在Com, Dcom, Com+中經常要用到variant, 而在delphi 中的文件操作之類中, 更多的用到Stream, 有時, 需要適當的互換!Variant --> Streamvar ov: OleVariant; ms: TStream; p: Pointer;begin ov := dmMain.ComConnection.AppServer.TimeZone; ms := ... 阅读全文
from : http://bbs.ee.ntu.edu.tw/boards/Programming/10/2/13.html◇ Delphi 修改 VCL Source Code 需知Cannot single step into VCL source code anymore 阅读全文
很舊的貼子了, 但今天看到, 仍覺得讚嘆驚訝!!!轉貼:Interview with Lino Tadros by Clay Shannon http://bdn.borland.com/article/0,1410,30085,00.htmlWhat was the funniest experience you've ever had related to programming? The f... 阅读全文