public static int GetMeanThreshold(int[] HistGram) { int Sum = 0, Amount = 0; for (int Y = 0; Y < 256; Y++) { Amount += HistGram[Y]; Sum += Y * HistGram[Y]; } return Sum / Amount; }
Doyle于1962年提出的P-Tile (即P分位数法)可以说是最古老的一种阈值选取方法。该方法根据先验概率来设定阈值,使得二值化后的目标或背景像素比例等于先验概率,该方法简单高效,但是对于先验概率难于估计的图像却无能为力。
/// <summary> /// 百分比阈值 /// </summary> /// <param name="HistGram">灰度图像的直方图</param> /// <param name="Tile">背景在图像中所占的面积百分比</param> /// <returns></returns> public static int GetPTileThreshold(int[] HistGram, int Tile = 50) { int Y, Amount = 0, Sum = 0; for (Y = 0; Y < 256; Y++) Amount += HistGram[Y]; // 像素总数 for (Y = 0; Y < 256; Y++) { Sum = Sum + HistGram[Y]; if (Sum >= Amount * Tile / 100) return Y; } return -1; }
J. M. S. Prewitt and M. L. Mendelsohn, "The analysis of cell images," innnals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 128, pp. 1035-1053, 1966.
C. A. Glasbey, "An analysis of histogram-based thresholding algorithms," CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing, vol. 55, pp. 532-537, 1993.
public static int GetMinimumThreshold(int[] HistGram) { int Y, Iter = 0; double[] HistGramC = new double[256]; // 基于精度问题,一定要用浮点数来处理,否则得不到正确的结果 double[] HistGramCC = new double[256]; // 求均值的过程会破坏前面的数据,因此需要两份数据 for (Y = 0; Y < 256; Y++) { HistGramC[Y] = HistGram[Y]; HistGramCC[Y] = HistGram[Y]; } // 通过三点求均值来平滑直方图 while (IsDimodal(HistGramCC) == false) // 判断是否已经是双峰的图像了 { HistGramCC[0] = (HistGramC[0] + HistGramC[0] + HistGramC[1]) / 3; // 第一点 for (Y = 1; Y < 255; Y++) HistGramCC[Y] = (HistGramC[Y - 1] + HistGramC[Y] + HistGramC[Y + 1]) / 3; // 中间的点 HistGramCC[255] = (HistGramC[254] + HistGramC[255] + HistGramC[255]) / 3; // 最后一点 System.Buffer.BlockCopy(HistGramCC, 0, HistGramC, 0, 256 * sizeof(double)); Iter++; if (Iter >= 1000) return -1; // 直方图无法平滑为双峰的,返回错误代码 } // 阈值极为两峰之间的最小值 bool Peakfound = false; for (Y = 1; Y < 255; Y++) { if (HistGramCC[Y - 1] < HistGramCC[Y] && HistGramCC[Y + 1] < HistGramCC[Y]) Peakfound = true; if (Peakfound == true && HistGramCC[Y - 1] >= HistGramCC[Y] && HistGramCC[Y + 1] >= HistGramCC[Y]) return Y - 1; } return -1; }
private static bool IsDimodal(double[] HistGram) // 检测直方图是否为双峰的 { // 对直方图的峰进行计数,只有峰数位2才为双峰 int Count = 0; for (int Y = 1; Y < 255; Y++) { if (HistGram[Y - 1] < HistGram[Y] && HistGram[Y + 1] < HistGram[Y]) { Count++; if (Count > 2) return false; } } if (Count == 2) return true; else return false; }
原图 二值图 原始直方图 平滑后的直方图
public static int GetIntermodesThreshold(int[] HistGram) { int Y, Iter = 0, Index; double[] HistGramC = new double[256]; // 基于精度问题,一定要用浮点数来处理,否则得不到正确的结果 double[] HistGramCC = new double[256]; // 求均值的过程会破坏前面的数据,因此需要两份数据 for (Y = 0; Y < 256; Y++) { HistGramC[Y] = HistGram[Y]; HistGramCC[Y] = HistGram[Y]; } // 通过三点求均值来平滑直方图 while (IsDimodal(HistGramCC) == false) // 判断是否已经是双峰的图像了 { HistGramCC[0] = (HistGramC[0] + HistGramC[0] + HistGramC[1]) / 3; // 第一点 for (Y = 1; Y < 255; Y++) HistGramCC[Y] = (HistGramC[Y - 1] + HistGramC[Y] + HistGramC[Y + 1]) / 3; // 中间的点 HistGramCC[255] = (HistGramC[254] + HistGramC[255] + HistGramC[255]) / 3; // 最后一点 System.Buffer.BlockCopy(HistGramCC, 0, HistGramC, 0, 256 * sizeof(double)); // 备份数据,为下一次迭代做准备 Iter++; if (Iter >= 10000) return -1; // 似乎直方图无法平滑为双峰的,返回错误代码 } // 阈值为两峰值的平均值 int[] Peak = new int[2]; for (Y = 1, Index = 0; Y < 255; Y++) if (HistGramCC[Y - 1] < HistGramCC[Y] && HistGramCC[Y + 1] < HistGramCC[Y]) Peak[Index++] = Y - 1; return ((Peak[0] + Peak[1]) / 2); }
