C# PERFORMANCE 性能 //z 2012-3-28 15:04:03 PM IS2120@CSDN 1. 最重要的是定位出 hot spot 尽量优化哪些占用了大量时间的方法等,否则费了力气,效果不彰。 2. class 一般不要有空的 dtor 结构无法定义dtor,只有类可以... 阅读全文
Dev 11 has a diff and merge view that is simply outstanding and using it to compare changes before checkin is just dreamy. I ran into a situation w... 阅读全文
//z 2012-3-16 11:34:36 AM IS2120@CSDN SQL Server 2005 or 2008: SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables SQL Server 2000: SELECT * FROM sysobjects W... 阅读全文