



Chapter. 1 What is software architecture?

1. 软件体系架构的定义

The software architecture of a system is the set of structures neeed to reason about the system, which comprise software elements,relations among them, and properties of both.

2. 软件系统有哪几类结构?

Module; component and connector; Allocation

3. Module structure 模块结构

Structures partition systems into implementation units are called modules. Modules are assigned specific responsibilities, and are the basis of work.

常见的模块结构: decomposition structure / uses structure / layer structure / class structure / data model

4. Component-and-connector structure 组件与连接件结构

Structures focus on the way the elements interact with each other a runtime to carry out the system's functions are called C&C structures. A component is always a runtime entity.

常见的C&C结构: service structure / concurrency structure

5. Allocation structures 分配结构

Allocation structures describe the mapping from software structures to the system's environments.

常见分配结构: deployment structure / implementation structure / work assignment structure

6. What's the relationship between structures and views?

A view is a representation of a structure. Architects design structures. They document views of those structures.


Chapter. 2 Why is Software Architecture Important?

Thirteen reasons

  1. Influence quality attributes
  2. Help reason about and manage change as the system evolves
  3. Early prediction of a system's qualities
  4. Enhances communication among stakeholders
  5. Capture the earliest and hence most fundamental, hardest-to-change design decisions
  6. Defines a set of constraints on subsequent implementation
  7. Dictates the structure of an organization, or vice versa
  8. Provide the basis for evolutionary prototyping
  9. Allows the architect and project manager to reason about cost and schedule
  10. As a transferable, reusable model that from the heart of a product line
  11. Architecture-based development focuses attention on the assembly of components, rather then simply on their creation
  12. Reducing design and system complexity
  13. Be the foundation for training a new team member


Chapter. 3 The Many Contexts of Software Architecture

1. Contexts of Software Architecture

Technical, project life cycle, business, professional

2. Technical context

A serious quality attributes (most important). 

3. Project life-cycle context


4. Business context


5. Professional context


6. Stakeholder

A stakeholder is anyone who has a stake in the success of the system, such as developing organization's management stakeholder, marketing stakeholder, end user stakeholder, maintenance organization stakeholder and customer stakeholder.

7. How is architecture influeced? 



Chapter. 4 Understanding Quality Attributes

1. Functional requirements

Functionality is the ability of the system to do the work for which it was intended.

2. Quality attribute scenarios

  1. Stimulus 刺激:到达时要求系统作出响应的一个条件
  2. Stimulus source 刺激源:产生刺激的一些实体(人、计算机系统等)
  3. Response 响应:系统在刺激到达时采取的活动
  4. Response measure 相应度量:当响应发生时,应该以某种方式测量,以便可以测试该需求
  5. Environment 环境:刺激发生的某些特定条件
  6. Artifact 制品:受到刺激产生的制品

3. Tactics

Acollection of primitive design techniques that an architect can use to achieve a quality attribute response.

4. Quality design decisions

  1. Allocation of responsibilities
  2. Coordination model
  3. Data model
  4. Management of resources
  5. Mapping among architectural elements
  6. Binding time decisions
  7. Choice of technology


Chapter. 5 Availability

1. Concept

Availability refers to a property of software that it is there and ready to carry out its task when you need it to be.

2. Formular


MTBF=平均故障间隔时间  MTTR=平均修复时间

3. Tactics

Detect faults: Ping/Echo / monitor / heartbeat / timestamp / sanity checking / condition monitoring / voting / exception detection / self-test

Preparation and Repair: actice redundancy / passive redundancy / spare / exception handling / rollback / software upgrade / retry / ignore faulty behavior / degradation / reconfiguration

Reintroduction: shadow/ state resynchronization/ escalating restart / non-stop forwarding

Prevent faults: removal from service / transactions / predictice model / exception prevention / increase competence set


Chapter. 6 Interoperability

1. Concept

INteroperability is about the degree to which two or more systems can usefully exchange meaningful information.

2. Tactics

Locate: discover service

Manage interfaces: orchestrate tailor interface


Chapter. 7 Modifiability

1. Concept

Modifiability is about change and out interest in it is in the cost and risk of making changes.