原图 二值图 原始直方图 平滑后的直方图
(2) 根据阈值T0将图象分割为前景和背景,分别求出两者的平均灰度值Ab和Af:
(3) 令
public static int GetIterativeBestThreshold(int[] HistGram) { int X, Iter = 0; int MeanValueOne, MeanValueTwo, SumOne, SumTwo, SumIntegralOne, SumIntegralTwo; int MinValue, MaxValue; int Threshold, NewThreshold; for (MinValue = 0; MinValue < 256 && HistGram[MinValue] == 0; MinValue++) ; for (MaxValue = 255; MaxValue > MinValue && HistGram[MinValue] == 0; MaxValue--) ; if (MaxValue == MinValue) return MaxValue; // 图像中只有一个颜色 if (MinValue + 1 == MaxValue) return MinValue; // 图像中只有二个颜色 Threshold = MinValue; NewThreshold = (MaxValue + MinValue) >> 1; while (Threshold != NewThreshold) // 当前后两次迭代的获得阈值相同时,结束迭代 { SumOne = 0; SumIntegralOne = 0; SumTwo = 0; SumIntegralTwo = 0; Threshold = NewThreshold; for (X = MinValue; X <= Threshold; X++) //根据阈值将图像分割成目标和背景两部分,求出两部分的平均灰度值 { SumIntegralOne += HistGram[X] * X; SumOne += HistGram[X]; } MeanValueOne = SumIntegralOne / SumOne; for (X = Threshold + 1; X <= MaxValue; X++) { SumIntegralTwo += HistGram[X] * X; SumTwo += HistGram[X]; } MeanValueTwo = SumIntegralTwo / SumTwo; NewThreshold = (MeanValueOne + MeanValueTwo) >> 1; //求出新的阈值 Iter++; if (Iter >= 1000) return -1; } return Threshold; }
原图 二值图 直方图
public static int GetOSTUThreshold(int[] HistGram) { int X, Y, Amount = 0; int PixelBack = 0, PixelFore = 0, PixelIntegralBack = 0, PixelIntegralFore = 0, PixelIntegral = 0; double OmegaBack, OmegaFore, MicroBack, MicroFore, SigmaB, Sigma; // 类间方差; int MinValue, MaxValue; int Threshold = 0; for (MinValue = 0; MinValue < 256 && HistGram[MinValue] == 0; MinValue++) ; for (MaxValue = 255; MaxValue > MinValue && HistGram[MinValue] == 0; MaxValue--) ; if (MaxValue == MinValue) return MaxValue; // 图像中只有一个颜色 if (MinValue + 1 == MaxValue) return MinValue; // 图像中只有二个颜色 for (Y = MinValue; Y <= MaxValue; Y++) Amount += HistGram[Y]; // 像素总数 PixelIntegral = 0; for (Y = MinValue; Y <= MaxValue; Y++) PixelIntegral += HistGram[Y] * Y; SigmaB = -1; for (Y = MinValue; Y < MaxValue; Y++) { PixelBack = PixelBack + HistGram[Y]; PixelFore = Amount - PixelBack; OmegaBack = (double)PixelBack / Amount; OmegaFore = (double)PixelFore / Amount; PixelIntegralBack += HistGram[Y] * Y; PixelIntegralFore = PixelIntegral - PixelIntegralBack; MicroBack = (double)PixelIntegralBack / PixelBack; MicroFore = (double)PixelIntegralFore / PixelFore; Sigma = OmegaBack * OmegaFore * (MicroBack - MicroFore) * (MicroBack - MicroFore); if (Sigma > SigmaB) { SigmaB = Sigma; Threshold = Y; } } return Threshold; }
public static int Get1DMaxEntropyThreshold(int[] HistGram) { int X, Y,Amount=0; double[] HistGramD = new double[256]; double SumIntegral, EntropyBack, EntropyFore, MaxEntropy; int MinValue = 255, MaxValue = 0; int Threshold = 0; for (MinValue = 0; MinValue < 256 && HistGram[MinValue] == 0; MinValue++) ; for (MaxValue = 255; MaxValue > MinValue && HistGram[MinValue] == 0; MaxValue--) ; if (MaxValue == MinValue) return MaxValue; // 图像中只有一个颜色 if (MinValue + 1 == MaxValue) return MinValue; // 图像中只有二个颜色 for (Y = MinValue; Y <= MaxValue; Y++) Amount += HistGram[Y]; // 像素总数 for (Y = MinValue; Y <= MaxValue; Y++) HistGramD[Y] = (double)HistGram[Y] / Amount+1e-17; MaxEntropy = double.MinValue; ; for (Y = MinValue + 1; Y < MaxValue; Y++) { SumIntegral = 0; for (X = MinValue; X <= Y; X++) SumIntegral += HistGramD[X]; EntropyBack = 0; for (X = MinValue; X <= Y; X++) EntropyBack += (-HistGramD[X] / SumIntegral * Math.Log(HistGramD[X] / SumIntegral)); EntropyFore = 0; for (X = Y + 1; X <= MaxValue; X++) EntropyFore += (-HistGramD[X] / (1 - SumIntegral) * Math.Log(HistGramD[X] / (1 - SumIntegral))); if (MaxEntropy < EntropyBack + EntropyFore) { Threshold = Y; MaxEntropy = EntropyBack + EntropyFore; } } return Threshold; }
