document.title = "你的标题";
1 <template> 2 <view class=""> 3 <view class="login"> 4 <view class="" @click="lookimg"> 5 <image :src="imgPath[0].icon" v-if="imgPath[0].icon" mode="widthFix" crossorigin="anonymous"></image> 6 </view> 7 <u-navbar title="canvas" :is-back="false" title-color="#333"></u-navbar> 8 <view class="tki" :style="isclass"> 9 <canvas class="tki-canvas" :style="{ width: canvasW + 'px', height: canvasH + 'px' }" canvas-id="myCanvas" id="myCanvas"></canvas> 10 <div class="qrcode" ref="qrCodeUrl" style="display: none;"></div> 11 </view> 12 </view> 13 </view> 14 </template> 15 16 <script> 17 var _this; 18 let qrcode; 19 import titleImg from "../../static/images/icon.ok.png" 20 import assetsImg from "../../static/images/icon-assets.png" 21 import gouImg from "../../static/images/icon-gou.png" 22 import QRCode from 'qrcodejs2' 23 import { 24 pathToBase64, 25 base64ToPath 26 } from 'image-tools' 27 export default { 28 components: {}, 29 data() { 30 return { 31 canvasW: 0, 32 canvasH: 0, 33 SystemInfo: {}, 34 goodsImg: {}, 35 ewmImg: {}, 36 titleImg: titleImg, 37 assetsImg: assetsImg, 38 gouImg: gouImg, 39 title: "①品质好,品牌开发商开发,居住舒适度高;②绿化高,临近主要干道,生活配套完善;③户型多,选择性高,适合多类人群。", 40 price: "158.00", 41 Oldprice: "350.00", 42 name: "天涯过客", 43 tags: ['品牌房企', '地铁物业', '清水新房'], 44 houseInfoMap: {}, 45 my_qrcode: '', 46 imgPath: [{ 47 icon: '' 48 }], 49 pixelRatio: '', 50 isclass: '', 51 id: '' 52 }; 53 }, 54 async onLoad(e) { 55 let that = this; 56 this.id = e.id 57 if (this.isIOS()) { 58 if (window.history && window.history.pushState) { 59 history.pushState(null, null, document.URL); 60 window.addEventListener("popstate", this.goIndex, false); //false阻止默认事件 61 } 62 } 63 that.SystemInfo = await that.getSystemInfo(); 64 // this.goodsImg = await this.getImageInfo( 65 // "https://cd-ok.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/fang/20210203/161235392439999768148.png" 66 // ); 67 that.request.getHouseById(e.id).then((res) => { 68 console.log(res.result); 69 that.houseInfoMap = res.result.houseInfoMap; 70 that.canvasW = that.SystemInfo.windowWidth; 71 that.canvasH = that.SystemInfo.windowHeight; 72 that.pixelRatio = that.SystemInfo.pixelRatio; 73 if ( 74 that.SystemInfo.errMsg == "getSystemInfo:ok" 75 ) { 76 console.log("ok"); 77 uni.showToast({ 78 icon: "loading", 79 mask: true, 80 duration: 10000, 81 title: "海报绘制中", 82 }); 83 setTimeout(() => { 84 console.log(that.houseInfoMap); 85 var ctx = uni.createCanvasContext("myCanvas", that); 86 // 1.填充背景色,蓝色 87 ctx.setFillStyle("#000CFF"); 88 ctx.fillRect(0, 0, that.canvasW, that.canvasH); 89 that.fillRoundRect(ctx, 10, 90, that.canvasW - 20, 460, 10, '#fff'); 90 // 2.绘制标题图片 91 ctx.drawImage(that.titleImg, 170, 20, 69, 32); 92 // 3.绘制title 93 ctx.setFontSize(10); 94 ctx.setFillStyle("#FFF"); 95 ctx.fillText('房 产 合 伙 人 创 业 服 务 平 台', 130, 70); 96 // 4.绘制产品名称 97 ctx.setFontSize(23); 98 ctx.font = 'normal bold 23px Arial,sans-serif' 99 console.log(that.canvasW, that.canvasH); 100 ctx.setFillStyle("#000000"); 101 ctx.fillText(that.houseInfoMap.houseName, 30, 130); 102 // 5.