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In this Article we are providing best jQuery html5 page flip book with examples and demo.Page flip book are one of the most popular ones of them in web design. They are implemented very successfully in Flash, many websites, documents, magazines are being created/published each day. Here you will find 15 jQuery page flip Book plugins that that offer good page-flip experience and help creating book-like interfaces. jQuery that adds a beautiful transition similar to real pages in a book or magazine for HTML5.

1. BookBlock: A Content Flip jQuery Plugin


BookBlock: A Content Flip jQuery Plugin

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2. imBookFlip : jQuery Page Turning Plugin without Flash

The imBookFlip jQuery plugin can load a book in an iframe or directly on the page. The book’s pages can be set to turn when manually clicked only, begin auto flip (turn automatically) as soon as the html page loads, or begin auto flip when first page (front cover is clicked). Sound Manager can be used with the jQuery plugin to add audio to the book.

imBookFlip : jQuery Flip Page Turning Plugin without Flash

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3. jQuery flip book image gallery  plugin : jFlip

This plugin builds an image gallery made as a book. You can flip the book pages to view the next or previous image clicking or dragging the animated corners shown when hovering on the gallery area.

jQuery page flip book plugin  jFlip

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4. turn.js – jQuery HTML5 Page Flip effect plugin

Turn js is a plugin for jQuery that adds a beautiful transition similar to real pages in a book or magazine for HTML5. Being inspired by the effect of iBooks and Maps for iOS, I created two classes: one for manipulating the overall publication and another for each individual page.

turn.js – jQuery HTML5 Page Flip effect plugin

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5. Creating a jQuery Flipbook Image Slider with CSS3 3D Transforms

We’re going to write this code as a jQuery plugin, so first you need to include jQuery. Next we want to include a script called Modernizr. We only need 3D Transforms, and you can download the required script from here.

Creating a  jQuery Flipbook Image Slider with CSS3 3D Transforms

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6. jQuery Responsive FlipBook v5

jQuery Responsive flipbook no Flash Player needed (works on the Ipad etc.)

jQuery Responsive FlipBook v5

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7. jQuery Fullscreen Pageflip Layout

A tutorial on how to create a fullscreen pageflip layout using BookBlock. The idea is to flip the content like book pages and access the pages via a sidebar menu that will slide out from the left.

jQuery Fullscreen Pageflip Layout

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8. Moleskine Notebook with jQuery flip page Booklet

In this we will show you how to use and customize the brilliant jQuery Booklet Plugin by talented Will Grauvogel. We will create a virtual Moleskine notebook with latest posts from the blog.

Moleskine Notebook with jQuery Page flip Booklet

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9. Bookflip : JavaScript Page Turn effects

Bookflip engine has been totally rebuilt for better modern browser performance(IE8 & 9).Place any html code within the books pages – div id=”pages” (#no longer inside bookflip div). Each code block within the pages div will be treated as a seperate book page. Setting are adjustable in the script.

Bookflip : JavaScript Page Turn effects

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10. jQuery flipbook layout plugin : Booklet

Booklet is a jQuery tool for displaying content on the web in a flipbook layout.It was built using the jQuery library.

jQuery flipbook layout plugin : Booklet

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11. jPageFlipper : jQuery HTML5 Canvas page flipper

This is a wonderful implementation of page flipper entirely based on HTML 5 canvas tag. It means that it can work in any browser that supports HTML 5 standard draft – just out of the box!

jPageFlipper : jQuery HTML5 Canvas page flipper

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12. jQuery Flipbook Slider

jQuery Flipbook Slider is a lightweight jQuery plugin for flipping pages effect. It can be used with any content: text, html, iframes, videos, flash (swf) etc. You can customize it easily with CSS (background images, font family and color etc.).

 jQuery Flipbook Slider

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13. jQuery Experimental PageFlip Layout Inspired by Flipboard

In this we want to share an experimental 3D layout with you. It’s inspired by the famous Flipboard app where a seamlessly “normal” page flips like a page in a book when swiped. We’ve tried to re-create that effect using CSS 3D transforms and JavaScript, making a layout that is “flippable” and responsive. While the swiping makes sense for touch devices, dragging will do for normal browsers.

jQuery Experimental PageFlip Layout Inspired by Flipboard

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14. jQuery Flippage: Turn pages of your DIVs

FlipPage is a jQuery plugin that creates the illusion of turning the pages of a book.Originally developed for a presentation on touch pad, it can also find its place in an application such as e-book.

jQuery Flippage: Turn pages of your DIVs

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15. WowBook – jQuery Flip book engine

WowBook is jQuery plugin that allows you to create a online publication(like a book or magazine) with 2 different page flipping effects.

WowBook – jQuery Flip book engine

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