2. Tactics

Reduce size of a module: split module

Increase cohesion: increase semantic coherence

Reduce coupling: encapsulate / use an intermediary / restrict dependencies / refactor / abstract common services

Defer binding


Chapter. 8 Performance

1. Concept

Performance is about time and the software system's ability to meet timing requirements.

2. Tactics

Control resource demand: manage sampling rate /  limit event response / prioritize events / reduce overhead / bound execution times / increase resource efficiency

Manage resources: Increase resources / introduce concurrency / maintain multiple copies of computations / maintain multiple copies of data / bound queue sizes / schedule resources


Chapter. 9 Security

1. Concept

Security is a measure of the system's ability to protect data and information from unauthorized access while still providing access to people and systems that are authorized.

Three mainly features: confidentiality、intergrity、abailability.

Other features: Authentication、nonrepudiation、authorization.

2. Tactics

Detect attacks: detect intrustion /  detect service denial / verify message integrity / detect message delay

Resist attacks: identify actors / authenticate actors / authorize actors / limit access / limit exposure / encrypt data / separate entities / change default settings

React to attacks: revoke access / lock computer / inform actors

Recover from attacks: maintain audit trail / restore(see abailability)


Chapter. 10 Testability

1. Concept

Software testability refers to the ease with which software can be made to demonstrate its faults through testing. Specifically, testability refers to the probability, assuming that the software has at least one fault, that it will fail on its next test execution.

2. Tactics

Control and observe system state: specialized interfaces / record or playback / localize state storage / abstract data sources / sandbox / executable assertions

Limit complexity: limit structural complexity / limit non-determinism


Chapter. 11 Usability

1. Concept

Usability is concerned with how easy it's for the user to accomplish a desired task and the kind of user support the system provides.

2. Tactics

Suport user initiative: cancel / undo / pause or resume / aggregate

Support system initiative: maintain task model / maintain user model / maintain system model


Chapter. 12 Other Quality Attributes

1. List

Variability(变异性)、portability(可移植性)、development distributability(开发可分布性)、scalability(可伸缩性)、deployability(可部署性)、mobility(可移动性)、monitorability(可监控性)、safety(安全性)

2. Other

Conceptual integrity(概念完整性)、marketability(市场性)、quality in use(使用质量)

3. How to deal with unknown quality attributes?

  1. MOdel the quality attribute
  2. assemble a set of tactice for the quality attribute
  3. construct design checklists


Chapter. 13 Patterns and Tactics

1. Conception of Patterns

An architectural pattern establishes a relationship between: a context, a problem and a solution.

2. Layer pattern 层次模式




3. Broker pattern 代理模式




4. Model-View-Controller MVC模式




5. Pipe and Filter Pattern 管道-过滤器模式




6. Client-Server Pattern 客户端-服务器模式




7. Peer-to-Peer Pattern P2P模式




8. Service Oriented Architecture Pattern 面向服务的架构模式(SOA)




9. Publish-Subscribe Pattern 发布-订阅模式




10. Shared-Data Pattern 共享数据模式




11. Map-Reduce Pattern 映射-减少模式




12. Multi-Tier Pattern 多级模式




13. Relationship between tactics and patterns

Patterns are built from tactics; if a pattern is a molecule, a tactic is an atom. Tactics augment patterns.


Chapter. 14 Quality Attribute Modeling and Analysis

1. Quality Attribute Modeling 


2. Maturity of Quality Attribute Models

Availability: Markov models; Statistical models.

Interoperability: Conceptual framework.

Modifiability: Coupling and cohesion metrics; Cost models.

Performance Queuing theory; Real time scheduling theory.

Security: No architectural models.

