
给出一个数组,找出能由这个数组组成的最大水桶“容积”(即最矮边决定的容积)。自己写的两种方法都在倒数第二个test case上超时了,先贴上自己的方法:

class Solution(object):
    def maxArea(self, height):
        :type height: List[int]
        :rtype: int
        totalLength = len(height)
        if totalLength <= 1:
            return 0
        currMaxArea = 0
        for i, _height1 in enumerate(height):
            for j, _height2 in enumerate(list(reversed(height))[0:-(i+1)]):
                width = totalLength - i - j - 1
                if _height2 >= _height1:
                    if width * _height1 >= currMaxArea:
                        currMaxArea = width * _height1
                    if width * _height2 >= currMaxArea:
                        currMaxArea = width * _height2
        return currMaxArea


然后到下一块“木板”;如果最远的那块“木板”比它低的话,比较最大容积后还需继续往左找距离近一些的“木板”。在倒序且数组很大的test case下,这个方法超时了。


class Solution(object):
    def maxArea(self, height):
        :type height: List[int]
        :rtype: int
        MAX = 0
        x = len(height) - 1
        y = 0
        while x != y:
            if height[x] > height[y]:
                area = height[y] * (x - y)
                y += 1
                area = height[x] * (x - y)
                x -= 1
            MAX = max(MAX, area)
        return MAX






class Solution(object):
    def intToRoman(self, num):
        :type num: int
        :rtype: str
        values = [ 1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1 ]
        numerals = [ "M", "CM", "D", "CD", "C", "XC", "L", "XL", "X", "IX", "V", "IV", "I" ]
        res, i = "", 0
        while num:
            res += (num/values[i]) * numerals[i]
            num %= values[i]
            i += 1
        return res




class Solution(object):
    def romanToInt(self, s):
        :type s: str
        :rtype: int
        map = {'I':1, 'V':5, 'X':10, 'L':50, 'C':100, 'D':500, 'M':1000}
        num, pre = 0, 1000
        for i in [map[j] for j in s]:
            num, pre = num + i - 2 * pre if i > pre else num + i, i
        return num





class Solution(object):
    def longestCommonPrefix(self, strs):
        :type strs: List[str]
        :rtype: str
        if len(strs) <= 0: return ''
        if len(strs) == 1: return strs[0]
        if len(strs) % 2 == 1: strs.append(strs[-1])
        strs1 = strs[0::2]
        strs2 = strs[1::2]
        newStrs = [self.findCommonPrefix(strs1[i], strs2[i]) for i in xrange(len(strs1))]
        return self.longestCommonPrefix(newStrs)
    def findCommonPrefix(self, str1, str2):
        if len(str1) < len(str2):
            temp = str1
            str1 = str2
            str2 = temp
        currIndex = totalLength = len(str2)
        if str2 == str1[0:currIndex]: return str2
            if str2[0:currIndex] == str1[0:currIndex]:
                if str2[0:currIndex + 1] == str1[0:currIndex + 1]:
                    currIndex = (totalLength + currIndex) / 2
                    return str2[0:currIndex]
                if str2[0:currIndex - 1] == str1[0:currIndex - 1]:
                    return str2[0:currIndex - 1]
                    currIndex /= 2
            if currIndex == 0:
                return ''





 给出一个整数数组,找出里面能相加为零的三个数的所有组合。我的方法最后一个test case超时,和暴搜其实没啥区别,就是找第三个数的时候用了一下二分。贴上我的代码:

class Solution(object):
    def threeSum(self, nums):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :rtype: List[List[int]]
        totalLength = len(nums)
        if totalLength < 3: return []
        nums = sorted(nums)
        p, q = 0, 1
        ret = []
        while (p <= totalLength - 3):
            if nums[p] > 0:
            numRequired = 0 - nums[p] - nums[q]
            index = totalLength - 1
            range1, range2 = q, totalLength - 1
            while(index > range1 and index <= range2):
                if nums[index] < numRequired:
                    range1 = index
                    index = (range2 + index) / 2
                elif nums[index] == numRequired:
                    ret.append([nums[p], nums[q], numRequired])
                    range2 = index
                    index = (range1 + index) / 2
            q += 1
            while(nums[q] == nums[q - 1] and q < totalLength - 1):
            if q == totalLength - 1:
                p += 1
                while(nums[p] == nums[p-1]):
                    p += 1
                    if p > totalLength - 3:
                        return ret
                q = p + 1
        return ret



class Solution(object):
    def threeSum(self, nums):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :rtype: List[List[int]]
        res = []
        nums = sorted(nums)
        length = len(nums)
        for i in xrange(length - 2):
            if nums[i] > 0: break
            if i > 0 and nums[i] == nums[i - 1]: continue
            l, r = i + 1, length - 1
            while l < r:
                total = nums[i] + nums[l] + nums[r]

                if total < 0:
                    l += 1
                elif total > 0:
                    r -= 1
                    res.append([nums[i], nums[l], nums[r]])
                    while l < r and nums[l] == nums[l + 1]:
                        l += 1
                    while l < r and nums[r] == nums[r - 1]:
                        r -= 1
                    l += 1
                    r -= 1
        return res


posted @ 2020-03-29 20:19  HorribleMe  阅读(153)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报