本文要重点介绍的是VBA中的XmlHttp对象(MSXML2.XMLHTTP或MSXML.XMLHTTP),它可以向http服务器发送请求并使用微软XML文档对象模型Microsoft XML Document Object Model (DOM)处理回应。练习抓取的网页例子是https://www.qppstudio.net/public-holidays-by-date/month1.htm



Sub Main()
Url = "https://www.qppstudio.net/public-holidays-by-date/month1.htm"
Set oHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") '创建一个xmlhttp对象
Set odom = CreateObject("htmlfile") '创建一个Dom对象
With oHttp
'open,创建一个新的http请求,并指定此请求的方法、URL以及验证信息(用户名/密码) 'send,发送请求到http服务器并接收回应 .Open "GET", Url, False '使用Open方法,用get请求,False代表非异步加载
    .Open "GET", Url, False '使用Open方法,用get请求,False代表非异步加载
    .send '将open方法的信息发送给网页服务器
     odom.body.innerHTML = .responseText '将响应网页的HTML赋值给Dom对象,并只需要body标签里面的内容
End With
dom (odom)
End Sub
Sub dom(odom As Object) i = 2 For Each Item In odom.all If Item.className = "list-item" Then For Each itemch In Item.Children If itemch.className = "list-item-heading" Then Range("a" & i) = itemch.innerText ElseIf itemch.className = "list-subitem" Then Range("b" & i) = itemch.Children(1).innerText Range("c" & i) = itemch.Children(3).innerText i = i + 1 End If Next Exit For End If Next End Sub



Sub Main()
Url = "https://www.qppstudio.net/public-holidays-by-date/month1.htm"
Set oHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") '创建一个xmlhttp对象
Set odom = CreateObject("htmlfile") '创建一个Dom对象
With oHttp
'open,创建一个新的http请求,并指定此请求的方法、URL以及验证信息(用户名/密码) 'send,发送请求到http服务器并接收回应 .Open "GET", Url, False '使用Open方法,用get请求,False代表非异步加载
    .Open "GET", Url, False '使用Open方法,用get请求,False代表非异步加载
    .send '将open方法的信息发送给网页服务器
     odom.body.innerHTML = .responseText '将响应网页的HTML赋值给Dom对象,并只需要body标签里面的内容
End With

'sXML = "<NewDataSet class=""123""><MyTable>"
'sXML = sXML & "     <Active>true</Active>"
'sXML = sXML & "     <SQLServer>APCD03</SQLServer>"
'sXML = sXML & "     <SQLDatabase>OIS</SQLDatabase>"
'sXML = sXML & " </MyTable>"
'sXML = sXML & " <MyTable>"
'sXML = sXML & "     <Active>false</Active>"
'sXML = sXML & "     <SQLServer>APCD04</SQLServer>"
'sXML = sXML & "     <SQLDatabase>OIS</SQLDatabase>"
'sXML = sXML & " </MyTable></NewDataSet>"
'Debug.Print sXML
Dim sXML As String, xDoc, a, nodelist, node
For Each Item In odom.all
  If Item.className = "list-item" Then
    sXML = Item.outerHTML
    Exit For
  End If
sXML = rr(sXML, "<IMG.*?>", "")
sXML = rr(sXML, "class=.*?>", ">")
Set xDoc = CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
a = xDoc.LoadXML(sXML)
'Debug.Print a
'file = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\test.txt"
'Open file For Output As #1
'Print #1, sXML
'Close #1
Set nodelist = xDoc.SelectNodes("//P")
Set node = xDoc.SelectSingleNode("//P")
'Debug.Print nodelist.Length
For Each Item In nodelist
Debug.Print Item.Text
End Sub

Function rr(str As String, pattern As String, repstr As String)
Set reg = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With reg
.Global = True
.pattern = pattern
End With
rr = reg.Replace(str, repstr)
End Function


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