
  Halcon里有个texture_laws 算子,最近实现了下,记录下相关细节。


       texture_laws — Filter an image using a Laws texture filter.


    texture_laws(Image : ImageTexture : FilterTypes, Shift, FilterSize : )


    texture_laws applies a texture transformation (according to Laws) to an image. This is done by convolving the input image with a special filter mask. The filters are:

    9 different 3×3 matrices obtainable from the following three vectors:

      l = [ 1 2 1 ],
      e = [ -1 0 1 ],
      s = [ -1 2 -1 ]
    25 different 5×5 matrices obtainable from the following five vectors:
      l = [ 1 4 6 4 1 ],
      e = [ -1 -2 0 2 1 ],
      s = [ -1 0 2 0 -1 ],
      w = [ -1 2 0 -2 1 ]
      r = [ 1 -4 6 -4 1 ],
    49 different 7×7 matrices obtainable from the following seven vectors:
      l = [ 1 6 15 20 15 6 1 ],
      e = [ -1 -4 -5 0 5 4 1 ],
      s = [ -1 -2 1 4 1 -2 -1 ],
      w = [ -1 0 3 0 -3 0 1 ],
      r = [ 1 -2 -1 4 -1 -2 1 ],
      u = [ 1 -4 5 0 -5 4 -1 ]
      o = [ -1 6 -15 20 -15 6 -1 ]
  The names of the filters are mnemonics for “level,” “edge,” “spot,” “wave,” “ripple,” “undulation,” and “oscillation.”
  For most of the filters the resulting gray values must be modified by a Shift. This makes the different textures in the output image more comparable to each other, provided suitable filters are used.The name of the filter is composed of the letters of the two   vectors used, where the first letter denotes convolution in the column direction while the second letter denotes convolution in the row direction.

  FilterTypes (input_control) string → (string)
    Desired filter.
    Default value: 'el'
    Suggested values: 'll', 'le', 'ls', 'lw', 'lr', 'lu', 'lo', 'el', 'ee', 'es', 'ew', 'er', 'eu', 'eo', 'sl', 'se', 'ss', 'sw', 'sr', 'su', 'so', 'wl', 'we', 'ws', 'ww', 'wr', 'wu', 'wo', 'rl', 're', 'rs', 'rw', 'rr', 'ru', 'ro', 'ul', 'ue', 'us', 'uw', 'ur', 'uu', 'uo', 'ol', 'oe', 'os', 'ow', 'or', 'ou', 'oo'
  Shift (input_control) integer → (integer)
    Shift to reduce the gray value dynamics.
    Default value: 2
    List of values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  FilterSize (input_control) integer → (integer)
    Size of the filter kernel.
    Default value: 5
    List of values: 3, 5, 7


  以滤波器尺寸为3,滤波器类型为‘el‘,Shift = 2为例来说明计算过程。

    对应的e = [ -1 0 1 ], l = [ 1 2 1 ]。


         -1   -2   -1
         0    0    0
         1    2   1

  卷积矩阵如上所示,那么假如卷积的结果为s,则最终的结果为s >> shift, shift起到了调整图像最后亮度的作用。



        具体实现上,从速度角度考虑,这个中间结果可以用signed short类型来保存,在观察这些卷积的系数,都在signed char范围内,因此,在从原图到中间结果的过程中,可以用一个非常高效的SSE函数来实现,即_mm_maddubs_epi16.







   就是这样一个简单的优化,我测试了一下速度,测试对象为3000*2000的RGB数据, 分别使用3、5、7的滤波器尺寸,时间比例如下:



   测试算法在我的SSE Demo的ImageInfo 菜单下Laws Texture下。

        本文Demo下载地址:  http://files.cnblogs.com/files/Imageshop/SSE_Optimization_Demo.rar,里面的所有算法都是基于SSE实现的。


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