LeetCode208. 实现 Trie (前缀树)(相关话题:Trie前缀树)

import java.util.TreeMap;
class Trie {

    private class Node{
        public boolean isWord;
        public TreeMap<Character, Node> next;

        public Node(boolean isWord){
            this.isWord = isWord;
            next = new TreeMap<>();

        public Node(){
    private Node root;

    /** Initialize your data structure here. */
    public Trie() {
        root = new Node();

    /** Inserts a word into the trie. */
    public void insert(String word) {
        Node cur = root;
        for(int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++){
            char c = word.charAt(i);
            if(cur.next.get(c) == null){
                cur.next.put(c, new Node());
            cur = cur.next.get(c);
        cur.isWord = true;

    /** Returns if the word is in the trie. */
    public boolean search(String word) {

        Node cur = root;
        for(int i = 0 ; i < word.length(); i++){
            char c = word.charAt(i);
            if(cur.next.get(c) == null){
                return false;
            cur = cur.next.get(c);
        return cur.isWord;

    /** Returns if there is any word in the trie that starts with the given prefix. */
    public boolean startsWith(String prefix) {
        Node cur = root;
        for(int i = 0; i < prefix.length(); i++){
            char c = prefix.charAt(i);
            if(cur.next.get(c) == null){
                return false;
            cur = cur.next.get(c);
        return true;


 * Your Trie object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * Trie obj = new Trie();
 * obj.insert(word);
 * boolean param_2 = obj.search(word);
 * boolean param_3 = obj.startsWith(prefix);
Solution 1


Solution 2 (比使用TreeMap时间效率高): 【40讲系列10】字典树


posted @ 2020-05-10 09:24  不学无墅_NKer  阅读(90)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报