绘制地址信息 103 ctx.drawImage(that.assetsImg, that.canvasW - 100, 120, 12, 12); 104 ctx.setFontSize(12); 105 ctx.setFillStyle("#000000"); 106 ctx.fillText(that.houseInfoMap.getSaleInfo.belongArea, that.canvasW - 85, 130); 107 // 6.绘制标签 108 let distanceImgW = 30; 109 let distanceTxtW = 50; 110 let houseLabelArry = JSON.parse(that.houseInfoMap.houseLabel); 111 for (let i = 0; i < houseLabelArry.length; i++) { 112 ctx.drawImage(that.gouImg, distanceImgW, 160, 14, 14); 113 ctx.setFontSize(12); 114 ctx.setFillStyle("#000000"); 115 ctx.fillText(houseLabelArry[i], distanceTxtW, 170); 116 distanceImgW += 80; 117 distanceTxtW += 80; 118 } 119 // 7.绘制产品图 120 // let image = new Image(); 121 // image.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous'; // 支持跨域图片 122 // image.src = that.houseInfoMap.cover + '?v=' + Math.random(); 123 // image.onload = function() { 124 // console.log(image, 'oooo') 125 // ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, 322, 233); 126 // } 127 that.circleImg(ctx, that.houseInfoMap.cover, 30, 190, 322, 233, 10); 128 8. 绘制产品信息 129 ctx.setFontSize(12); 130 ctx.setFillStyle("#7E7E7E"); 131 ctx.fillText('销售均价', 30, 450); 132 ctx.setFontSize(12); 133 ctx.setFillStyle("#7E7E7E"); 134 ctx.fillText('建筑面积', 130, 450); 135 ctx.setFontSize(12); 136 ctx.setFillStyle("#7E7E7E"); 137 ctx.fillText('户型', 250, 450); 138 ctx.setFontSize(14); 139 ctx.setFillStyle("#1563F1"); 140 ctx.fillText(that.houseInfoMap.getSaleInfo.salePrice + '/㎡', 30, 470); 141 ctx.setFontSize(14); 142 ctx.setFillStyle("#7E7E7E"); 143 ctx.fillText(that.houseInfoMap.getHouseTypeInfo[0].typeArea + "㎡", 130, 470); 144 ctx.setFontSize(14); 145 ctx.setFillStyle("#7E7E7E"); 146 ctx.fillText(that.houseInfoMap.getHouseTypeInfo[0].typeName, 250, 470); 147 // 10.绘制其他信息 148 that.fillRoundRect(ctx, 10, 480, that.canvasW - 20, 110, 10, '#E7E7E7'); 149 // 10.1 绘制标题 150 ctx.setFontSize(14); 151 ctx.setFillStyle("#333"); 152 ctx.fillText('项目优势:', 30, 510); 153 // 10.2绘制二维码 154 155 // 10.3 绘制商品简介,多余文字自动换行 156 ctx.setFontSize(12); 157 ctx.setFillStyle("#333"); 158 let _strlineW = 0; 159 let _strLastIndex = 0; //每次开始截取的字符串的索引 160 let _strHeight = 530; //绘制字体距离canvas顶部的初始高度 161 let _num = 1; 162 for (let i = 0; i < that.title.length; i++) { 163 _strlineW += ctx.measureText(that.title[i]).width; 164 if (_strlineW > that.canvasW - 155) { 165 if (_num == 3 && 3) { 166 //文字换行数量大于二进行省略号处理 167 ctx.fillText( 168 that.title.substring(_strLastIndex, i - 5) + "...", 169 30, 170 _strHeight 171 ); 172 _strlineW = 0; 173 _strLastIndex = i; 174 _num++; 175 break; 176 } else { 177 ctx.fillText( 178 that.title.substring(_strLastIndex, i), 179 30, 180 _strHeight 181 ); 182 _strlineW = 0; 183 _strHeight += 20; 184 _strLastIndex = i; 185 _num++; 186 } 187 } else if (i == that.title.length - 1) { 188 ctx.fillText( 189 that.title.substring(_strLastIndex, i + 1), 190 30, 191 _strHeight 192 ); 193 _strlineW = 0; 194 } 195 } 196 // 10.4 生成二维码 197 that.my_qrcode = new QRCode(that.