今天手懒,看了一些SAP HANA 的一些外文介绍,不翻译了,直接剽窃过来,供参考。

  1. HANA 是什么东西?

  “HANA doesn't actually mean anything, but some people have coined the phrase High performance ANalytical Appliance, and as this name suggests, it is not just some software you can install. The SAP HANA system comprises both the software and the hardware necessary to function. By selling SAP HANA as a complete system of its own SAP HANA database on certified hardware supplied by partners such as IBM, HP, and Dell, SAP can guarantee some level of performance”.


  2.SAP HANA 体系架构。


  3. HANA 是基于列存储的DBMS. 


posted @ 2015-11-13 13:49  林本托  阅读(220)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报