参考论文:W. Tsai, “Moment-preserving thresholding: a new approach,” Comput.Vision Graphics Image Process., vol. 29, pp. 377-393, 1985.
public static byte GetMomentPreservingThreshold(int[] HistGram) { int X, Y, Index = 0, Amount=0; double[] Avec = new double[256]; double X2, X1, X0, Min; for (Y = 0; Y <= 255; Y++) Amount += HistGram[Y]; // 像素总数 for (Y = 0; Y < 256; Y++) Avec[Y] = (double)A(HistGram, Y) / Amount; // The threshold is chosen such that A(y,t)/A(y,n) is closest to x0. // The following finds x0. X2 = (double)(B(HistGram, 255) * C(HistGram, 255) - A(HistGram, 255) * D(HistGram, 255)) / (double)(A(HistGram, 255) * C(HistGram, 255) - B(HistGram, 255) * B(HistGram, 255)); X1 = (double)(B(HistGram, 255) * D(HistGram, 255) - C(HistGram, 255) * C(HistGram, 255)) / (double)(A(HistGram, 255) * C(HistGram, 255) - B(HistGram, 255) * B(HistGram, 255)); X0 = 0.5 - (B(HistGram, 255) / A(HistGram, 255) + X2 / 2) / Math.Sqrt(X2 * X2 - 4 * X1); for (Y = 0, Min = double.MaxValue; Y < 256; Y++) { if (Math.Abs(Avec[Y] - X0) < Min) { Min = Math.Abs(Avec[Y] - X0); Index = Y; } } return (byte)Index; } private static double A(int[] HistGram, int Index) { double Sum = 0; for (int Y = 0; Y <= Index; Y++) Sum += HistGram[Y]; return Sum; } private static double B(int[] HistGram, int Index) { double Sum = 0; for (int Y = 0; Y <= Index; Y++) Sum += (double)Y * HistGram[Y]; return Sum; } private static double C(int[] HistGram, int Index) { double Sum = 0; for (int Y = 0; Y <= Index; Y++) Sum += (double)Y * Y * HistGram[Y]; return Sum; } private static double D(int[] HistGram, int Index) { double Sum = 0; for (int Y = 0; Y <= Index; Y++) Sum += (double)Y * Y * Y * HistGram[Y]; return Sum; }
- Kittler, J & Illingworth, J (1986), "Minimum error thresholding", Pattern Recognition 19: 41-47
public static int GetKittlerMinError(int[] HistGram) { int X, Y; int MinValue, MaxValue; int Threshold ; int PixelBack, PixelFore; double OmegaBack, OmegaFore, MinSigma, Sigma, SigmaBack, SigmaFore; for (MinValue = 0; MinValue < 256 && HistGram[MinValue] == 0; MinValue++) ; for (MaxValue = 255; MaxValue > MinValue && HistGram[MinValue] == 0; MaxValue--) ; if (MaxValue == MinValue) return MaxValue; // 图像中只有一个颜色 if (MinValue + 1 == MaxValue) return MinValue; // 图像中只有二个颜色 Threshold = -1; MinSigma = 1E+20; for (Y = MinValue; Y < MaxValue; Y++) { PixelBack = 0; PixelFore = 0; OmegaBack = 0; OmegaFore = 0; for (X = MinValue; X <= Y; X++) { PixelBack += HistGram[X]; OmegaBack = OmegaBack + X * HistGram[X]; } for (X = Y + 1; X <= MaxValue; X++) { PixelFore += HistGram[X]; OmegaFore = OmegaFore + X * HistGram[X]; } OmegaBack = OmegaBack / PixelBack; OmegaFore = OmegaFore / PixelFore; SigmaBack = 0; SigmaFore = 0; for (X = MinValue; X <= Y; X++) SigmaBack = SigmaBack + (X - OmegaBack) * (X - OmegaBack) * HistGram[X]; for (X = Y + 1; X <= MaxValue; X++) SigmaFore = SigmaFore + (X - OmegaFore) * (X - OmegaFore) * HistGram[X]; if (SigmaBack == 0 || SigmaFore == 0) { if (Threshold == -1) Threshold = Y; } else { SigmaBack = Math.Sqrt(SigmaBack / PixelBack); SigmaFore = Math.Sqrt(SigmaFore / PixelFore); Sigma = 1 + 2 * (PixelBack * Math.Log(SigmaBack / PixelBack) + PixelFore * Math.Log(SigmaFore / PixelFore)); if (Sigma < MinSigma) { MinSigma = Sigma; Threshold = Y; } } } return Threshold; }
