[快速阅读七] Halcon里emphasize函数相关资料.
emphasize (Operator) Name emphasize — Enhance contrast of the image. Signature emphasize(Image : ImageEmphasize : MaskWidth, MaskHeight, Factor : ) Description The operator emphasize emphasizes high frequency areas of the image (edges and corners). The resulting images appears sharper. First the procedure carries out a filtering with the low pass (mean_image). The resulting gray values (res) are calculated from the obtained gray values (mean) and the original gray values (orig) as follows: res := round((orig - mean) * Factor) + orig Factor serves as measurement of the increase in contrast. The division frequency is determined via the size of the filter matrix: The larger the matrix, the lower the disivion frequency. As an edge treatment the gray values are mirrored at the edges of the image. Overflow and/or underflow of gray values is clipped.
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