
Delphi/C# - My favorite programming language


Delphi的彩蛋 (好像Delphi5~Delphi7都可以)


After the large DELPHI word scrolls off the screen you will see:
- a praise to the Joint Endeavour of Delphi Innovators (and a link to their site in the About box) or
- the names of the developers / team / QA that made Delphi such a great product

While the "Star Wars" type scrolling in still on you can use the down (or the up) key to turn the scrolling text until it is
upside down, and now you should now see the message:
    "Use the Source, Luke"

posted on 2004-03-31 09:49  Icebird  阅读(1598)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报