
Running an Instance

Step 1: Visit the Dashboard

Log in to the Openstack dashboard at http://CONTROL_NODE/dashboard - the username is "demo". The password can be found in the file keystonerc_demo in the /root/ directory of the control node.

Note: make sure you use the "demo" username here.

Step 2: Enable SSH on your default security group.

Once logged in to the OpenStack dashboard, click the "Project" tab in the left-side navigation menu, and then click "Access & Security" under the heading "Compute."

Access security.png

Under the "Security Groups" heading, click the "Edit Rules" button for the "default" security group. Click the "Add Rule" button, and in the resulting dialog, enter "22" in the "Port" field, and then click the "Add" button.

Step 3: Create or import a key pair.

In the left-side navigation menu, click "Access & Security" under the heading "Compute." In the main portion of the screen, click the tab labeled "Keypairs," and choose either to "Create Keypair" or "Import Keypair." The "Create Keypair" dialog will prompt you to supply a keypair name before downloading a private key to your client.

The "Import Keypair" option will prompt you to provide a name and a public key to use with an existing private key on your client. For name, choose something to identify that key (like your username, for example) and for key, use the contents of your public key file, usually in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub or ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub on the machine from which you will be ssh-ing in.

Step 4: Add an image.

In the left-side navigation menu, click "Images & Snapshots" under the heading "Manage Compute." Click the "Create Image" button, located in the upper-right portion of the screen. In the resulting dialog box, enter "Fedora19" in the "Name" field, "http://cloud.fedoraproject.org/fedora-19.x86_64.qcow2" in the "Image Location" field, choose "QCOW2" from the "Format" drop-down menu, leave the "Minimum Disk" and "Minimum Ram" fields blank, leave the "Public" box unchecked, and click the "Create Image" button.

For a collection of links to alternative cloud-ready images, check out image resources.

Step 5: Launch the instance.

In the main portion of the screen, under the "Images" heading, click the "Launch" button for the "F19" image. In the resulting dialog, provide a name in the "Instance Name" field, and click the "Launch" button.

Step 6: Associate Floating IP

In the main portion of the screen, under the "Instances" heading, click the "More" button, followed by the "Associate Floating IP" link for the instance you just launched. You should see both public and private IP addresses listed in the "IP Address" column for your instance.

For additional details, please read how to set a floating IP range.

Step 7: SSH to Your Instance

Using the key pair file from step 3, ssh into the running vm using its floating ip address:

$ ssh -l root -i my_key_pair.pem floating_ip_address
posted @ 2015-05-09 10:27  dongdonggeorge  阅读(237)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报