PowerShell1.0 与2.0中的异常处理比较


  • Trap:
    • Designed for admins
    • V1 and V2
    • Introduces a new scope
    • Is “global”, meaning it applies to all code in the same scope, before or after.
    • Does not support rethrow (an empty throw statement throws a special RuntimeException with the message “ScriptHalted”)
  • Try/Catch
    • Designed for developers
    • V2 only
    • Does not introduce a new scope
    • Guarded code is in the try statement block, not the entire scope containing the try statement
    • Supports finally
    • Supports rethrowing exceptions


posted @ 2011-12-07 13:52  ITGirl笑笑  阅读(419)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报