



 1 #!/usr/bin/env python
 2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 3 import win32com.client 
 4 import os 
 5 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
 6 class easyWord:
 7     '''
 8    Some convenience methods for Excel documents accessed
 9    through COM.一些方便的方法为Excel文档接入通过COM
10     '''
11     def __init__(self,visible=False):
12         self.wdApp = win32com.client.Dispatch('Word.Application')
13         self.wdApp.Visible = visible
16     def new(self,filename=None):
17         ''' 
18     Create a new Word document. If 'filename' specified,
19     use the file as a template.创建一个新的word文件,
20     '''
21         if filename:
22             return self.wdApp.Documents.Add(filename)
23         else:
24             return self.wdApp.Documents.Add()
27     def open(self,filename):
28         '''
29         Open an existing Word document for editing.
30         打开一个已经存在的word进行编辑
31         '''
32         return self.wdApp.Documents.Open(filename)
33     def visible(self,visible=True):
34         self.wdApp.Visible = visible
37     def find(self,text,MatchWildcards=False):
38        ''' 
39           Find the string
40           查找字符串
41        '''
42        find = self.wdApp.Selection.Find
43        find.ClearFormatting()
44        find.Execute(text, False, False, MatchWildcards, False, False, True, 0)
45        return self.wdApp.Selection.Text
46     def replaceAll(self,oldStr,newStr):
47        ''' 
48           Find the oldStr and replace with the newStr.
49           替换所有字符串
50        '''
51        find = self.wdApp.Selection.Find
52        find.ClearFormatting()
53        find.Replacement.ClearFormatting()
54        find.Execute(oldStr, False, False, False, False, False, True, 1, True, newStr, 2)
55     def updateToc(self):
56         for tocitem in self.wdApp.ActiveDocument.TablesOfContents:
57             tocitem.Update()        
58     def save(self):
59        ''' 
60           Save the active document
61        '''
62        self.wdApp.ActiveDocument.Save()        
63     def saveAs(self,filename,delete_existing=True):
64        ''' 
65           Save the active document as a different filename.
66           If 'delete_existing' is specified and the file already
67           exists, it will be deleted before saving.
68        '''
69        if delete_existing and os.path.exists(filename):
70            os.remove(filename)
71            self.wdApp.ActiveDocument.SaveAs(FileName = filename)               
72     def close(self):
73        ''' 
74           Close the active workbook.
75        '''
76        self.wdApp.ActiveDocument.Close()               
77     def quit(self):
78        '''
79        Quit Word
80        '''
81        return self.wdApp.Quit()


posted on 2016-08-08 17:05  Jacklovely  阅读(2051)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报