IPC可以实现本地进程之间通信。这种用法不是太常见,常见的替代方案是使用wcf,remoting,web service,socket(tcp/pipe/...)等其他分布式部署方案来替代进程之间的通信。虽然不常见但也避免不了一些场景会使用该方案。

1)使用之间必须定义好一个进程之间通信的对象(该对象继承了MarshalByRefObject ,允许在支持远程处理的应用程序中跨应用程序域边界访问对象);
1 public class MyProcessSendObject : MarshalByRefObject 2 { 3 private string taskInfo = string.Empty; 4 5 public void Add(string taskInfo) 6 { 7 Console.WriteLine("Add:{0}", taskInfo); 8 this.taskInfo = taskInfo; 9 } 10 11 public string GetTask() 12 { 13 Console.WriteLine("GetTask:{0}", taskInfo); 14 return taskInfo; 15 } 16 17 }
1 //I PC(inter process communication)的功能可以实现同一台机器上的不同进程间通信。 2 static void Main(string[] args) 3 { 4 Console.WriteLine("I'm server......"); 5 //Instantiate our server channel. 6 IpcChannel serverchannel = new IpcChannel("testchannel"); 7 //Register the server channel. 8 ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(serverchannel, false); 9 //Register this service type. 10 RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType(typeof(MyProcessSendObject), "myObj", WellKnownObjectMode.Singleton);
13 Console.WriteLine("press Enter to exit"); 14 Console.ReadLine(); 15 Console.WriteLine("server stopped"); 16 }
1 static void Main(string[] args) 2 { 3 Console.WriteLine("I'm client......"); 4 IpcChannel tcc = new IpcChannel(); 5 ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(tcc, false); 6 7 MyProcessSendObject myObj = (MyProcessSendObject)Activator.GetObject(typeof(MyProcessSendObject), "ipc://testchannel/myObj"); 8 9 Console.WriteLine("client send myvalue start"); 10 myObj.Add("Task 1"); 11 myObj.GetTask(); 12 myObj.Add("Task 2"); 13 myObj.GetTask(); 14 Console.WriteLine("client send myvalue complete"); 15 Console.ReadLine(); 16 }