- Ridler, TW & Calvard, S (1978), "Picture thresholding using an iterative selection method", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 8: 630-632, <http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=4310039>
// Also called intermeans // Iterative procedure based on the isodata algorithm [T.W. Ridler, S. Calvard, Picture // thresholding using an iterative selection method, IEEE Trans. System, Man and // Cybernetics, SMC-8 (1978) 630-632.] // The procedure divides the image into objects and background by taking an initial threshold, // then the averages of the pixels at or below the threshold and pixels above are computed. // The averages of those two values are computed, the threshold is incremented and the // process is repeated until the threshold is larger than the composite average. That is, // threshold = (average background + average objects)/2 // The code in ImageJ that implements this function is the getAutoThreshold() method in the ImageProcessor class. // // From: Tim Morris (dtm@ap.co.umist.ac.uk) // Subject: Re: Thresholding method? // posted to sci.image.processing on 1996/06/24 // The algorithm implemented in NIH Image sets the threshold as that grey // value, G, for which the average of the averages of the grey values // below and above G is equal to G. It does this by initialising G to the // lowest sensible value and iterating: // L = the average grey value of pixels with intensities < G // H = the average grey value of pixels with intensities > G // is G = (L + H)/2? // yes => exit // no => increment G and repeat // // There is a discrepancy with IJ because they are slightly different methods public static int GetIsoDataThreshold(int[] HistGram) { int i, l, toth, totl, h, g = 0; for (i = 1; i < HistGram.Length; i++) { if (HistGram[i] > 0) { g = i + 1; break; } } while (true) { l = 0; totl = 0; for (i = 0; i < g; i++) { totl = totl + HistGram[i]; l = l + (HistGram[i] * i); } h = 0; toth = 0; for (i = g + 1; i < HistGram.Length; i++) { toth += HistGram[i]; h += (HistGram[i] * i); } if (totl > 0 && toth > 0) { l /= totl; h /= toth; if (g == (int)Math.Round((l + h) / 2.0)) break; } g++; if (g > HistGram.Length - 2) { return 0; } } return g; }
十二、Shanbhag 法
Shanbhag, Abhijit G. (1994), "Utilization of information measure as a means of image thresholding", Graph. Models Image Process. (Academic Press, Inc.) 56 (5): 414--419, ISSN 1049-9652, DOI 10.1006/cgip.1994.1037
public static int GetShanbhagThreshold(int[] HistGram) { int threshold; int ih, it; int first_bin; int last_bin; double term; double tot_ent; /* total entropy */ double min_ent; /* max entropy */ double ent_back; /* entropy of the background pixels at a given threshold */ double ent_obj; /* entropy of the object pixels at a given threshold */ double[] norm_histo = new double[HistGram.Length]; /* normalized histogram */ double[] P1 = new double[HistGram.Length]; /* cumulative normalized histogram */ double[] P2 = new double[HistGram.Length]; int total = 0; for (ih = 0; ih < HistGram.Length; ih++) total += HistGram[ih]; for (ih = 0; ih < HistGram.Length; ih++) norm_histo[ih] = (double)HistGram[ih] / total; P1[0] = norm_histo[0]; P2[0] = 1.0 - P1[0]; for (ih = 1; ih < HistGram.Length; ih++) { P1[ih] = P1[ih - 1] + norm_histo[ih]; P2[ih] = 1.0 - P1[ih]; } /* Determine the first non-zero bin */ first_bin = 0; for (ih = 0; ih < HistGram.Length; ih++) { if (!