$refs.qrCodeUrl, { 198 text: that.shareURL + "/pages/index/ok-room-info?id=" + that.houseInfoMap.id + "&pId=" + JSON.parse( 199 localStorage 200 .getItem("userInfo")).id, // 需要转换为二维码的内容 201 width: 60, 202 height: 60, 203 colorDark: '#000000', 204 colorLight: '#ffffff', 205 correctLevel: QRCode.CorrectLevel.H 206 }); 207 let img = ''; // 二维码 208 img = that.my_qrcode._oDrawing._elCanvas.toDataURL(); 209 ctx.drawImage(img, that.canvasW - 100, 500); // 二维码图载入画板 后面是定位参数 210 // 10.5 绘制简述 211 ctx.setFontSize(10); 212 ctx.setFillStyle("#333"); 213 ctx.fillText('扫码了解详情', that.canvasW - 100, 580); 214 ctx.draw(true, (ret) => { 215 console.log(ret); 216 }); 217 uni.showToast({ 218 icon: "success", 219 mask: true, 220 title: "绘制完成", 221 }); 222 setTimeout(function() { 223 that.saveImg() 224 }, 1000) 225 }, 1500); 226 } else { 227 console.log("err"); 228 } 229 }) 230 }, 231 onHide() { 232 let that = this; 233 window.removeEventListener("popstate", that.goIndex); //false阻止默认事件 234 }, 235 methods: { 236 lookimg() { 237 alert("点击了") 238 uni.showLoading({ 239 title: "图片处理中..." 240 }) 241 base64ToPath(this.imgPath[0].icon) 242 .then(path => { 243 console.log(path, "9999") 244 uni.hideLoading(); 245 let imgsArray = []; 246 imgsArray[0] = path; 247 uni.previewImage({ 248 urls: imgsArray, 249 longPressActions: { 250 itemList: ["发送给朋友", "保存图片", "收藏"], 251 success: function(data) { 252 console.log(data, "5555") 253 }, 254 fail: function(err) { 255 console.log(err.errMsg); 256 }, 257 }, 258 }) 259 }) 260 .catch(error => { 261 console.error(error) 262 }) 263 }, 264 saveImg() { 265 let that = this; 266 uni.canvasToTempFilePath({ 267 canvasId: 'myCanvas', 268 fileType: 'png', 269 x: 0, 270 y: 0, 271 width: that.SystemInfo.windowWidth, 272 height: that.SystemInfo.windowHeight, 273 destWidth: that.SystemInfo.windowWidth * that.pixelRatio, 274 desthHeight: that.SystemInfo.windowHeight * that.pixelRatio, 275 quality: 1, 276 success: function(res) { 277 alert("到这了哦1111") 278 console.log(res.tempFilePath, '123') 279 that.$set(that.imgPath, 0, { 280 icon: res.tempFilePath 281 }) 282 that.isclass = "display:none"; 283 alert("到这了") 284 // this.imgPath = res.tempFilePath 285 console.log(that.imgPath, '2324') 286 // 在这里保存图片 287 }, 288 fail: function(error) { 289 alert(JSON.stringify(error)) 290 console.log(error) 291 }, 292 }) 293 }, 294 //请求详情数据 295 getHouseById(e) { 296 let that = this; 297 that.request.getHouseById(e).then((res) => { 298 that.houseInfoMap = res.result; 299 console.log(res) 300 }) 301 }, 302 fillRoundRect(cxt, x, y, width, height, radius, /*optional*/ fillColor) { 303 //圆的直径必然要小于矩形的宽高 304 if (2 * radius > width || 2 * radius > height) { 305 return false; 306 } 307 308 cxt.save(); 309 cxt.translate(x, y); 310 //绘制圆角矩形的各个边 311 this.drawRoundRectPath(cxt, width, height, radius); 312 cxt.fillStyle = fillColor || "#000"; //若是给定了值就用给定的值否则给予默认值 313 cxt.fill(); 314 cxt.restore(); 315 }, 316 drawRoundRectPath(cxt, width, height, radius) { 317 cxt.beginPath(0); 318 //从右下角顺时针绘制,弧度从0到1/2PI 319 cxt.arc(width - radius, height - radius, radius, 0, Math.PI / 2); 320 321 //矩形下边线 322 cxt.lineTo(radius, height); 323 324 //左下角圆弧,弧度从1/2PI到PI 325 cxt.arc(radius, height - radius, radius, Math.PI / 2, Math.PI); 326 327 //矩形左边线 328 cxt.lineTo(0, radius); 329 330 //左上角圆弧,弧度从PI到3/2PI 331 cxt.arc(radius, radius, radius, Math.PI, (Math.PI * 3) / 2); 332 333 //上边线 334 cxt.lineTo(width - radius, 0); 335 336 //右上角圆弧 337 cxt.arc(width - radius, radius, radius, (Math.PI * 3) / 2, Math.PI * 2); 338 339 //右边线 340 cxt.lineTo(width, height - radius); 341 cxt.closePath(); 342 }, 343 //绘制圆形矩形 344 circleImg(ctx, img, x, y, w, h, r) { 345 ctx.save(); 346 if (w < 2 * r) r = w / 2; 347 if (h < 2 * r) r = h / 2; 348 ctx.beginPath(); 349 ctx.moveTo(x + r, y); 350 ctx.arcTo(x + w, y, x + w, y + h, r); 351 ctx.arcTo(x + w, y + h, x, y + h, r); 352 ctx.arcTo(x, y + h, x, y, r); 353 ctx.arcTo(x, y, x + w, y, r); 354 ctx.closePath(); 355 ctx.strokeStyle = '#FFFFFF'; // 设置绘制圆形边框的颜色 356 ctx.stroke(); 357 ctx.clip(); 358 ctx.drawImage(img, x, y, w, h); 359 ctx.restore(); 360 }, 361 // 获取图片信息 362 getImageInfo(image) { 363 return new Promise((req, rej) => { 364 uni.getImageInfo({ 365 src: image, 366 success: function(res) { 367 req(res); 368 }, 369 }); 370 }); 371 }, 372 }, 373 }; 374 </script> 375 376 <style> 377 </style>
备注:基本思路:利用canvas绘制页面内所需产品的详细信息,再利用uniapp框架uni.canvasToTempFilePath截取成图片(在这一步中我个人遇到的问题,后台返回的图片链接在这是跨域的话一定要喊后端配置跨域,不然前端设置是无效的,无论是代理还是创建图片对象添加到canvas设置 image.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous',在这里我都试过;在途中我遇到截取图片丢失问题就是跨域导致的),截取后就拿到base64,uniapp保存图片 uni.saveImageToPhotosAlbum(OBJECT)这玩意就是不支持H5,考虑另一种方法,生成图片后通过v-if控制显示canvas的绘制和生成后base64的显示,中间加个生成海报的过渡动画就ok,然后利用uni.previewImage(OBJECT)预览图片这个API,然后利用手机自带的长按保存来实现功能。缺陷:1.生成海报后用户还要点一次到达预览图片,用户体验不是很好;2.这样的生成的二维码和海报有点模糊;3.uni.canvasToTempFilePath这个api在版本Alpha3.14才真正修复截取canvas的宽高问题,其他版本都试过,截取海报的高度和宽度无论怎么设置都未成功;4.这样方式在移动端兼容问题上有很大缺陷,每个机型显示的都不如意;5.暂未想到其他缺陷,有问题,待补充
准备插件:html2canvas.min.js vue-qr
1 <template> 2 <view> 3 <div id="html2canvas" ref="html2canvas" style="background-color:#000CFF;height:100vh;" v-if="isImg == ''" v-cloak> 4 <view style="display: flex;flex-direction: column;align-items: center;padding-top: 20rpx;"> 5 <image :src="titleImg" mode="" style="width: 128rpx;height: 64rpx;"></image> 6 <view style="font-size: 20rpx;color: #fff;margin-top: 20rpx;"> 7 房产合伙人创业服务平台 8 </view> 9 </view> 10 <view style="width: 86%;height: 964rpx;background: #fff;margin:20rpx auto;border-radius: 10rpx;padding: 30rpx;position: relative;"> 11 <view class="" style="display: flex;justify-content: space-between;align-items: center;"> 12 <view style="font-size: 46rpx;font-weight: bold;"> 13 {{houseInfoMap.houseName}} 14 </view> 15 <view style="display: flex;"> 16 <image :src="assetsImg" mode="" style="width: 24rpx;height: 24rpx;"></image> 17 <view style="font-size: 20rpx;margin-left: 10rpx;"> 18 {{houseInfor.belongArea}} 19 </view> 20 </view> 21 </view> 22 <view style="margin-top: 20rpx;"> 23 <view style="display: flex;align-items: center;"> 24 <view style="display: flex;align-items: center; margin-right: 20rpx;" v-for="(item,index) in houseLabelArry" :key="index"> 25 <image :src="gouImg" mode="" style="width: 