Spring Ioc 容器核心概览

Spring Ioc


public interface BeanFactory {
    String FACTORY_BEAN_PREFIX = "&";
  • 正常getObject()拿到的是对象,"&"拿到的是产生这个Bean的工厂


  • Bean生命周期 完整标准顺序如下
  • 源码自带说明书
Bean factory implementations should support the standard bean lifecycle interfaces as far as possible. The full set of initialization methods and their standard order is:
  • set一堆Aware
  • BeanPostProcessors
  • InitializingBean 初始化
  • 自定义的初始化方法
  • BeanPostProcessors
  • DestructionAwareBeanPostProcessors
  • DisposableBean destroy
  • 自定义销毁方法

BeanNameAware :可以获取容器中bean的名称

BeanFactoryAware:获取当前bean factory这也可以调用容器的服务

ApplicationContextAware: 当前的applicationContext, 这也可以调用容器的服务

MessageSourceAware:获得message source,这也可以获得文本信息


ResourceLoaderAware: 获得资源加载器,可以获得外部资源文件的内容;

* <li>BeanNameAware's {@code setBeanName}
* <li>BeanClassLoaderAware's {@code setBeanClassLoader}
* <li>BeanFactoryAware's {@code setBeanFactory}
* <li>EnvironmentAware's {@code setEnvironment}
* <li>EmbeddedValueResolverAware's {@code setEmbeddedValueResolver}
* <li>ResourceLoaderAware's {@code setResourceLoader}
* (only applicable when running in an application context)
* <li>ApplicationEventPublisherAware's {@code setApplicationEventPublisher}
* (only applicable when running in an application context)
* <li>MessageSourceAware's {@code setMessageSource}
* (only applicable when running in an application context)
* <li>ApplicationContextAware's {@code setApplicationContext}
* (only applicable when running in an application context)
* <li>ServletContextAware's {@code setServletContext}
* (only applicable when running in a web application context)
* <li>{@code postProcessBeforeInitialization} methods of BeanPostProcessors

* <li>InitializingBean's {@code afterPropertiesSet}
* <li>a custom init-method definition

* <li>{@code postProcessAfterInitialization} methods of BeanPostProcessors
* <li>{@code postProcessBeforeDestruction} methods of DestructionAwareBeanPostProcessors
* <li>DisposableBean's {@code destroy}
* <li>a custom destroy-method definition
* </ol>


  • 一个依赖于BeanFactory,生产个性化Bean的接口,因此它也是synchronization同步的

  • getObjectType() , getObject() 这两个主要方法,在启动的时候进行暴露,甚至在post-processor启动之前

  • @link #getObjectType()} {@link #getObject()} invocations may arrive early in
    the bootstrap process, even ahead of any post-processor setup.
  • A bean that implements this interface cannot be used as a normal bean.

  • A FactoryBean is defined in a bean style


  • ConfigurableEnvironment
  • PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer
  • @Profile 不同的环境下使用不同的@Configuration配置

  • 组合类 StandardEnvironment

  • Environment 应用运行的环境 ,两种表现方式 profiles 、 properties ,使用PropertyResolver接口访问属性

  • Beans信息 在xml 或者 @Profile 注解

  • properties 属性来源有多种途径 JVM , system , JNDI , servlet , ad-hoc Properties objects

  • JVM system properties, system environment variables, JNDI, 
    servlet context parameters, ad-hoc Properties objects, Maps, and so on.
  • ApplicationContext 对Bean 进行管理 , 通过EnvironmentAware 或 @Inject 注册

  • 使用  PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer 对xml配置文件的 占位符 ${...} 修改

  • Spring 3.1 注册默认使用 <context:property-placeholder/> 管理

  • @Profile 不同的环境下使用不同的@Configuration配置

  • 组合类 StandardEnvironment

ApplicationContext ( 真正的集大成者 )

extends EnvironmentCapable, ListableBeanFactory, HierarchicalBeanFactory, MessageSource, ApplicationEventPublisher, ResourcePatternResolver
  • 一个接口代表一个能力的抽象,子接口通过继承父接口,整合了父接口的功能

  •  <p>An ApplicationContext provides:
    * <li>Bean factory methods for accessing application components.
    * Inherited from {@link org.springframework.beans.factory.ListableBeanFactory}.
    * <li>The ability to load file resources in a generic fashion.
    * Inherited from the {@link org.springframework.core.io.ResourceLoader} interface.
    * <li>The ability to publish events to registered listeners.
    * Inherited from the {@link ApplicationEventPublisher} interface.
    * <li>The ability to resolve messages, supporting internationalization.
    * Inherited from the {@link MessageSource} interface.
  • 整合的能力:

