随笔分类 - Problem set
Solutions of problems
发表于 2019-05-06 21:12阅读次数:161评论次数:0
摘要:偶尔复习的时候刷刷,SG函数我老是学一次忘一次…… HDU 1848POJ 2234 Matches GameHDU 4388 Stone Game IIPOJ 2975 NimHDU 1367 A Stone GamePOJ 2505 A multiplication gameZJU 3057 b
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发表于 2019-04-25 23:40阅读次数:298评论次数:0
摘要:C. Sasha and Array time limit per test : 5 seconds memory limit per test : 256 megabytes Description Sasha has an array of integers a1, a2, ..., an. Y
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