24rpx;height: 24rpx;"></image> 26 <view style="font-size: 24rpx;"> 27 {{item}} 28 </view> 29 </view> 30 </view> 31 <image :src="cover" mode="" style="width: 644rpx;height: 446rpx;margin: 20rpx auto;border-radius: 10rpx;" 32 crossOrigin="anonymous"></image> 33 <view style="display: flex;"> 34 <view style="display: flex;flex-direction: column;margin-right: 104rpx;"> 35 <view style="font-size: 24rpx;"> 36 销售均价 37 </view> 38 <view style="font-size: 24rpx;margin-top: 10rpx;"> 39 {{houseInfor.salePrice}}元 40 </view> 41 </view> 42 <view style="display: flex;flex-direction: column;margin-right: 104rpx;"> 43 <view style="font-size: 24rpx;"> 44 建筑面积 45 </view> 46 <view style="font-size: 24rpx; margin-top: 10rpx;"> 47 {{houseInfor.typeArea}}㎡ 48 </view> 49 </view> 50 <view style="display: flex;flex-direction: column;margin-right: 104rpx;"> 51 <view style="font-size: 24rpx;"> 52 户型 53 </view> 54 <view style="font-size: 24rpx;margin-top: 10rpx;"> 55 {{houseInfor.typeName}} 56 </view> 57 </view> 58 </view> 59 <view style="width: 100%;background-color: #E7E7E7;height: 236rpx;position: absolute;display: flex;justify-content: space-between;bottom: 0;left: 0;border-radius: 10rpx;"> 60 <view style="display: flex;flex-direction: column;margin-left: 40rpx;"> 61 <view style="font-size: 24rpx;margin-top: 40rpx;"> 62 项目优势 63 </view> 64 <view style="font-size: 20rpx;margin-top: 20rpx;height: 100rpx;width: 90%;"> 65 ①品质好,品牌开发商开发,居住舒适度高;②绿化高,临近主要干道,生活配套完善;③户型多,选择性高,适合多类人群。 66 </view> 67 </view> 68 <view style=""> 69 <view style="display: flex;flex-direction: column;align-items: center;margin-top: 20rpx;margin-right: 40rpx;width:180rpx;height: 180rpx;"> 70 <vue-qr :logoSrc="icon_my" :text="my_qrcodeText" :size="220"></vue-qr> 71 <!-- <image :src="qrcode" mode="" style="width: 180rpx;height: 180rpx;"></image> 72 --> 73 <view style="font-size: 20rpx;margin-top: 4rpx;"> 74 扫码查看详情 75 </view> 76 </view> 77 </view> 78 </view> 79 </view> 80 <div class="qrcode" ref="qrCodeUrl" style="display: none;"></div> 81 </div> 82 <image :src="isImg" v-else mode="" style="height: 100vh;" crossOrigin="anonymous"></image> 83 </view> 84 </template> 85 <script> 86 import titleImg from "../../static/images/icon.ok.jpg" 87 import assetsImg from "../../static/images/icon-assets.png" 88 import gouImg from "../../static/images/icon-gou.png" 89 import html2canvas from "../../static/js/html2canvas.min.js" 90 import vueQr from "vue-qr"; 91 // import QRCode from 'qrcodejs2' 92 export default { 93 components: { 94 vueQr 95 }, 96 data() { 97 return { 98 titleImg: titleImg, 99 assetsImg: assetsImg, 100 gouImg: gouImg, 101 houseInfoMap: {}, 102 isImg: '', 103 qrcode: '', 104 houseInfor: { 105 salePrice: '', 106 typeArea: '', 107 typeName: '', 108 belongArea: '' 109 }, 110 houseLabelArry: [], 111 cover: '', 112 id: '', 113 my_qrcodeText: '', 114 icon_my: '' 115 } 116 }, 117 onLoad(e) { 118 if (this.isIOS()) { 119 if (window.history && window.history.pushState) { 120 history.pushState(null, null, document.URL); 121 window.addEventListener("popstate", this.goIndex, false); //false阻止默认事件 