Testability: Component Interaction Metrics

Usability: No architectural models

3. Thought Experiment Steps

  1. 枚举用例的步骤
  2. 不停问自己:正在实施什么机制来支持实现哪些特定的质量要求?这个机制是否阻碍了其他属性的实现?
  3. 记录问题供后续分析。

4. 在生命周期不同阶段进行不同类型的分析

  1. 需求阶段:分析模型和背景分析可以帮助规划容量;检查表可以帮助确保捕获正确的要求
  2. 设计阶段:原型可以帮助探索设计选项
  3. 实现阶段:实验和合成负载测试可以再实现过程中或字段化之后使用
  4. 字段化阶段:监视器可以再字段化之后使用,以确定实际行为并发现瓶颈


Chapter. 15 Architecures in Agile Projects

1. 敏捷过程的思想


2. Twelve Agile Principles

  1. HIghest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery.
  2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development.
  3. Deliver working software frequently with a preference to the shorter timescale.
  4. Business people and developers work together daily throughout the project
  5. Build projects around motivated individuals
  6. Face-to-face conversation.
  7. Working software is the primary measure of progress.
  8. Agile processes promote sustainable development
  9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design.
  10. Simplicity-the art of maximizing the amount of work not done-is essential
  11. Self-organizing teams
  12. At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective.

3. Agility and Documentation 敏捷开发与架构编档


4. Agility and Architecture Evaluation 敏捷开发与架构评估



Chapter. 16 Architecture and Requirements

1. ASR

An architecturally significant requirement is a requirement that will have a profound effect on the architecture.

2. Serval way to get ASRs

  1. Gathering ASRs from requirements documents 从需求文档中获取
  2. Gathering ASRs by interviewing stakeholders 采访涉众
  3. Gathering ASRs by understanding the business goals 理解业务目标
  4. Capturing ASRs in a utility tree 在效用树中捕获

3. Quality Attribute Workshop(QAW) 质量属性研讨会



A method for eliciting business goals.


  1. PALM overview presentation
  2. Business drivers presentation
  3. Architecture drivers presentation
  4. Business goals elicitation
  5. Identification of potential quality attributes from business goals
  6. Assignment of pedigree to existing quality attribute drivers
  7. Exercise conclusion

5. Utility Tree 效用树



Chapter. 17 Designing an Architecture 

1. Generate and Test 架构设计中的假设-检验法

  1. 把当前的设计当做一个假设
  2. 询问当前的设计是否已经满足需求
  3. 如果不是,产生一个新的假设并迭代

2. 初始的假设从何而来



3. 如何测试假设



4. 如何产生下一次假设


5. 什么时候完成假设检验法


6. The Attribute-Driven Design Method(ADD) 属性驱动设计方法


7. ADD的步骤

  1. Choose an element of the system to design.
  2. Identify the ASRs for the chosen element.
  3. Generate a design solution for the chosen element.
  4. Inventory remaining requirements and select the input for the next iteration.


Chapter. 18 Documenting Software Architectures

1. 架构文档的重要性


2. 读者


3. 架构文档的用途


4. View


5. Module Views

element: module

relationship: is part of, depends on, is a

constraint: topological constraint, behaviour constraint

usage: 构建代码蓝图、受变化影响的分析、规划增量开发、需求跟踪分析、工作分配、时间表和预算信息.如果没有至少一个模块视图,任何软件体系结构的文档都不可能是完整的。

6. C&C views

element: components, connectors

relationship: attachments, interface delegation

constraint: 组件只能连接到连接器,连接器只能连接到组件,只能在兼容端口和角色之间进行附件、接口委托只能在两个兼容端口(或两个兼容角色)之间定义,连接器不能孤立出现,连接器必须连接到组件。

usage: 显示系统如何交互,帮助推理运行时系统的质量

7. Allocation Views

element: software elements; environment elements

relationship: 分配到

constraint: 随视图而变化

usage: 推理性能、可用性、安全性和安全;推理分布式开发和团队的工作分配;推理软件版本的并发访问;推理系统安装的形式和机制

8. Method for Choosing the Views

  1. Build a stakeholder/view table
  2. Combine vies to reduce their number
  3. Prioritize and stage

9. Documenting a view

  1. The primary presentation
  2. The element catalog
  3. Context diagram
  4. Variability guide
  5. Rationale

10. Documenting information beyond views

  1.  Documentation roadmap
  2. How a view is documented
  3. System overview
  4. Mapping between views
  5. Rationale
  6. Directory

