列名 | 数据类型 | 非空 | 注释 |
UID | int | 是 | 用户号,主键 |
Name | varchar2(30) | 是 | 用户名 |
School | varchar2(30) | 否 | 学校名称 |
Rating | int | 是 | 等级分,缺省值为1400 |
列名 | 数据类型 | 非空 | 注释 |
CID | int | 是 | 比赛号,主键,外键(Contests) |
UID | int | 是 | 用户号,主键,外键(Users) |
Score | int | 是 | 比赛得分 |
列名 | 数据类型 | 非空 | 注释 |
CID | int | 是 | 比赛号,主键 |
Title | varchar2(40) | 是 | 比赛名称 |
Time_Start | date | 是 | 比赛开始时间 |
Time_End | date | 是 | 比赛结束时间 |
select Name, Rating from Users where School = '湘潭大学';
insert into table Take values(1, 1, 1234);
delete from Take where UID in (select UID from Users where Name = '管理员');
select UID, Name from Users where UID not in (select UID from take);
5、建立成绩视图Contest_Information(CID, Title, Num, Max_Score, Min_Score, Avg_Score)表示每个比赛的参加人数,比赛最高得分,最低得分,平均得分
create view Contest_Information(CID, Title, Num, Max_Score, Min_Score, Avg_Score) as ( select CID, Title, count(distinct(UID)), max(Score), min(Score), avg(Score) from Take natural join Contests group by CID, Title );
6、将等级分在1200分以下的用户等级分增加20%, 1201~1400分的用户等级分增加15%, 1400分以上的用户等级分增加10%
update Users set Rating = case when Rating < 1200 then Rating * 1.2 when Rating between 1200 and 1400 then Rating * 1.15 else Rating * 1.1 end;
select CID, UID, Score from Take a where Score >= ( select avg(Score) from Take b where b.CID = a.CID ) order by UID, CID, Rating desc;
select UID, Name from Users a where not exists ( (select CID from Take where UID = 1) minus ( select CID from Take T1 where T1.UID = a.UID and Score > ( select Score from Take T2 where T2.UID = 1 and T2.CID = T1.CID ) ) );--not exists (B except A) 表示 关系A 包含 关系B
select UID, Name, School, Rating from ( select UID, Name, School, Rating, (1+(select count(*) from User B where A.School = B.School and A.Rating < B.Rating)) as rk from Users A ) where rk <= 5 order by School, Rating desc;
10、统计所有用户,比赛号1~4比赛的比赛得分,如果没有参加对应比赛,则为空值,查询的列依次为UID, NAME, C1, C2, C3, C4,其中C1, C2, C3, C4依次表示比赛1~4的用户得分
select UID, Name, (select Score from Take b where b.UID = a.UID and b.CID = 1) as C1, (select Score from Take b where b.UID = a.UID and b.CID = 2) as C2, (select Score from Take b where b.UID = a.UID and b.CID = 3) as C3, (select Score from Take b where b.UID = a.UID and b.CID = 4) as C4 from Users a;