122 } 123 } 124 this.getHouseById(e.id); 125 this.id = e.id 126 }, 127 onHide() { 128 let that = this; 129 window.removeEventListener("popstate", that.goIndex); //false阻止默认事件 130 }, 131 methods: { 132 isIOS() { 133 let isIphone = navigator.userAgent.includes('iPhone') 134 let isIpad = navigator.userAgent.includes('iPad') 135 return isIphone || isIpad 136 }, 137 goIndex() { 138 let that = this; 139 if (this.isIOS()) { 140 // console.log(window.location.origin) 141 window.location.href = window.location.origin + `/pages/index/ok-room-info?id=${that.id}`; 142 } else { 143 uni.redirectTo({ 144 url: `/pages/index/ok-room-info?id=${thatid}` 145 }); 146 } 147 }, 148 //绘制二维码 149 drawCode() { 150 let that = this; 151 that.my_qrcodeText = that.shareURL + "/pages/index/ok-room-info?id=" + that.houseInfoMap.id + "&pId=" + JSON.parse( 152 localStorage.getItem("userInfo")).id, // 需要转换为二维码的内容 153 that.icon_my = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("userInfo")).headImg; 154 // that.my_qrcode = new QRCode(that.$refs.qrCodeUrl, { 155 // text: that.shareURL + "/pages/index/ok-room-info?id=" + that.houseInfoMap.id + "&pId=" + JSON.parse( 156 // localStorage 157 // .getItem("userInfo")).id, // 需要转换为二维码的内容 158 // width: 180, 159 // height: 180, 160 // colorDark: '#000000', 161 // colorLight: '#ffffff', 162 // correctLevel: QRCode.CorrectLevel.H 163 // }); 164 // console.log(that.my_qrcode, "1232") 165 // that.qrcode = that.my_qrcode._oDrawing._elCanvas.toDataURL(); 166 // console.log(that.qrcode, '3434') 167 // uni.hideLoading(); 168 setTimeout(function() { 169 that.saveImage(); 170 }, 800) 171 }, 172 //请求详情数据 173 getHouseById(e) { 174 let that = this; 175 uni.showLoading({ 176 title: '海报生成中', 177 mask: true 178 }); 179 that.request.getHouseById(e).then((res) => { 180 that.houseInfoMap = res.result.houseInfoMap; 181 that.cover = res.result.houseInfoMap.cover; 182 that.houseLabelArry = JSON.parse(res.result.houseInfoMap.houseLabel); 183 that.houseInfor.belongArea = res.result.houseInfoMap.getSaleInfo.belongArea; 184 that.houseInfor.salePrice = res.result.houseInfoMap.getSaleInfo.salePrice; 185 that.houseInfor.typeArea = res.result.houseInfoMap.getHouseTypeInfo[0].typeArea; 186 that.houseInfor.typeName = res.result.houseInfoMap.getHouseTypeInfo[0].typeName; 187 console.log(res) 188 setTimeout(function() { 189 that.drawCode(); 190 }, 500) 191 }) 192 }, 193 //点击方法 194 saveImage() { 195 let that = this; 196 html2canvas(that.$refs.html2canvas, { 197 allowTaint: true, //允许跨域图片 198 useCORS: true, //是否尝试使用CORS从服务器加载图像 199 dpi: 300, // 处理模糊问题 200 }).then((canvas) => { 201 let base64ImgSrc = canvas.toDataURL("image/png") 202 /* 如果只是显示,可用以下代码 */ 203 that.isImg = base64ImgSrc; 204 uni.hideLoading(); 205 }) 206 }, 207 // 获取设备信息 208 getSystemInfo() { 209 return new Promise((req, rej) => { 210 uni.getSystemInfo({ 211 success: function(res) { 212 console.log(res) 213 req(res); 214 }, 215 }); 216 }); 217 }, 218 }, 219 } 220 </script> 221 <style> 222 [v-cloak] { 223 display: none; 224 } 225 </style>