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本文翻译自 University of New England 的网络资源。原文 pdf 可通过超链接下载。



  • 何时使用单词来书写数字 (When to write numbers in words)
  • 如何避免句子中由于数字引起混淆不清 (How to avoid confusion with numbers in a sentence)
  • 何时使用阿拉伯数字来书写数字 (When to use digits for numbers)
  • 如何正确地书写数字 (How to write numbers correctly)


1 When to write numbers in words#

1-1 100 以下的数字,整百整千以及顺序数#

在一般的学术写作中,对于上述这三类数字,通常使用单词来书写。特例:在第 3 节(何时使用阿拉伯数字来书写数字)中说明。


(√)The country had been at war for twenty-five years. (100 以下的数字)

(√)Over four hundred soldiers were sent to the war zone. (整百整千)

(√)The thirty-eighth battalion was sent to the war zone for the fourth time. (顺序数)



(×) 130 student volunteers joined the university peace mission.

(√) One hundred and thirty student volunteers joined the university peace mission.

(×) 75 percent of the rental properties were occupied by students.

(√) Students occupied 75 percent of the rental properties in the town.

(√) 2008 was a good year to commence university studies. (以日期开头)

1-2 约数或一天中的某个时间#



(√) about half the students; a quarter of the university; four times as often; hundreds of times

(√) six o'clock, half past six, quarter past seven, quarter to nine, midday, midnight

2 How to avoid confusion with numbers in a sentence#

  • 当一起使用两个数字时(数字连词)以及当单句中有多个数字时


(√) There were 32 third-grade students participating in the test. (数字连词)

(√) The computer laboratory has 24 thirty-centimetre monitors. (数字连词)

(√) At least 28 million people lived in the region where a 1500 dollar a year support allowance was given for each student's education fees. (保持一致,都统一使用阿拉伯数字或者单词表示)

3 When to use digits for numbers#


情况 示例
数字值大于100 使用阿拉伯数字 (e.g. counted 3968 books on the shelves)
金钱 使用阿拉伯数字表示确切数值 (e.g. 24.28)使(e.g.98dollars;15 million)
计量数值 使用阿拉伯数字表示计量数值 (e.g. 32 ℃ or 32 degrees centigrade; 6 cm or 6 centimetres)
百分比 55%, 55 percent 或者 fifty-five percent 这三种表达方式都可以
分数小数 分数:使用阿拉伯数字或者单词。如果使用单词的话,使用连字符连接两个单词 (e.g. 23 or two-thirds)
小数:对确切的数值使用阿拉伯数字 (e.g. 0.45; 2.36)
调查 使用阿拉伯数字表示调查结果 (e.g. A survey of participants revealed that 4 out of 5 students worked)
分数 使用阿拉伯数字表示分数 (e.g. Students scored from 8 to 75 out of 100)
统计信息 使用阿拉伯数字表示统计信息 (e.g. The survey focused on 90 teachers, 10 principals and 24 auxiliary staff from 20 different schools.)
年代(时间跨度) 选择一种表示方法,但是要保持一致 (e.g. the eighteenth century or the 18th century; from the 1960s to the 1990s; during the 2000s; in 2300 BC; in 1770 AD)
日期 使用一致的形式(日/月/年) (e.g. Tuesday 23 February 2008)
一天中的时间 选择一种表达方式,但是要保持一致 (e.g. 9 am or 9.00 am or 8.22 pm)。如果没有使用 am 或者 pm 这类词,那么时间应该使用单词来表示 (e.g. the eight-thirty bus; four o'clock in the afternoon)。对于中午 (midday) 和午夜 (midnight),使用单词表示,而不要使用 12 am 或 12 pm 这种表示方法。
数字区间 使用阿拉伯数字 (e.g. pages: 56-74, 115-117; years: 1864-1899, 1998-2008; streets 36-99 Spa St)
章节划分 使用阿拉伯数字 (e.g. volume 5, chapter 6, page 45; act 2, scene 4)

4 How to write numbers correctly#

4-1 使用阿拉伯数字的特定规范#

  • 1-9999 范围内的数字不使用空格或者逗号 (e.g. 3333)
  • 10 000-999 999 范围内的数字在百位和千位之间有一个空格 (e.g. There were 287 701 participants in the survey.)
  • 大于 1 000 000 的数字在百万位和十万位之间有一个空格,百位和千位之间有一个空格 (e.g. The population of this Australian city was 2 467 789 on the 3 December 2008.)

4-2 使用单词的特定规范#

  • 大于 999 的数字用单词书写时,在千位或百万位后面有一个逗号 (e.g. 3 206 411 = three million, two hundred and six thousand, four hundred and eleven)
  • 两位数的数字或分数要用连字符连接单词 (e.g. 94 = ninety-four; 38 = three-eighths)
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