    1. 对于访问应用组件提供BeanFactory
    2. 加载通用的资源文件 (资源加载器)
    3. 发布事件,注册监听器
    4. 解析消息,支持国际化
  • 一个父上下文中可以使用整个web应用程序,而每个servlet有自己的子上下文无关其他servlet

  • ListableBeanFactory extends BeanFactory
  • HierarchicalBeanFactory extends BeanFactory


  • 暴露 Environment getEnvironment();

  • public interface ConfigurableApplicationContext extends ApplicationContext, Lifecycle, Closeable 
  • ConfigurableApplicationContext 继承了ApplicationContext 能力,它重新覆盖了EnvironmentCapable的getEnvironment方法,并且返回的是 ConfigurableEnvironment 事实上 Environment是只读的。ConfigurableEnvironment 是可以被配置的,进行个性定制。


public interface ApplicationEventPublisher {
  • @FunctionalInterface 特点
    1. 标记在 只有一个抽象方法的 接口上
    2. 静态方法、默认方法、
    3. 接口默认继承java.lang.Object ,所以声明Object的方法,不算抽象方法
    4. 该注解能够更好地让编译器进行检查 ( 不是必须 )


  • AutowireCapableBeanFactory
  1. 拥有自动装配能力,并把这种能力暴露给外部应用的BeanFactory类,需要实现此接口

  2. 其他框架,利用该接口可以连接和填充Bean实例,且不受Spring控制

  3. ApplicationContext通过方法 getAutowireCapableBeanFactory() 可以获取AutowireCapableBeanFactory

  • ListableBeanFactory 扩展BeanFactory ,把所有的Bean实例列举出来,而不是一个个用name去找

  • HierarchicalBeanFactory 分层工厂 (2个方法)

  •    //返回工厂的父工厂
        BeanFactory getParentBeanFactory();
        boolean containsLocalBean(String name);
  • ConfigurableListableBeanFactory 集成上图的所有接口的功能,加上自身的可配置性

  • 短剑 + 短剑 = 小黄刀 , 黄刀 + 暴风大剑 = 无尽


Strategy interface for resolving a location pattern

  • 策略接口,解析本地路径的资源

  • 策略接口 资源加载器

  • classpath*: 搜索所有jar包

  • classpath: 当前路径搜索

Lifecycle 、SmartLifecycle

  • Can be implemented by both components and containers
  • 生命周期 在组件和容器中实现 , 将启动/停止信号传播到所有组件,应用到容器
  • Can be used for direct invocations or for management operations via JMX.
  • 可以被直接调用或通过JMX进行管理(Jconsole)

  • SmartLifecycle provides sophisticated integration with the application context's startup and shutdown phases.
  • SmartLifecycle 提供应用上下文 更复杂的 启动 ,关闭阶段。


ConfigurableApplicationContext extends ApplicationContext, Lifecycle, Closeable {
  • ConfigurableApplicationContext 继承 ApplicationContext


abstract class AbstractApplicationContext extends DefaultResourceLoader
      implements ConfigurableApplicationContext {
  • 抽象类 --> 模板方法设计模式,具体的子类来实现抽象方法

  • an ApplicationContext is supposed
    * to detect special beans defined in its internal bean factory:
    * Therefore, this class automatically registers BeanFactoryPostProcessors BeanPostProcessors ApplicationListeners
  • 应用上下文在内部BeanFactory检测特定的Beans,将 BeanFactoryPostProcessors、 BeanPostProcessors 、ApplicationListener 这些Beans注册进上下文中

  • MessageSource 也作为Bean 在上下文中,ApplicationEventMulticaster 也一样作为Bean

  • Implements resource loading through extending DefaultResourceLoader (extends DefaultResourceLoader)


public void refresh() throws BeansException, IllegalStateException {
   synchronized (this.startupShutdownMonitor) {
      // Prepare this context for refreshing.

      // Tell the subclass to refresh the internal bean factory.
      ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory = obtainFreshBeanFactory();

      // Prepare the bean factory for use in this context.

      try {
         // Allows post-processing of the bean factory in context subclasses.

         // Invoke factory processors registered as beans in the context.

         // Register bean processors that intercept bean creation.

         // Initialize message source for this context.

         // Initialize event multicaster for this context.

         // Initialize other special beans in specific context subclasses.

         // Check for listener beans and register them.

         // Instantiate all remaining (non-lazy-init) singletons.

         // Last step: publish corresponding event.

      catch (BeansException ex) {
         if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
            logger.warn("Exception encountered during context initialization - " +
                  "cancelling refresh attempt: " + ex);

         // Destroy already created singletons to avoid dangling resources.

         // Reset 'active' flag.

         // Propagate exception to caller.
         throw ex;

      finally {
         // Reset common introspection caches in Spring's core, since we
         // might not ever need metadata for singleton beans anymore...
posted @ 2020-06-03 18:10  爪哇搬砖  阅读(177)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报