11. Documenting behavior

12. Documenting quality attributes


Chapter. 19 Architecture, Implementation, and Testing

1. 帮助保持代码和架构一致的4种技术

  1. Embedding the design in the code
  2. Frameworks
  3. Code templates
  4. Keeping code and architecture consistent

2. Embedding the design in the code


3. Framework


4. Code template


5. Keeping code and architecture consistent

6. 架构师在测试中的角色

  1. 测试计划
  2. 测试开发
  3. 测试解释
  4. 测试工具构建


Chapter. 20 Architecture Reconstruction and Conformance

1. Background of architecture reconstruction

  1. 系统已经存在但你不了解它的架构
  2. 如何维护
  3. 如何管理系统的发展以维持其架构提供的质量属性

2. Aim of architecture reconstruction

  1. 记录一个文档,关于从未存在或文档已经过时的架构
  2. 确保完成时的架构和设计的架构之间的一致性
  3. 在架构重构中,构建的架构是从现有系统组件反向设计过来的

3. Steps of architecture reconstruction

  1. Raw view extraction
  2. Database construction
  3. View fusion and manipulation
  4. Architecture analysis

Chapter. 21 Architecture Evaluation

1. 架构评估的三种形式及其特点

  1. Evaluation by the designer within the design process
  2. Evaluation by peers within the design process
  3. Analysis by outsiders once the architecture has been designed

2. The architecture tradeoff analysis method(ATAM)


3. ATAM的参与者

  1. The evaluation team
  2. Project decision makers
  3. Architecture stakeholders

4. ATAM的输出

  1. 简洁的架构演示
  2. 业务目标的说明
  3. 表示为质量属性场景的优先级质量属性
  4. 一组风险和非风险
  5. 一组风险主题
  6. 将架构决策映射到质量要求
  7. 一组确定的灵敏度和权衡点

5. Steps of ATAM

  1. Present the ATAM
  2. Present business dribers
  3. Present the architecture
  4. Identify architectural approaches
  5. Generate utility tree
  6. Analyze architectural approaches
  7. Brainstorm and prioritize scenarios
  8. Analyze architectural approaches
  9. Present results

6. Lightweight Architectural Evaluation


Chapter. 26 Architectures for the clod

1. Basic definition of cloud

  • On-demand self-service
  • Ubiquitous network access
  • Resource pooling
  • Location independence
  • Rapid elasticity
  • Measured service
  • Multi-tenancy

2. Basic service model of cloud

  1. Software as a service
  2. Platform as a service
  3. Infrastructure as a service

3. Deploy model of cloud

private cloud; public cloud; community cloud; hybird cloud

4. Main mechanism of cloud

Hypervisor; virtual machine; file system; network

5. Main technology of cloud

  • Virtual meory page table
  • Hypervisor manages
  • Virualization
  • HDFS Hadoop
  • IaaS
  • PaaS
  • Databases

6. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

An arrangement of servers that manages the base technologies


Components of IaaS: 

  • Cluster manager
  • Persistent object manager
  • Virtual resource manager
  • The file system manager


  • 在低层虚拟机实例故障的情况下自动重新分配IP地址
  • 自动缩放:根须负载创建或删除新虚拟机

7. Platform as a Service (Platform as a Service)


8. Database


9. Quality Attributes of Cloud Architectures

  1. Security
    1. 多租户引起了对非云环境的额外关注:无意中的信息共享、虚拟机“逃离”、侧信道攻击、拒绝服务攻击
    2. 当决定在云中托管什么应用程序时,组织需要考虑风险
  2. Performance
    1. 自动缩放在负载增长时提供额外的性能。新资源的响应时间可能不适合,架构师需要了解应用程序的资源需求
  3. Availability
    1. 故障是云系统的常见事件。云服务提供商必须在出现一些异常时确保云服务本身仍然可用。应用程序开发人员必须假设实例会失败,并在失败的情况下构建检测和纠正体制。


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