This document explains the way to setup a portlet.
Entities Involved
- PortletCategory – Used to define category for portlets.
- PortalPortlet – All the information about a portlet is stored here.
- PortletPortletCategory – This associates the portlets with the logical categories.
- PortalPage – A portal page. Every Portal Page has a owner associated to it (userLoginId). To move a portlet from one Portal Page to another can be done
- If the logged in user is the owner of the portal page or
- If the portal page is a system page. (userLoginId="NA")
- PortalPageColumn – The number of the columns can be defined for a portal page.
- PortalPagePortlet – The portlets that belong to a portal page.
- PortalPageAndUserLogin – (View entity PortalPage + UserLoginSecurityGroup) - The portal pages that are accessible to a user if he belongs to certain security group.
- PortletAttribute – This defines all the attributes of a portlet. For example, to display a portlet, it needs a roleTypeId (attrName) = PLACING_CUSTOMER (attrName).
How To Setup
Here I am taking an example from OOTB implementation to show how do we setup a portlet.
The reference file here is PartyPortletData.xml Data preparation needs
to be done as shown bellow this is all done for viewprofile page in
Following is the first portlet with its all the associations and details:
<PortletCategory portletCategoryId="PROFILE" description="Profiles"/> <PortalPortlet portalPortletId="party" portletName="Party Info" screenName="Party" screenLocation="component://party/widget/partymgr/ProfileScreens.xml" description="General information about a person or party group" screenshot="/images/portlets/party.png"/> <PortletPortletCategory portalPortletId="party" portletCategoryId="PROFILE"/> <PortalPage portalPageId="PartyProfile" sequenceNum="0" portalPageName="Party Profile Portal Page" description="Party profile page using flexible Portal technology" ownerUserLoginId="_NA_"/> <PortalPageColumn portalPageId="PartyProfile" columnSeqId="00001" columnWidthPercentage="50"/> <PortalPageColumn portalPageId="PartyProfile" columnSeqId="00002"/><!-- no width in pixels or percent, use the rest of the space available --> <PortalPagePortlet portalPageId="PartyProfile" portalPortletId="party" portletSeqId="00001" columnSeqId="00001" sequenceNum="0"/>
Screen Setup
(OFBiz Trunk)
Now following code works in the screen to have portlets in action:
Trace the screen "viewprofile" from
/party/widget/partymgr/PartyScreens.xml. We need to set portalPageId in
parameters and include generic screen PortalPageScreen from
Which is as follows(Reference commit in OFBiz trunk rev. 900156):
<screen name="PortalPageScreen"> <section> <actions> <entity-one entity-name="PortalPage" value-field="portalPage"/> <get-related value-field="portalPage" relation-name="PortalPageColumn" list="portalPageColumns"/> <entity-and entity-name="PortalPagePortletView" list="portalPagePortlets"> <field-map field-name="portalPageId" from-field="portalPage.portalPageId"/> </entity-and> </actions> <widgets> <platform-specific> <html><html-template location="component://common/webcommon/portal/showPortalPage.ftl"/></html> </platform-specific> </widgets> </section> </screen>