Frequency-tuned Salient Region Detection MATLAB代码出错修改方法

论文:Frequency-tuned Salient Region Detection.CVPR.2009 


Error using makecform>parseWPInput (line 389)
Expected input number 2, PROPERTYNAME, to match one of these strings:


The input, ''whitepoint'', did not match any of the valid strings.

Error in makecform>parseWPInputs (line 378)
wp = parseWPInput(varargin{2}, varargin{3}, valid_strings, 'WP', 2);

Error in makecform>make_srgb2lab_cform (line 349)
wp = parseWPInputs('AdaptedWhitePoint', varargin{:});

Error in makecform (line 213)
c = make_srgb2lab_cform(varargin{:});

Error in FT_Saliency_CVPR2009 (line 36)
cform = makecform('srgb2lab', 'whitepoint', whitepoint('d65'));


cform = makecform('srgb2lab', 'AdaptedWhitePoint', whitepoint('d65'));

% Copyright (c) 2009 Radhakrishna Achanta [EPFL]
% Contact:
% Citation:
% @InProceedings{LCAV-CONF-2009-012,
%    author      = {Achanta, Radhakrishna and Hemami, Sheila and Estrada,
%                  Francisco and S黶strunk, Sabine},
%    booktitle   = {{IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {C}omputer
%                  {V}ision and {P}attern {R}ecognition},
%    year        = 2009
% }
% Please note that the saliency maps generated using this
% code may be slightly different from those of the paper.
% This seems to be because the RGB to Lab conversion is
% different from the one used for the results in the C++ code.
% The C++ code is available on the same page as this matlab
% code (
% One should preferably use the C++ as reference and use
% this matlab implementation mostly as proof of concept
% demo code.
% Read image and blur it with a 3x3 or 5x5 Gaussian filter
img = imread('100\images\8.jpg');%Provide input image path
gfrgb = imfilter(img, fspecial('gaussian', 3, 3), 'symmetric', 'conv');
%symmetric图像大小通过镜像反射其边界来扩展 conv通过使用卷积来完成
%fspecial('gaussian', 3, 3)产生3*3高斯低通滤波器模板
% Perform sRGB to CIE Lab color space conversion (using D65)
%cform = makecform('srgb2lab', 'whitepoint', whitepoint('d65'));
cform = makecform('srgb2lab', 'AdaptedWhitePoint', whitepoint('d65'));
lab = applycform(gfrgb,cform);
% Compute Lab average values (note that in the paper this
% average is found from the unblurred original image, but
% the results are quite similar)
l = double(lab(:,:,1)); lm = mean(mean(l));
a = double(lab(:,:,2)); am = mean(mean(a));
b = double(lab(:,:,3)); bm = mean(mean(b));
% Finally compute the saliency map and display it.
sm = (l-lm).^2 + (a-am).^2 + (b-bm).^2;


posted @ 2014-12-18 10:35  HongyunL  阅读(2242)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报