier
SignatureValue asn1.BitString

type tbsCertificate struct {
Raw asn1.RawContent
Version int `asn1:"optional,explicit,default:0,tag:0"`
SerialNumber *big.Int
SignatureAlgorithm pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier
Issuer asn1.RawValue
Validity validity
Subject asn1.RawValue
PublicKey publicKeyInfo
UniqueId asn1.BitString `asn1:"optional,tag:1"`
SubjectUniqueId asn1.BitString `asn1:"optional,tag:2"`
Extensions []pkix.Extension `asn1:"optional,explicit,tag:3"`
asn1.Unmarshal(asn1Data, &cert)




type Certificate struct {
Raw []byte // Complete ASN.1 DER content (certificate, signature algorithm and signature).
RawTBSCertificate []byte // Certificate part of raw ASN.1 DER content.
RawSubjectPublicKeyInfo []byte // DER encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo.
RawSubject []byte // DER encoded Subject
RawIssuer []byte // DER encoded Issuer

Signature []byte
SignatureAlgorithm SignatureAlgorithm

PublicKeyAlgorithm PublicKeyAlgorithm
PublicKey interface{}

Version int
SerialNumber *big.Int
Issuer pkix.Name
Subject pkix.Name
NotBefore, NotAfter time.Time // Validity bounds.
KeyUsage KeyUsage

// Extensions contains raw X.509 extensions. When parsing certificates,
// this can be used to extract non-critical extensions that are not
// parsed by this package. When marshaling certificates, the Extensions
// field is ignored, see ExtraExtensions.
Extensions []pkix.Extension

// ExtraExtensions contains extensions to be copied, raw, into any
// marshaled certificates. Values override any extensions that would
// otherwise be produced based on the other fields. The ExtraExtensions
// field is not populated when parsing certificates, see Extensions.
ExtraExtensions []pkix.Extension

// UnhandledCriticalExtensions contains a list of extension IDs that
// were not (fully) processed when parsing. Verify will fail if this
// slice is non-empty, unless verification is delegated to an OS
// library which understands all the critical extensions.
// Users can access these extensions using Extensions and can remove
// elements from this slice if they believe that they have been
// handled.
UnhandledCriticalExtensions []asn1.ObjectIdentifier

ExtKeyUsage []ExtKeyUsage // Sequence of extended key usages.
UnknownExtKeyUsage []asn1.ObjectIdentifier // Encountered extended key usages unknown to this package.

// BasicConstraintsValid indicates whether IsCA, MaxPathLen,
// and MaxPathLenZero are valid.
BasicConstraintsValid bool
IsCA bool

// MaxPathLen and MaxPathLenZero indicate the presence and
// value of the BasicConstraints' "pathLenConstraint".
// When parsing a certificate, a positive non-zero MaxPathLen
// means that the field was specified, -1 means it was unset,
// and MaxPathLenZero being true mean that the field was
// explicitly set to zero. The case of MaxPathLen==0 with MaxPathLenZero==false
// should be treated equivalent to -1 (unset).
// When generating a certificate, an unset pathLenConstraint
// can be requested with either MaxPathLen == -1 or using the
// zero value for both MaxPathLen and MaxPathLenZero.
MaxPathLen int
// MaxPathLenZero indicates that BasicConstraintsValid==true
// and MaxPathLen==0 should be interpreted as an actual
// maximum path length of zero. Otherwise, that combination is
// interpreted as MaxPathLen not being set.
MaxPathLenZero bool

SubjectKeyId []byte
AuthorityKeyId []byte

// RFC 5280, (Authority Information Access)
OCSPServer []string
IssuingCertificateURL []string

// Subject Alternate Name values. (Note that these values may not be valid
// if invalid values were contained within a parsed certificate. For
// example, an element of DNSNames may not be a valid DNS domain name.)
DNSNames []string
EmailAddresses []string
IPAddresses []net.IP
URIs []*url.URL

// Name constraints
PermittedDNSDomainsCritical bool // if true then the name constraints are marked critical.
PermittedDNSDomains []string
ExcludedDNSDomains []string
PermittedIPRanges []*net.IPNet
ExcludedIPRanges []*net.IPNet
PermittedEmailAddresses []string
ExcludedEmailAddresses []string
PermittedURIDomains []string
ExcludedURIDomains []string

// CRL Distribution Points
CRLDistributionPoints []string

PolicyIdentifiers []asn1.ObjectIdentifier


block, pemCerts = pem.Decode(pemCerts)
if block == nil {
if block.Type != "CERTIFICATE" || len(block.Headers) != 0 {

Private Key


c := &Conn{
conn: conn,
config: config,
isClient: true,





posted @ 2020-09-25 14:37  zJanly  阅读(401)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报