VUE图片懒加载-vue lazyload插件使用方法
一. vue lazyload插件:
二. 简单使用实例:
1. 安装插件:
npm install vue-lazyload --save-dev
2. main.js引入插件:
import VueLazyLoad from 'vue-lazyload' Vue.use(VueLazyLoad,{ error:'./static/error.png', loading:'./static/loading.png' })
3. vue文件中将需要懒加载的图片绑定 v-bind:src 修改为 v-lazy
<img class="item-pic" v-lazy="newItem.picUrl"/>
key | description | default | options |
preLoad | proportion of pre-loading height(预加载高度比例) | 1.3 | Number |
error | src of the image upon load fail(图片路径错误时加载图片) | 'data-src' | String |
loading | src of the image while loading(预加载图片) | 'data-src' | String |
attempt | attempts count(尝试加载图片数量) | 3 | Number |
listenEvents | events that you want vue listen for (想要监听的vue事件) 默认['scroll']可以省略, 当插件跟页面中的动画或过渡等事件有冲突是, 可以尝试其他选项 |
| Desired Listen Events |
adapter | dynamically modify the attribute of element (动态修改元素属性) | { } | Element Adapter |
filter | the image's listener filter(动态修改图片地址路径) | { } | Image listener filter |
lazyComponent | lazyload component | false | Lazy Component |
dispatchEvent | trigger the dom event | false | Boolean |
throttleWait | throttle wait | 200 | Number |
observer | use IntersectionObserver | false | Boolean |
observerOptions | IntersectionObserver options | { rootMargin: '0px', threshold: 0.1 } | IntersectionObserver |