环境变量: #标题 键 值 # java JAVA_HOME E:\Programs\Java\jdk-20 # java Path %JAVA_HOME%\bin (AI 认为只有一个JAVA版本时可以直接写 E:\Programs\Java\jdk-20\bin 而不需创建 JAVA_HOME 阅读全文
心法: 以往看过很多的移植教程、在 Keil 里面添加很多的文件分组、进到 LVGL 源码文件夹,进进出出多级目录添加很多的源码文件、这个添加,那个不需要添加,着实吓人 + 劝退人。 但其实: 1. Keil 里面的文件分组的 组织结构、取名对编译根本不重要,只是方便程序员管理文件。 不过要注意,需 阅读全文
调整格式技巧: Word 中点击 “文件”--》"选项"--》“显示”,将高亮部分全部打钩,有利于查看格式字符、 “分页符” 和“分节符” 两个很有用, 其中分节符 前后的页码是独立的。 样式间的关系: 关系图内容是类比 C++ 中类的继承编写的伪代码,“正文”为基类,派生出 “论文--正文”, “ 阅读全文
1. Language Characteristics Okay, and now we are going to talk about the characteristics of languages. We are going to talk about different language f 阅读全文
1. From Now to C1 Now is the time to talk about the things that you can do later on after finishing this challenge. After those ten days, and even if 阅读全文
1. Schedule Okay, so this is pretty much all for now when it comes to our program from the theoretical side. Now all you have to do is actually apply 阅读全文
1. Instruction of the course Everything you learn will help you create your own 10-day schedule which is the base of the program. This program is divi 阅读全文
1. Model of Learning So now it's time to go to the stage room. These will actually change their names once we actually started the program. Once you s 阅读全文
中科大: deb https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu/ jammy main restricted universe multiverse deb-src https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu/ jammy main restrict 阅读全文