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From http://fredshen.spaces.live.com/blog/

In X++, we can use Like '*someIdentifier' to implement the Like keyword.
    select firstonly purchTable
        where purchTable.purchId like '00007*';
However if you want to use 'Not Like' in X++ SQL statement, you have three options:
The first option, using '!' as 'not',
    select firstonly purchTable
         where !(purchTable.purchId like '00007*');
The second option, using notExists join
    PurchTable purchTable, refPurchTable;
    select firstonly purchTable
        notExists join refPurchTable
        where purchTable.purchId == '00007*';

Please make sure that you do put purchTable.purchId in condition statement, otherwise the SQL statement will retrieve an empty result set.
The last option, using Query
    Query query = new Query();
    QueryRun queryRun;

    query.addDataSource(tableNum(PurchTable)).addRange(fieldNum(PurchTable, PurchId)).value('!00007*');
    queryRun = new QueryRun(query);
        purchTable = queryRun.get(tableNum(PurchTable));
        print purchTable.PurchId;
Using NotExists join seems more complicated than the first option, but actually there is no performance difference between them.
posted on 2008-10-07 13:37  Jacky Xu  阅读(335)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报