(Math.Abs(P1[ih]) < 2.220446049250313E-16)) { first_bin = ih; break; } } /* Determine the last non-zero bin */ last_bin = HistGram.Length - 1; for (ih = HistGram.Length - 1; ih >= first_bin; ih--) { if (!(Math.Abs(P2[ih]) < 2.220446049250313E-16)) { last_bin = ih; break; } } // Calculate the total entropy each gray-level // and find the threshold that maximizes it threshold = -1; min_ent = Double.MaxValue; for (it = first_bin; it <= last_bin; it++) { /* Entropy of the background pixels */ ent_back = 0.0; term = 0.5 / P1[it]; for (ih = 1; ih <= it; ih++) { //0+1? ent_back -= norm_histo[ih] * Math.Log(1.0 - term * P1[ih - 1]); } ent_back *= term; /* Entropy of the object pixels */ ent_obj = 0.0; term = 0.5 / P2[it]; for (ih = it + 1; ih < HistGram.Length; ih++) { ent_obj -= norm_histo[ih] * Math.Log(1.0 - term * P2[ih]); } ent_obj *= term; /* Total entropy */ tot_ent = Math.Abs(ent_back - ent_obj); if (tot_ent < min_ent) { min_ent = tot_ent; threshold = it; } } return threshold; }
1) Yen J.C., Chang F.J., and Chang S. (1995) "A New Criterion for Automatic Multilevel Thresholding" IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 4(3): 370-378
2) Sezgin M. and Sankur B. (2004) "Survey over Image Thresholding Techniques and Quantitative Performance Evaluation" Journal of Electronic Imaging, 13(1): 146-165
// M. Emre Celebi // 06.15.2007 // Ported to ImageJ plugin by G.Landini from E Celebi's fourier_0.8 routines public static int GetYenThreshold(int[] HistGram) { int threshold; int ih, it; double crit; double max_crit; double[] norm_histo = new double[HistGram.Length]; /* normalized histogram */ double[] P1 = new double[HistGram.Length]; /* cumulative normalized histogram */ double[] P1_sq = new double[HistGram.Length]; double[] P2_sq = new double[HistGram.Length]; int total = 0; for (ih = 0; ih < HistGram.Length; ih++) total += HistGram[ih]; for (ih = 0; ih < HistGram.Length; ih++) norm_histo[ih] = (double)HistGram[ih] / total; P1[0] = norm_histo[0]; for (ih = 1; ih < HistGram.Length; ih++) P1[ih] = P1[ih - 1] + norm_histo[ih]; P1_sq[0] = norm_histo[0] * norm_histo[0]; for (ih = 1; ih < HistGram.Length; ih++) P1_sq[ih] = P1_sq[ih - 1] + norm_histo[ih] * norm_histo[ih]; P2_sq[HistGram.Length - 1] = 0.0; for (ih = HistGram.Length - 2; ih >= 0; ih--) P2_sq[ih] = P2_sq[ih + 1] + norm_histo[ih + 1] * norm_histo[ih + 1]; /* Find the threshold that maximizes the criterion */ threshold = -1; max_crit = Double.MinValue; for (it = 0; it < HistGram.Length; it++) { crit = -1.0 * ((P1_sq[it] * P2_sq[it]) > 0.0 ? Math.Log(P1_sq[it] * P2_sq[it]) : 0.0) + 2 * ((P1[it] * (1.0 - P1[it])) > 0.0 ? Math.Log(P1[it] * (1.0 - P1[it])) : 0.0); if (crit > max_crit) { max_crit = crit; threshold = it; } } return threshold; }
一行很多代码是摘自开源软件ImageJ的资料,读者也可以参考:http://fiji.sc/wiki/index.php/Auto_Threshold 这里获得更多的信息。
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