Error:Not a NetCDF id


问题描述:之前在写代码时,测试一直用的一个NC文件,最近换了数据源再读取文件时打印信息一直提示“Error:Not a NetCDF id ”。



I am using a tool called NCO to play with my WRF output file (in .nc
format). I am using netcdf 3.6.2 version and the .nc file is 64 bit
offset. However, when I run the NCO, error occurs - Not a netCDF. Is it
possible to solve this problem?

This could occur if your version of NCO is statically linked to an old
version of netCDF, before 3.6.0. Otherwise, NCO should recognize a 64-bit
offset netCDF file. You might determine whether NCO is linking to an old
shared library by runing the unix command

ldd ncks

and checking the output for an old shared library.

Does ncdump recognize the file?


posted @ 2017-12-08 12:24  ISmileLi  阅读(92)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报