.NET性能优化交流群(.NET Performance Optimization Discussion Group)
Hello everyone, I believe many of you often encounter performance issues during development and struggle with the lack of effective tools to identify performance bottlenecks, or you may not know how to optimize once the bottlenecks are found. Previously, some readers have inquired about the existence of a technical exchange group, but for various reasons, one had not been created until now. I am pleased to announce that I have created a group dedicated to exchanging experience in .NET performance optimization. The topics include, but are not limited to:
- 如何找到.NET性能瓶颈,如使用APM、dotnet tools等工具
- .NET框架底层原理的实现,如垃圾回收器、JIT等等
- 如何编写高性能的.NET代码,哪些地方存在性能陷阱
- How to identify .NET performance bottlenecks, such as using APM, dotnet tools, and other tools.
- The implementation of underlying principles in the .NET framework, such as garbage collection, JIT, and so on.
- How to write high-performance .NET code and where potential performance pitfalls lie.
Currently, we have three WeChat groups, two QQ groups, and one QQ channel, with a total of about 2700 members. Everyone is welcome to exchange and discuss various issues encountered with new .NET technologies, industry trends, and so on. We look forward to your joining us!
WeChat Group 1, currently with 474 members:
WeChat Group 2, currently with 500 members:
WeChat Group 3, currently with 244 members:
QQ 1群,目前948人:
QQ Group 1, currently with 948 members:
QQ 2群,目前67人:
QQ Group 2, currently with 67 members:
QQ 频道,目前511人:
QQ Channel , currently with 511 members:
版权:本作品采用「署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际」许可协议进行许可。
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